Chapter 19

Lotus Flower

"Stop the carriage! I have to get out!" you shouted as the carriage rocked and forth. You had never left the Palace before. You did not know of the dangers that lurked out there. You remembered that you had once wanted to escape the Palace, but you never thought it would turn out to be like this. 

"Sorry, but the horse won't slow down," Ilhoon shouted. You frowned, you knew he was lying-but why would he? You watched as the scenery changed from the tall palace wall's to tree's and grasses.

"Could you at least tell me where we are going?" you shouted.

"You'll see when we get there," he replied. "Hah!" he shouted and the horse sped faster. 

You sighed and closed the flap of the carriage. You knew you could not head back to the Palace now, it was too far and you had no idea how to go back. You leaned on your back and closed your eyes, I guess I'll just have to wait and see where I am when I wake up.


Your eyes fluttered open and you slowly got up; yawning. When your vision cleared up, you looked around. Suddenly, you remembered that you were no longer in the Palace. You slowly opened the flap of the carriage and peeked outside.

The scenery was beautiful. There were flowers that grew; all different types and colors. You knelt beside them and took in the scent, it smelled wonderful! Suddenly, you realized that you were alone. You got up and you started to panic. He didn't leave me here all alone, did he?  

"Finally, you woke up." You turned around at the familiar voice and sighed in relief. Ilhoon was sitting by a tall oak tree that gave a shade under the hot sun. "I was getting hungry," he said. You relief soon turned into a frown, "You could have eaten first then."

"But I didn't know how to set everything up," he shrugged. You raised your eyebrow in suspicion. "Setting it up has to be the easiest thing ever," you muttered. "Heard that," he said. "Now hurry up, my stomachs been growling for ages."

You rolled your eyes as you headed towards the great oak tree. You sat down beside the basket and opened it. A strong whiff of kimchi, roasted meat, and chicken soup rose into the air. Ilhoon couldn't help but drool from the aroma. Although he had just eaten recently, he was hungry all over again.

You placed each plate onto the blanket as you handed him his utensils. "Eat."

He didn't have to be told twice as he began to shove all the food into his mouth. "I'm guessing it is delicious?" you asked as you watched him engulf all the food. "Please, it's decent but I am starving."

"But you just ate before," you frowned.

"You don't listen do you? I eat a lot," he said with his cheeks stuffed with food. You couldn't help but smile, at least he's still eating it.

"Stop staring at me, I know I am handsome," he said as he took another piece of roasted meet. You rolled your eyes, "You sure are handsome."

"Thanks," he said. When he had finally finished eating all the food, he sighed in content and leaned against the great oak tree. Silence filled the field as the both of you kept quiet. 

"I used to come here a lot when I was a kid, I found it by accident when I went out to a picnic with my mother and father," he said. You looked at him and listened as he continued. 

"I came here every time I felt distressed and just wanted to...get out of there," he said. You tilted your head in confusion, Is he talking about the Palace?

"I know, you must think I am crazy for thinking such a thing. But, I never felt at...home. I was pressured into being the best future Emperor and to take care of my people. As the years passed, the pressure from others got increased. Everyday I was expected to be perfect but it's not possible to be perfect. No can be perfect!" he sighed.

You shook your head, "I understand. It's how I felt when I washed my first dishes and laundry. I remember being scolded every time because I would break something in the process." You looked at him directly in the eye, "You're right, no one can be perfect. But you must remember that there are others who are suffering as well; some worse than others. You can never be in a bad situation because there will always be someone else that is in a worse condition than you are." You took a deep breath, "Besides, you have a family that I am sure cares about you."

Ilhoon snorted, "All they seem to care about is ordering me around to study and work on everything."

You shook your head, "But you still have others that care, like Minhyuk, Peniel, Seongjae, Eunkwang, Changsub, Hyunsik. They are all brothers to you, no?" Ilhoon took your words to consideration. "I guess so..."

You smiled, "See, you just don't realize how fortunate you are."

Ilhoon looked at you and then looked at the large field that spread as far as the eye could see. "Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"If I can answer it, then sure," you said.  

"Say...if I left one day, what would you do?" he asked. You thought about it, "Hmm, I would probably spend the whole day sleeping."

Ilhoon frowned, "Never mind, I'll pretend I didn't hear that." 

You looked at his face and held in your smile, I never knew how fun it was to . He got up, "I'm leaving," and he headed towards the carriage.

"Wait!" you quickly began to shove all the dishes and utensils into the basket. You quickly grabbed the blanket and ran towards the carriage before he could ride off without you.

By the time you and Ilhoon had arrived to the Palace, the sun had already set. The large doors opened and Ilhoon led the horse back to the stable. "We're here," he said and you peeked your head out of the carriage. You sighed in relief, you couldn't believe how much you actually missed the Palace.

"Your Majesty!" someone shouted.

"Hide," he said as he shoved your head back inside the carriage. You fell backwards and rubbed your head, but made no sound as the footsteps got closer. "You're Majesty, where were you? We were looking all over for you. The Emperor and Empress are not pleased."

"Are they ever pleased?" he grumbled. "I'll see them later, I need to bring the horse back into the stable."

"Your Majesty, the Emperor requests to see you now," the servant said. "I will help you return the horse back to its stable." Ilhoon eyed the carriage, he sighed. He knew he had no choice, "Alright, but be careful; this carriage was made by Governor Kim, I wouldn't want him to know that you wrecked his carriage."

The servant bowed, "Understood." Ilhoon eyed the carriage once more before heading towards the Emperor's office. The servant quickly held onto the reins of the horse, "Come on now, let's get you back into the stable." You peeked an eye from the flap and quickly retreated to the back of the carriage. Where did Ilhoon go? Where is he taking me? All kinds of thoughts went through your mind as the horse was led back into the stable.

The servant led the horse towards a large shed. Inside were a great number of other carriages. He released the hooks from the horse and led the horse out of the shed. You suddenly felt the carriage stop moving. Is he gone? Can I come out now?

Suddenly, there was a loud creak before the door slammed close. The entire carriage was dark as your heart beat sped up. What was that? Please tell me that was not the door...The carriage was completely dark as you hugged yourself. You couldn't see anything so it was useless of trying to find a way out. You leaned on your side but couldn't sleep. You were scared. A tear escaped your eyes, Ilhoon, where are you? I'm scared

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nice story ^^
Chapter 24: Author-nimmm, it's been month since you last updated! Update soon pleasee?
o3n2e9w #3
KrisAce #4
Chapter 24: like her better with Ilhoon.. huhu, I miss him..
Chapter 24: .....................Minhyuk............If you pull anything................I WILL SO FREAKING DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sigh. Why does my biases have to go for one girl. ILHOON COME TO ME BB ;n; <3
KrisAce #9
Chapter 23: Update soon!!!! Best Story In The Universe! I love Ilhoon here but Minhyuk is also awesome!!!!
Chapter 23: huhu T.T I suddenly misses Ilhoon's presences..