Chapter 32

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]


Kyuhyun walked across the hallway in quick steps, with his heart feeling lighter with anticipation of what was to come.


Ahra had received a phone call from Mrs.Lee that very morning- saying that Sungmin had regained consciousness, and although Ahra didn't want to admit it- Mrs.Lee's voice was laced with something else rather than just gratefulness. As the two walked.... no almost jogged across the hospital aisle, Ahra felt burdened and she hoped that whatever would happen- it wouldn't cause her baby brother any more suffering. 


Kyuhyun's breath came in short pants as he stood outside the door to Sungmin's room. He clutched his shirt in an attempt to calm himself down for a whirlwind of emotions-  hope, fear, happiness, and worry. He was feeling rather timid about seeing Sungmin after so many weeks, especially when he had come to terms regarding his feelings for the boy....and this would be the first time him meeting Sungmin face-to-face after all that had happened. 



Ahra placed her palm onto Kyuhyun's shoulder gently and spoke,"Kyuhyun-ah, whatever happens promise me that you will be strong."


Kyuhyun swallowed nervously at his elder sister's words and nodded, tightening his grip onto the door-knob that led into Sungmin's room. He murmured softly- barely audible but just enough, "I will." 




Taking a deep breath, he walked into the room slowly with Ahra trailing closely behind. Kyuhyun's heart constricted seeing the familiar silhouette of the boy he'd come to like so much. 


Sungmin was staring out of the window- seemingly lost-in-thoughts and completely unbeknowst to his surroundings. The room was empty other than Sungmin's weak form resting over the cushions. Kyuhyun walked closer towards the bed as softly as he could while Ahra chose to stand beside the door- to give her baby brother some time alone with Sungmin. 



Kyuhyun gently placed his palm over Sungmin's hand, nearly crying out as Sungmin's warmth greeted him back rather than the icy-cold skin he was accustomed to, since the past month.


"S-sungmin." He whispered looking crestfallen as the boy visibly flinched at his voice. Sungmin's eyes widened in pure panic seeing Kyuhyun standing so close to him.




Kyuhyun gasped as Sungmin shoved away his arm fiercely and shifted closer to the headboard of the bed. "Get away from me." Sungmin choked as he curled into the fetal position. 


"Its alright, Sungmin. Its just me-there's nobody else here. " Kyuhyun spoke looking distressed at the frightened expression on the smaller boy's face. Sungmin's eyes landed on Ahra's anxious face and he  wheezed," I have failed you. I don't deserve to be here. I have failed. "


Ahra was about to walk closer when Kyuhyun raised an arm that made her stop in her tracks. Kyuhyun caressed Sungmin's hair gently and murmured," Everyone is safe, Min. Its all thanks to you. Noona and baby are safe. "




"No. Get away from me."  Sungmin chanted in hysterics, dodging away Kyuhyun's attempts to calm him down. "I'll hurt you Kyuhyun. You need to get away." 


Kyuhyun fell into despair as Sungmin abruptly broke down into tears, he kneed onto the bed and tried to wrap his arms around Sungmin's quivering body.



" Jungmo! Jungmo!" Sungmin screamed as he elbowed the taller boy right in the stomach as he wiggled around the bed distraughtly causing Kyuhyun to slam his hand into the glass vase that rested against the bed-stand. 




Sungmin screamed as the vase shattered against the floor, spilling the flowers all over the broken glass, he trembled seeing blood trickling down Kyuhyun's palm. Tears started to leak from his eyes as he cried out ," I hurt you Kyuhyun. I am a monster. " 


"Its just a small cut, Sungmin. You are not a monster. Please Min listen to me. Listen to me." Kyuhyun stressed out quickly wiping away his hands over the back of his shirt. Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin by the shoulders as the boy inched his way further towards the headboard.




"Jungmo! Jungmo!" 





"It's gonna be alright, Sungmin. I promise you that. You trust me, don't you? " Kyuhyun gently cupped Sungmin's cheeks. Kyuhyun enveloped Sungmin into a tight hug, not letting go despite the latter's struggling. He ignored everything and just rocked Sungmin's trembling body to and fro.



"Kyuhyun please get away from me."  Sungmin begged vehemently. Ahra glanced worriedly as a male nurse entered into the room- walking quickly towards the pair on the bed clutching a syringe in his hands.



Sungmin yelled out, "Jungmo, ask them to go away. I'll hurt them. I failed. I am a monster."



Jungmo placed an arm over a helpless Kyuhyun's shoulders and murmured," I suggest you do what he says. It isn't advisable for the patient to be in this condition especially since he regained consciousness after being in coma."


