Chapter 3

Lotus Flower


“I will show you once and only once, so watch carefully,” the gofer said. He demonstrated how to pour a cup of tea respectfully but gracefully as well. He gently set the teapot down onto the table and said, “Let’s begin, shall we?”

Many of the girls looked at one another and gulped.

“How are we going to be able to do this? We never learned this before,” one whispered. “It’s impossible to make it in.”

“We’ll just have to try our best,” another whispered back.

You stood by the back and smiled, this was going to be simple. You have observed the palace's servants for years and pouring tea into a cup was included.

We all lined up behind the small table and waited for our turn. You stood second to last on the line. One didn’t hold the teapot well and ended up spilling most of the tea from the top instead of the spout. She bowed and scurried away in tears as the assistant scowled. The next girl burned her fingers and was ushered away.

You looked up from the corner of your eyes and not to your surprise; the group of boys were still there. You watched as they laughed when another girl failed. One pouted and whined to another.

You were nudged on the back and you realized it was your turn. You smiled and took the teapot. You held one hand on the lid and poured the tea into the cup. You poured until the tea was one centimeter from reaching the rim of the cup. You set the teapot down and bowed.


“You may pass,” he said as you secretly smiled. You headed towards the right where the other 5 girls have passed as well.

You heard several groan of complaints as you smirked. **I guess I’m doing well**


“The next test is balance,” the gofer said. He stepped onto the railing and spun around. The girls gasped in awe as they watched.

“All you have to do is carry this tray of cookies on your hands and walk across the railing. When you reach the end, you must walk back with the tray of cookies on your head.”

“What? Is that even possible?” one whispered.

“Of course it is,” he said. “Why would we ask you to do the impossible?”

You snorted **As if** you thought.

“Is something funny to you?” You looked up and shook your head. “Hmph. Then let’s begin.”

The first girl managed to get onto the railing and walk halfway before looking down and tripping. She landed on the floor with the cookies around her. The gofer shook his head. “Next.”

The next girl managed to get pass the first walk of the railing. She put the tray on her head and was half way through when she sneezed. The tray dropped onto the ground with a clang. She got off the railing and sighed. “Next.”

The next girl took the tray and stepped onto the railing. She walked ahead and didn’t look down. She stepped back onto the ground when she finished. “You may pass. Next.”

You winced as the girl ahead of you slipped and fell on the her bum. The other had barely stepped onto the railing before dropping the tray. You shook your head.


The girl limped her way towards you and handed you the tray. “Good luck.”

You took the tray and glanced up. You stepped onto the railing and walked ahead as if you were walking on solid ground. You reached the other side quickly and you placed the tray on top of your head. You walked back and stepped down onto the ground. You handed the tray back to the gofer as he stared at you with utter shock. He composed himself and cleared his throat.

“Congratulations, the both of you have passed the test,” he said. “We will start the next one tomorrow morning before breakfast.” We both bowed as he nodded and walked away.


You yawned as you stepped into the garden and sat down onto the bench. You laid down and closed your eyes.


You opened one eye and saw a beautiful, well made cloth in front of you. Your eyes widened and you sat straight up. You looked up and gasped.

“I-It’s you,” you said.

“Yeah,” he said. “Congratulations.”

“T-Thank you,” you said. “Um, I-”


“Oh,” you both said at once.

“Um, you can go first,” you said.

“No, you can go first,” he said.

“…I-I have to go back,” you said quickly.

“Oh,” he said as his face fell.

“S-Sorry,” you said as you looked back down to your feet.

“It’s fine, you should go back. It’s getting late anyway,” he said. You nodded and began to walk towards your the room.

“Wait,” he said. You turned around, “What’s your name?” he asked.

“…E-Eun Mi,” you said. He smiled and nodded, “It’s nice to meet you Eun Mi.”

You gave a weak smile and stood there for 2 seconds before bowing and quickly scurrying away. He chuckled as he watched you. **Eun Mi…reminds me of her…** he thought as he looked down at the scar he had. **Nah, it can’t be…**

You stopped running when you got back to the front yard. You took several deep breaths as your heart pounded. **What was that feeling? How did he know...?** you thought.


You woke up early the next morning to stretch.


“Sorry,” you whispered as you stepped over one of the girl's hair.


“Sorry,” you whispered again as you tried to step over the pile of girls sleeping on the floor. You managed to get to the door and you opened it. You stretched and patted your empty stomach.

“Hmm?” you murmured as you knelt down. Your fingers trembled as they touched the basket. You opened it and gasped as your nostrils filled the delicious smell of food. You gulped and looked around. No one was here as you looked back down towards the food. **Should I…? But what if it’s someone else’s?** you thought. **Who else would it be for?** your other side thought. You quickly closed the lid and looked away. Your eyes glanced back down as you shut them. **I shouldn’t eat this, who knows who it is for** you thought.

“Eun Mi,” said a voice.

“Gah!” you shouted as you covered your mouth.

“O-oh sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” said the girl. You recognized her since you worked along side with her when you cleaned the kitchen.

“Did you eat it yet?” she asked. “I was told to send it to you.”

“By who?” you asked.

“I’m not sure, a servant asked me to give it to you. He wouldn’t tell me who sent it though,” she mumbled the last part.

“Oh, why thank you,” you said as you took the basket.

“No problem,” she said as she yawned. “I’m going to sleep now,” she said as she opened the door and stepped inside.

“Sleep well and thank you,” you said as you opened the basket once more. You smiled as the smell wafted back into your nose.

“Thank you…whoever you are,” you said.

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nice story ^^
Chapter 24: Author-nimmm, it's been month since you last updated! Update soon pleasee?
o3n2e9w #3
KrisAce #4
Chapter 24: like her better with Ilhoon.. huhu, I miss him..
Chapter 24: .....................Minhyuk............If you pull anything................I WILL SO FREAKING DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sigh. Why does my biases have to go for one girl. ILHOON COME TO ME BB ;n; <3
KrisAce #9
Chapter 23: Update soon!!!! Best Story In The Universe! I love Ilhoon here but Minhyuk is also awesome!!!!
Chapter 23: huhu T.T I suddenly misses Ilhoon's presences..