Chapter 4 : Picking up the pieces again?

Just Once

Kyaaa~~ so happy that you all appreciate the story.. ^.^

so here it is!!


Chapter 4:

Jiyong brings his family in a seafood restaurant located in a downtown area. When he stopped his black Jaguar and got down opening the door for Dara and Sandy, Sandy moved out from the car jumping in excitement while she descended hesitantly.

“Uh, Ji-ah, can we just eat somewhere else? I know another-“

“Why?” Jiyong asked, cutting her off, giving her a straight face.

“Uhm…I-I think there’s a lot of people eating here right now…and…ah…” she saw two press cars parked steps away from the restaurant door.

She hurriedly follows to walk with them. “But Ji I’m thinking about you and --- the people who might think that…”

Jiyong turns to her, showing a serious irritated face. “I don’t care about other people Mrs. Kwon.”

She looks down. “Okey I am just-“

“Quit it now, please” He told her sharply.

The three of them walk to enter the restaurant, when door opens, there! Press people who she really thought they would bump into the place run towards them and flash cameras as they seize them.

Numbers of microphone are raise on front of them.

Jiyong easily carried Sandy with him and securely put his arm around her.

“Ms.Dara Park, is this your way of revealing that you and Mr.Kwon are back in each other’s arm again after a long years of separation?” questioning as it starts.

“’s not what-“

“If it is, why is anything wrong with it?” Jiyong answered, grabbing the question from her.

“Jiyong?” she confusedly looked at him but Jiyong doesn’t meet her eyes.

“So Mr. Kwon, are you really saying now that you and Ms. Dara Park are couple again?”,“We both still have our rings on our fingers, what do you think of that?” Jiyong bluntly answered again, giving them smile.

She simply hit him and whispered, “Jiyong-ah please, don’t play with the press. We will be caught dead here tomorrow.”

Jiyong again ignores her, he even tighten his hold on her and make her stand closer to him.

“Ms. Dara Park you said during the presscon of your upcoming concert that Kim Jaejoong will be your special guest, now that Mr. Kwon is already here, could we still expect Jaejoong to be in your concert?”

“Ah”, she smiles at the people, "Jaejoong would definitely be in the concert. We’re already done with our rehearsals and I had promoted this saying that he will be with me so I think my fans would be disappointed if the concert happened with out him around. And disappointing my followers is the least thing that I have in my mind.”

“So is Jaejoong would still be your special guest or it would be now Mr. Kwon?”

“Ah Jiyong is very busy person, I don’t think his sched-“

“Don’t keep them in suspense honey, of course I’ll be there to support you.” Now Jiyong is really grinning.

“Ji-“ She looks back again to him but her word of protest was stopped when Jiyong claimed her lips and made a quick kiss on it.

“Well, that’s the best part of reconciliation, isn’t Mr. Kwon?” one from the crowds happily exclaimed as everyone cheers at them and claps their hands for what Jiyong did to her.

“Yes, indeed!”

“Jiyong!” She snapped, blushing profusely.

The crowd giggles.

More pictures of them are taken.

The whole place instantly becomes noisy and busy. All people around went hurdling at them.

She now feels the uneasiness of the situation.

If only she is not with Jiyong and Sandy, she could have blended well with the press people---one thing she had long learned about being an entertainer---but at this moment, she wishes they would really leave them.

“Well, I hope with these we have given you a lot.” Jiyong raised his voice a bit to make him heard after numbers of shots are again taken, “Again I guess it would not be much of me if I request now from you to leave us so we can have a private moment for our family dinner. Our daughter is quite annoyed already for the delay of it.”

Loud murmuring from the crowd is heard.

“Hey! Mr. Kwon, how about giving Ms. Dara Park another kiss to give us a finale shot of this reconciliation?”

“Oh, I’m afraid I cannot do that anymore.”

Her brows screwed up as she stares Jiyong. What is this man really up to, she asked her self.

“And why is that so Mr. Kwon?”

“Mrs. Kwon will now hate me. And if that happens, your news will no longer be about our reconciliation but on our separation again.” Jiyong chuckled.

The crowd laughs with him, shake and scratches their heads then one by one move away from them.

“Be sure to have this news on the front page tomorrow! I’ll appreciate it!” Jiyong yelled before the press totally left them.

With that, she hits him hardly and cries out irritatingly. “You’re such a teaser, Ji!”

She left them—father and daughter, and walks inside ahead of the two.



“Hey! Mr. Businessman, have you seen the headlines today?” Daesung grinning widely as he stepped inside Jiyong's office, followed by Youngbae and Seungri who are both also wearing their smiles.

Jiyong didn’t look up to see them. He continues on his signing. Anyway, he is really anticipating their coming.

“Kwon Jiyong and Dara Park; A reconciliation sealed with a kiss! Whoa! This is the best news I ever read from Inquirer Daily, man!” Daesung teasing him, placing the newspaper from his hand in front of Jiyong, on top of the papers he is signing, taking one of the sits at his table’s side. “Tell me, tell me, is this really for real Ji? Are you and Dara already backed with each other’s longing warm arms?”

“You’re saying so many things again Daesung. Why haven’t you outgrown that? Jiyong replied irritably pushing the newspaper away from his documents.

“Why isn’t true, Jiyong? Minzy is already screaming her heart out with happiness this morning when she read that news. You know that my wife is your both number one fan.” Daesung adds on as he sits on the couch together with Seungri.

“Don’t you all have work to do, it's still Friday today? Why are you pestering me here?” Jiyong said, not answering Daesung's  question, his attention still on what he is doing.

