Just Once

Chapter 3


Dara felt constant nudging on her shoulder.

“Mama”… and heard that small voice calling her name.

“Baby? You go to your Yaya first, I’m still sleepy honey, I’ll attend to you later, I promise.” She told Sandy without opening her eyes and brought the pillow from her side to cover her face.

“But Mama-“

“Please, please baby. Just give me an hour more then we’ll spend the whole day together, I really promise.” She says, answering under her pillow.

Sandy, if she would only see, dropped her shoulder and had a sad look on her face.

“Come on, young lady. We can have this first and let your Mama join us later.”


She knew she’s not dreaming!She heard that voice and could recognize it clearly. Jiyong!

She instantly puts away the pillow covering her face and quickly rises to sit from her slumber.

“Jiyong what are you doing here?” she asked after her eyes found him, standing on the feet of her bed.

“I cook something. Sandy wants us to have breakfast in your bed.” He casually answered then she saw his eyes wander on her.

That easily sends her signal to look at her self.

She thanked all the angels that the blanket has still carefully wrapped her body. What she only has is her underwear on.

“Mama,” Sandy whose eyes’ glows are back again, leans to kiss and hug her. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask for your permission but I really wanted Papa to have breakfast with us that’s why I called him earlier to come over and cook.”

She looked at her daughter then look up to see Jiyong.

Jiyong walks towards a small table at the far end of her room. He placed the tray he’s holding on it then turned to face them again.

“I haven’t done this for a long time so I agreed with our daughter idea.” His eyes move from her to their daughter. “Come on here, Sandy. Leave your Mama first.”

“But I want us three to eat breakfast together.” Sandy insisted, begging her with her look on her eyes.

She signed, “Okey,” embraced and kissed back the child, “You win again Little Princess.”

“Yeheeeeeeeey!” Sandy screamed then happily jumped out her bed and run to her father.

She brushes her hair with her hand and decides to move down to join the father and daughter. When she is about to take away the blanket on her body, that’s when she remember that she is almost under.

She looks for her robe and finds it hanging on a chair that is impossible for her to reach if she won’t get up from the bed and walk to get it.

She keeps still for a moment, thinking how she will manage the situation.

“Sandy!” she called out.

Sandy turns to her but Jiyong speaks to her to go to wash her hands before she starts eating.

Sandy runs to her bathroom.

Jiyong steps towards her robe on the chair, gets it and walks to her.

“You change quickly,” he told her handling her the robe.” I’ll forget something in the kitchen, I’ll be back.” He turns around but after taking two steps to move to her again, kiss her cheek, greets her with a smile on his face “Good Morning, Mrs. Kwon” and then walks out towards the door after.

He left her stunned.

“Mama, why are you still in bed? Do you really not want to have breakfast with us?” Sandy asks upon seeing her when she gets out from the bathroom.

“Of course not, baby,” she smilingly moves to put on her robe, “I’ll just wash my face first, honey then we’ll eat together.” Walks to her and kiss her again before she gets inside the bathroom.

“Where’s Papa?”

“Getting something in the kitchen,” she yelled, “you stay there, baby. He’ll be back.”

“Yes, Mama.”




“Wow! Blueberry cheesecake! I like this very much Mama!” Sandy delightfully exclaimed as she puts down the cake on the table in front her.

“It’s been a while since I baked again this stuff, baby. Hope it still tastes the same as you like it.” She told Sandy after giving her a small plate and a fork.

“As long as it was bake by you Mama, I’ll forever love it!” Sandy answered after putting a big slice of it on .

She kissed her giggling. “You really know now to sweet talk with your mother, honey. I wonder who taught you about it.”

Both pair of their eyes turned to the man who sitting comfortably on the other side of Sandy.

“Hey! I’m not doing anything, here. I’m just watching, stop looking at me like that you two!” Jiyong laughingly defenses then moves close to them to see the blueberry cheesecake Sandy is praising about.

“Have some Papa. This is the most delicious cake I ever tasted in the whole world.”

“Oh, really huh?” Jiyong said annoyingly then laughs out loud, “Well let me taste it to find out myself.” He looks at her, “can you also give me some, Mrs. Kwon?”

“Why don’t you serve yourself, Mr. Kwon?” she told him, screwing up her brow at him.

Jiyong even laughs to her heart content. “You know that I’m just kidding, Mrs. Kwon.” He gets himself his fork and put a bite of cake on his mouth. “Hmmm, tastes still the same. The best one I ever tasted,” he said and winked to Sandy.

“Yes, Papa I’m right about it, isn’t?” Sandy looks at her, “See Mama, even Papa aggress that this is the best cake in the world.” Sandy told her as she continues with her eating.

“Oh, thank you baby! That’s so nice to hear from you.” She gives Sandy a kiss.

“Ah, Sandy I didn’t say that it’s the best in the world, did I?” Jiyong again said jokingly.

She hits him!

“The door is widely open, Mr. Kwon! Don’t wait till I drag you out!”

She turns her back and walks to the kitchen.

“Oh Papa you break Mama’s heart again.” Sandy whispered to Jiyong.

