Chapter 14

Lotus Flower

Ilhoon sighed and glanced up from his work **Guess I'm not the only one making no progress** He watched as you continuously wiped the same spot on the table for the past 5 minutes. He watched your face, his eyes trailing down towards your eyebrows, eyes, nose, and finally those kissable lips. Wait...what? Ilhoon snapped out of it and shook his head, **Okay, that did not come out right** He glanced up when you let out a sigh.

He looked down at his work, **This is going to take at least the whole day to finish** Another sigh escaped your lips. He looked up and watched as your eyes stared into nothing in particular. **The things I do...** He got up and headed towards your direction. You didn't even notice he had gotten up as you continued to wipe. He grabbed your wrist, causing you to drop the towel in the process.

"Hey, I didn't finish cleaning," you said.

"You've been wiping the same spot for the past 15 minutes already. I'm pretty sure it's spotless by now," Ilhoon said as he dragged you out of the room. Your cheeks turned rosy red, "Where are we going to then?"

"You'll see once we get there," he said. You eyes trailed down to his hands; they were gently wrapped around your wrist. For some reason, you didn't mind and you didn't want him to let go. He stopped in front of a large grassy land, flowers grew on the sides near the walls. Besides that, it was pretty empty and open. Before you could say anything, Ilhoon went to a nearby bush and took out a kite. Your eyes widened, you had always seen the rich residents play with the kites. You were lucky enough to stand 10 feet away from it once, but you never had the chance to actually try it out. Ilhoon couldn't hold back his grin when he saw your rounded eyes.

**She's amazed by some of the most simple things** he chuckled. "Here, try it."

You stared at the kite, afraid to touch it. **What if it breaks? It seems too delicate, if it snaps would I get into trouble? Must. Not. Touch!**

"Eun Mi," Ilhoon said, he waved his hands in front of your eyes. "Huh?" "I'll start off first then," he said, sensing your uneasiness. He held onto the kite and began to run around, making sure the kite was catching the wind. You gasped when the kite finally launched into the air. Ilhoon watched as your eyes dazzled with excitement and awe. **She has a cute smile**

"Eun Mi-ah," he said. "Yes?" you said. He opened his mouth and then closed it. "What is it?" you asked. "I-I'm, I just wanted to tell you that I-Here."

You looked at Ilhoon as he handed you the kite, giving you an encouraging smile. When you didn't take it, he rolled his eyes and placed your hands securely on the handle. Your heart thumped against your chest. **What am I feeling?** What ever it was, it felt...nice. It seemed familiar...yet different in its own special way. But of course, good things must always come to an end.

"Your majesty, the Emperor has requested of your assistance." Ilhoon's eyes darkened, turning dull. He sighed and nodded. That's when you realized how tired Ilhoon looked. He had dark bags under his eyes and his face seemed a bit drained. **And I've only been worrying about my own problems...**

"I'm coming," he said. "You may go."

The servant bowed, and quietly headed out the door. "Sorry," he said. "Duty calls."

"No, it's fine. Uh...thanks for today," you said sheepishly.

Ilhoon watched you and smiled, he nodded and headed out towards the door. You looked at the kite that had fallen onto the ground due to the lack of wind. You sighed **I'm just like this kite. I depend on others such as a kite depends on the wind in order to stay flying** You carefully wrapped up the strings and gently hid it back in the bush.


You headed towards the kitchen and grabbed several ingredients to make some home made soup. You hummed a song as you began to boil the soup in the large pot. **I hope this will him feel better** a smile played on your lips as you mixed the soup. You dipped the spoon in the pot and blew it, taking a small sip. "Perfect." You mixed the porridge from another pot and waved away the smoke. You poured the porridge into another smaller container and put it aside. You cooked some side dishes to compliment the porridge and soup. You also put them into another smaller container. You grabbed several towels and gently poured the porridge into a medium container. You piled them neatly into a basket and you quickly put a lid on top. The aroma was making you hungry but you ignored it. "Done, now it's time to serve."