“How could you say that to your brothers, man? It’s been years since we last gathered here. You should be happy seeing us. We kinda miss doing this to you man!”

“So I should be thankful of this? Well thanks to all of you then. It’s been a pleasure being visited by the three most influential men in this country. “Jiyong sarcastically replied.

Daesung laughed to his heart content.

“Is it Daesung who needs to grow up or it is you Jiyong? Seungri asked in his most calm voice.

“What do really want from me?” he finally asked, now already playing the pen on his hand as he looks at the three men closest to him.

“A celebration of course.” Seungri stated grabbing the chance to answer from Daesung who had also opened his mouth and about to speak up.

“And I second the motion.” Youngbae said as a matter of fact.

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but I can’t see any reason why I would do it.”

“Why? Are you telling us that news is wrong? There’s no really reconciliation between you and Dara?” it’s Youngbae.

“You all know that the press people need to be exaggerated to keep up with their job, how could you really believe them at once?”

“Because your beaming face as you kissed Dara and your eyes looked at her are enough to convince us. The pictures clearly show that you are still madly in love with her and so as Dara to you. Look at them my friend!” Youngbae picks the newspaper and shows it on his face.

“I didn’t know that your are also good in analysis Youngbae. You learned well from Seungri.” Jiyong said mocking, ignoring the newspaper that Youngbae handed him.

“You can’t get away with us from this Jiyong if that’s what you’re thinking now. “Youngbae answered sarcastically too."

Jiyong shots him a sharp glare that Youngbae just laughed at.

‘You won’t let the press interfere with you and your family if don’t want them to do so. Don’t tell us that the situation left you unguarded, because we knew you, you have your own ways of avoiding them. You let them come near you because you have permitted them. You are up to something Jiyong, care to tell us?” Seungri asked in his familiar subtle way of pulling Jiyong's leg.

“So Seungri, is minding other’s business the best thing you’ve learned from Daesung. Daesung did a great act of teaching you, huh?” 

Youngbae throws him a look, “Hey Ji, why don’t you just answer us here straightly. You’re already consuming my patience! I don’t have enough if your continue doing that!”

Jiyong sarcastically laughs. “Why, if I continue pissing you, you’d punch me? Well, go ahead now, hit me Youngbae, it’s been awhile since you last do it to me!”

“What becomes of you Jiyong?” Daesung said shaking his head.

“It’s been years Jiyong; seven long years…don’t you think it’s about time to fix whatever you need to fix with Dara. Be with your family again Jiyong. We don’t think it would be an impossible thing to do if you just know how to compromise. We’re not getting any younger JIYONG, we should now be serious on keeping and taking caring of what matters most to us.”

“We are all different person that’s why we are names differently, Youngbae. Why don’t you just keep those wonderful lines for your self and just let me take care of MY OWN LIFE.”

With that Youngbae stands from his seat, as Seungri and Daesung carefully watch him, comes toward Jiyong leans on him obviously controlling his nerves and speaks out, “Now I know why Dara had let you go!”

“Why?” Jiyong gamely asked grinning.

“Because you’re such an idiot Jiyong!” Youngbae yelled out his ears.

“Oh, thanks I already knew that!” Jiyong replied back, as if Youngbae's words didn’t register on him.

“Jiyong will you please listen to us.” Daesung desperately uttered as he looks at Jiyong eyes. “We just want to help you and Dara-“

“I didn’t ask any help from you about these seven years so I don’t think I would need to ask it from you now.”

Jiyong turns to his documents again, ignoring the stares of his brothers.

Seungri also stood up, faced him, “I hope things will now fall into places Ji. I know convincing Dara about this reconciliation will not be your problem, it’s is reassuring your self that you wont walk out on her again is I know your problem---and been bothering you all these years that’s why you didn’t come back on your family…but just be man enough Jiyong for her and your daughter. I know it won’t be long now then you’ll be HOME again.” Seungri walk to the door. “Nice to see you back, Jiyong. Hope you’ll stay for Dara and Sandy.”

“Hey! Seungri, why are leaving?”

“Case close, Daesung. Let’s leave him so he’ll have his time to think of what we have said.”

Daesung turns to Youngbae.

Youngbae eyes left Jiyong then took his steps towards Seungri. “Come on! Let’s leave that idiot!”

Daesung rose to his feet, stared back at him, “We’ll leave you now, Ji. Be a man with sense, okey?”

“Don’t treat me like Youngbae, my brains is far better than his!” Jiyong nonchalantly answered.

It didn’t take seconds then Youngbae grabbed Jiyong and the two playfully hit each other.

Daesung looks at them in surprise while Seungri went on his step out of the room.





so now what's his really up to? O_o

confused ei?~~

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 24: Nive story.. Thanks authornim
prettyunnie #2
Chapter 5: Oooohhhh!!!! That was sooooo sweeeet ^^
misx06 #3
Chapter 24: read it again.. i really like this story.. thanks author-nim
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 24: Ohmygad!i really enjoyed dis thank u so much..bless u :-)
mrschoi09 #5
Chapter 15: Ririn couple son is cute haha!aigoo im imagining their kids n the future lol
mrschoi09 #6
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke!!
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke
yey i finished it already, but i kinda sad coz i'll miss this story :( but hey, i can read it again in future hahahaha silly me.

for u who read comments before read ff, i recommend this story to u. lil spoiler for u, this is happy ending story :)
DGlover #9
awwww.:"> that's so sweet. :""""""""""""""""""">
ItssCheska #10
Kyaaah! Great fic! ^^