Jiyong just shrugs his shoulder and happily eats the cake with her daughter.

It didn’t take long after she heard exchanged of laughter and giggling coming from Jiyong and her daughter.

If there’s really one thing she’s thankful even Jiyong and she is separated----it’s the close bonding that Jiyong has with their daughter. And for seven years that they are not living together, she can’t tell a moment when she could say that he had totally abandoned Sandy.

Jiyong loves their child so much.

While she is trying very hard to successfully do her part as mother for Sandy, Jiyong is also doing his best to be a good father to her---though they can’t be ideal parents for the child. They both loved Sandy.


And maybe the mere reason why she and Jiyong have maintained a good harmonious friendly relationship all these years---despite of the fact that they can’t anymore be a couple---is because they want the best for him.


He is always on top of their priorities.


They always give him their most considerations.


They always forget their own feelings---of what had happen---when it comes on to her.


They can sacrifice. They do sacrifices.


Though he has a broken family, they always make sure that Sandy is getting their whole attention, understanding and love.


They make sure that they can be at their best with each other when Sandy is concerned.


And maybe that us also why---after all these years---the situation isn’t been awkward for both of them whenever they see, talk and spend time together---though really sometimes---they can also do and act on some thing that would still surprise each other---and left them stunned.



“Papa! Papa! Let’s play truth or consequence!” Sandy put down his game boy and turns to Jiyong who is also busy playing with his.

Jiyong gives Sandy a questioning look. “What’s that game, Sandy?”

“Oh, how come you don’t know that game, Papa?” Sandy answered in disbelief.

Both of them heard a laughing from her.

Jiyong look at her direction, brows screwed up, “Of course I know that game, Mrs. Kwon! I’m just kidding around here! My friends and I used to play it when were younger.”

“I’m not saying anything here Jiyong you’re so defensive!” she shrieks out from the end corner where she is.

“Sandy,” Jiyong shifts his eyes from her to their daughter, “why don’t you invite your mother to play with us. It’s great to play that game with the three of us here.” He told Sandy.

“Nah! Quit it Jiyong! I’m doing my nails, can’t you see?” she answered back putting back her attention on the pedicure that she’s doing.

Jiyong held Sandy and whispered something to her.

“Mama, if you don’t join us, Papa said that he’ll stay over here tonight! He’ll sleep beside you on your bed !” Sandy yelled after Jiyong let go of her.

“Jiyong!!!” she hurriedly walks to father and daughter barefooted.

She hits Jiyong when she reached him. “How could you say those things to your daughter?! She’s still a young girl for Christ sake, Jiyong! You are already polluting her mind!”

Jiyong playfully covers his self with Sandy as she gets beating from her.

“You let go of your daughter, Jiyong or you’ll get more from me!”

Jiyong just continues on laughing and teasingly runs around her carrying Sandy with him.

“Jiyong you-“

“Ma!” Sandy cries out trying to make them stop.

She slump on the couch and looks at her feet. “You two! You ruin my nails!” she said pouting.

Jiyong still wearing his smile sits beside her. Sandy breaks away from Jiyong and hugs on to her.“Oh Mama we’re sorry. We don’t intend to upset you.”

“I’m not just upset, Sandy I’m mad! Grrrrrrrr!”

“Mama”? Sandy ask, confused.

Jiyong back with laughter again, pulled Sandy from her.

“Get a bottle now, young lady so we can start your game before somebody here turns havoc!”

“Okey Papa!” Sandy runs towards the kitchen.

She turns to face  Jiyong and give him an irritating face. “You’re really annoying!”

“Who me?” Jiyong point to his self, suppressing a smile from his lips,” I didn’t do anything to annoy you, excuse me!”

Heh! You bastard!” she picks up a pillow and throws it to him then runs away.

Jiyong quickly rushed to his feet, gets Dara and lifts her up.

“Jiyong put me down!” screamed wiggling.

“Kiss me first on my lips, Mrs. Kwon then we’re done!”

Jiyong bends his head to kiss her.

“Nooooooo! Sandy! Sandy! Help!”

Sandy comes running to them.

“Papa what are you doing to Mama?”

“Tell him to put me down, baby. He’s trying to throw me outside!” she cried out that made Jiyong to laugh to his heart content again.

“What? Papa you’ll gonna do that to Mama?” Sandy looks seriously to Jiyong.

“Of course not Sandy! Why would I do that your mother?”


“No baby! No! He’s lying! He is lying!”

“Hey! You’re the one lying here Mrs. Kwon!”

“Of course not, it is you!”

“Haay!” Sandy sits down in desperation to decide who between will he chose to believe at. “I can’t tell who’s really saying the truth between you Mama and Papa.”

She hits Jiyong chest. “Put me down! Your daughter is upset now!”

Jiyong brings her down. “Well, it’s your fault Mrs. Kwon. You’re telling tales at her.”

She ignores Jiyong remarks and moves to Sandy. “Oh baby don’t be sad now, we’re just-“

“We’re just having fun around princess. Where’s the bottle, let’s start playing your game now!" Jiyong said grabbing the lines from her.