As you headed towards Ilhoon's dorm, you grabbed an apple and wiped it against your hanbok. **An apple a day is good for the health** You put several apples inside the basket and began heading towards Ilhoon's dorm. You opened the doors, no one was inside yet. You closed the door and opened the lid, carefully setting up all the food on the table. You cut the apple into slices and put them on a plate. You put the basket under the table and sat on the chair, waiting.

Seconds past, and those seconds turned to minutes. Guess what? Yupp, those minutes turned into hours. You looked out the window, the sun has completely set and now the sky was dark.

**It's getting late now** you thought with a yawn. **I'll just take a small nap. I'll wake up before Ilhoon enters the dorm** you thought as you rested your head on the table. Your eyes drooped and finally closed, your breathing turned steady.


"Your highness, it is highly recommended that we finish these discussions tonight," a governor said.

Ilhoon sighed as he rubbed the sides of his temples. This was killing him little by little but he kept his posture. "Alright, continue then."

The meeting continued for another 3 more hours before it finally ended. Ilhoon sighed in relief **I can finally get some sleep now** he thought as he stretched his aching body.

"Ilhoon," said a calm, but strong, steady voice. Ilhoon looked up and quickly bowed to the Emperor. "Father."

"I am very grateful that you are here by my side to assist," he said. Ilhoon bowed, "I am only doing what is expected of me."

The Emperor bit the corner of his mouth, "Of course, please, go and take plenty of rest." Ilhoon bowed and headed out of the meeting room. The Emperor sighed, he hadn't been on the best terms with Ilhoon ever since he was assigned to attend every meeting and participate. **My poor boy, I'm sorry...**

Ilhoon sighed in relief as he opened the door. He loosened his hanbok and closed the door. He turned around and was shocked to see the food neatly displayed on the table. But what shocked him more was the fact that you were still in his room; sleeping of course, but you were still there. He tiptoed towards you and sat down on the chair. He looked at the all the food, they had gotten cold but they still looked delicious. He took the spoon and sipped the porridge, a smile spread on his lips.  He began to eat everything that you had cooked for him. When his stomach was bloated and could hold no more, he headed towards his bead. He grabbed his blanket and draped it around your shoulders. You shifted to a more comfortable position, but stayed asleep. He sighed in relief and sat back down on the chair. He rested his head on the table, his eyes outlining your facial features. Once again, his eyes landed on your lips. He didn't know why, but lately, he had the urge to just...kiss you. **What is going on with me? What am I feeling?** His heart pounded as he watched you unconsciously your lips; moistening them. Ilhoon's cheek reddened and he closed his eyes, **I really need to go see the doctors, there's something wrong with me** He looked back at your peaceful face. His eyelids began to droop, but he stopped them from closing for a couple of seconds to watch you before he fell into a deep slumber.


I am so sorry for not updating Lotus Flower for like...a month >< After my exams I kind of just slacked off LOL sorry... ):

After that I began to have writers block /: I didn't know what  to write and so today I told myself, I HAD to update. Although it's short, I hope it will make it up...somehow x.x I'll try to update more often if I find wifi in my grandma's house >< hehe China xD

Anyways...sorry again q-q

Have a nice day~

-iHartCupcakes (:

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nice story ^^
Chapter 24: Author-nimmm, it's been month since you last updated! Update soon pleasee?
o3n2e9w #3
KrisAce #4
Chapter 24: like her better with Ilhoon.. huhu, I miss him..
Chapter 24: .....................Minhyuk............If you pull anything................I WILL SO FREAKING DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sigh. Why does my biases have to go for one girl. ILHOON COME TO ME BB ;n; <3
KrisAce #9
Chapter 23: Update soon!!!! Best Story In The Universe! I love Ilhoon here but Minhyuk is also awesome!!!!
Chapter 23: huhu T.T I suddenly misses Ilhoon's presences..