Sandy pulls away from her and goes to Jiyong.

“Here, Papa.”

Jiyong crumples the hair of the child and gets the bottle with him. ‘Let’s start?”

“Yes.” Sandy nods.

Jiyong place the bottle on the floor and sets to spin it. “Whoever the bottle points to when it stops spinning, we’ll be asked to do Truth or Consequence, am I right Sandy?”


“Yes, Papa!”

“Okey then let’s start spi-“

“Hey wait! Do I need to join you on this? I really have to fix my nail paints.”

“Can you not do it later Mama?”

“Can you not do it later Mrs. Kwon?”

Both father and daughter said at the same time.

She rolls her eyes on them. “Okey, fine,” and sits on the couch facing the two.

“Better pray hard Mrs. Kwon, I’ll make you pay me through this for making me bad in front your daughter.”


“What?” she stood up. “I’m quitting from here”.


Jiyong nudged his daughter, “Sandy your Mama doesn’t want to play now, aren’t you upset of that?”


“Mama? Can you not be sport just for this game?” Sandy asked quite irritated.


Jiyong you! You can go to h-“


“Ah Ah! Don’t say bad words Mrs. Kwon, your daughter is hearing you!” Jiyong teasingly said.


She sat back having no choice at all. “It’s okey baby, let’s start with the game.” She said pouting.


“Ok Papa, spin the bottle now!” Sandy excitedly exclaim.




Both Jiyong and Sandy at the same time turn to her.“What it is again?” they chorused.


“I have one condition.” She answered, giving out her cutest smile to the two annoyed.




“Mrs. Kwon you are really upsetting your daughter now!”


“Just let me have this one condition please…”


Jiyong look at Sandy. They exchanged glances.


“What is it Mama?” Sandy asked.


“If the bottle stopped pointing at me, you Sandy will only be the one who could ask me to do something.”


Jiyong laughs shaking his head. “I can’t believe you, Mrs. Kwon! Okey, wish granted! Can I start spinning this bottle now?”




“Ok, Mr. Kwon, spin the bottle now!”


Jiyong spins the bottle. Sandy is clapping her hands while looking at it.Jiyong is grinning to his hearts content and she, she is praying hard to not make the bottle stops and points at her.


But luck is not on her side!


“Mama it’s you!”


“Oh oh! It is only now that I realized that this game is this exciting huh!” Jiyong mischievously told her, giving out his best smile at his face.


She makes face to him.


Jiyong did the same to her.


“Ma! Pa! Can you really stop from your bickering?” Sandy yelled.


“I’m sorry baby. Okey go ahead you can ask me now of what to do.”


Sandy sighs then smilingly again asks her the question, “Mama, truth or consequence?”“Consequence, baby.”


“Okey let me first think of something you could do…”


Jiyong laid his back on his sitting. Carefully sets his eyes on them.


Sandy turns to him.


“Ey! Sandy, don’t look at him! Think of something from your self!”


Jiyong shakes his head. “You’re too paranoid Mrs. Kwon. Can you not relax? Of course your daughter won’t instruct you to come me and give me sweet little kisses on my neck, she’s too young to think of that, isn’t?”


She blushed.


“Jiyong you ert!”


A pillow is hardly thrown over his side.


Jiyong laughter is heard all over again.




She turned to Sandy after she gives Jiyong a glare. “Okey, what it is baby?”


“I’m thinking if you could really give Papa a kiss and a warm hug.”


She almost fell from the couch. “What? Oh, honey I can bake you a dozen of blueberry cheesecakes, buy all the latest robots in the mall, spend time-“


“Mama, do you still love Papa?”


That question both struck her and Jiyong. She saw Jiyong face startled.


“Oh, baby…”


Sandy eyes turn weary watching her unable to say a word.


She looks at Jiyong's eyes.


Jiyong gets up from his sit, picks up Sandy on his arms, makes her stand up, put his other arms on Dara shoulder, kisses her forehead and heads to their door.


“I think I owe you two a dinner tonight for letting me stay here for the whole day. Come on, I’ll treat you! Where do you guys want to eat?”


With that she knows that there’s nothing else for her to say…or to explain about more.




I edit this chapter T.T

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 24: Nive story.. Thanks authornim
prettyunnie #2
Chapter 5: Oooohhhh!!!! That was sooooo sweeeet ^^
misx06 #3
Chapter 24: read it again.. i really like this story.. thanks author-nim
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 24: Ohmygad!i really enjoyed dis thank u so much..bless u :-)
mrschoi09 #5
Chapter 15: Ririn couple son is cute haha!aigoo im imagining their kids n the future lol
mrschoi09 #6
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke!!
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 5: Ohmygadd!my daragon heart..i cant contain my giddiness keke
yey i finished it already, but i kinda sad coz i'll miss this story :( but hey, i can read it again in future hahahaha silly me.

for u who read comments before read ff, i recommend this story to u. lil spoiler for u, this is happy ending story :)
DGlover #9
awwww.:"> that's so sweet. :""""""""""""""""""">
ItssCheska #10
Kyaaah! Great fic! ^^