Kyuhyun wordlessly nodded and stepped away as Jungmo proceeded to hold Sungmin firmly by the shoulders and injected the clear liquid into Sungmin's arm. Kyuhyun watched with a heavy heart as Sungmin swayed into Jungmo's arms before falling limp over the cushions. 



"Follow me. " Jungmo whispered and stepped out of the room as Kyuhyun caressed a sleeping Sungmin's hair gently; he tucked in the comforter and placed a warm kiss over Sungmin's forehead before following Ahra out of the room. 


"As you know, Sungmin has suffered major trauma due to the accident. And now his heart makes him feel responsible for what happened. I can tell that Sungmin feels strongly about you two, am I right?" Jungmo asked. 



Ahra pursed her lips and nodded," I was in the car with him. Sungmin saved my life." 


" I am no doctor- I'm just an intern here but I say that if you want Sungmin to recover completely- you must not force him- be patient and kind. He's in a very fragile state of mind and heaven's forbid if the consequences of your actions might have grave impact on him."  Jungmo explained slowly. Kyuhyun felt his heart sinking further and further listening to Jungmo's words.  Ahra excused herself to attend a call leaving the two of them alone. 


"Come with me. " Jungmo mumbled. "You're bleeding all over the place, let's get your palm bandaged." Leading Kyuhyun into a cabin, Jungmo took out first aid and squeezed the boy's palm- to make sure that none of the glass shards were embedded into the skin and then quickly bandaged the wound efficiently.




"Thank you, Jungmo-shii. " Kyuhyun murmured gratefully. 



Jungmo turned towards Kyuhyun and narrowed his eyes, " And you be careful alright? I know all about you- you're South Korea's most loved ballad singer, Cho Kyuhyun.  If you hurt Sungmin in any way, I swear I'll make sure that you won't ever sing a note again." 


"I won't hurt him. I definitely wouldn't hurt him. " Kyuhyun whispered softly. 




"Just keep what I said in mind and take care of my Sungmin. I'll be watching you." He warned before taking out his pager and rushing down the corridor leaving a very baffled Kyuhyun behind.  


Kyuhyun was nursing his hand mindlessly when Ahra found him in Sungmin's room. "Kyuhyun-ah, promise me that you won't give up.You have to be strong Kyubaby, we'll get through this. " She promised placing her arm around the boy's shoulder and guiding him to a chair beside the bed. 



. "Noona, what are you talking about, I won't give up on Sungmin. He's everything to me." Kyuhyun whispered.


Ahra kissed her brother's temple gently and spoke," I spoke to the doctor and Sungmin won't be conscious for a little more than two hours. Can I trust you to take care of him while I'm gone? I need to pick up Sungminnie's mom from their home. " 


After Ahra's persistence, Lee Umma had finally agreed to head home for a couple of hours to get some much needed rest. Ahra had promised to pick her up that afternoon.




Kyuhyun held onto Ahra's elbow, "Noona. "


Ahra smiled knowingly and whispered,"Don't you worry Kyubaby. Siwon is gonna pick me up. I'm not gonna be traveling alone, okay?" Ever since the incident a month ago, everyone was quite paranoid about traveling on the road, especially Kyuhyun. 



"Take care of yourself Noona. " Kyuhyun murmured. "Will you be picking up the baby from Mom's house?" 


Ahra glanced over Sungmin sleeping peacefully on the bed skeptically," Do you think it would be a good idea for Sungminnie?" 



Kyuhyun took Sungmin's limp hand into his palm and squeezed it gently,"I'm sure our baby girl would love to meet Sungmin. Go get her and I'll see you in two hours Noona."  


It was almost the time for Noona to return and Kyuhyun was staring at the steady rising and falling of Sungmin's chest when he suddenly thought of something and scrambled to his feet looking for his backpack. 



"Ah ha! " He yelled and took out the script of their musical. He flipped the pages and his eyes landed on the act that they had rehearsed that very morning. " Do you remember this scene, Min." Kyuhyun asked looking affectionately at the sleeping boy.


"You know we were rehearsing the kissing scene this morning. All I could think about was you. All I saw was you, Sungmin. It was like you were right in front of me and then all of a sudden you were...not." Kyuhyun's voice quivered. He clutched the script tightly into his palms and spoke, " I couldn't do it."


"I couldn't kiss him. I just couldn't. " His voice trailed off.  "I know you probably aren't ready to hear this and I'm willing to wait for as long as you need. But I had to tell you. No."



"I need to tell you."



Kyuhyun took Sungmin's hand into his own and swallowed nervously. He could feel his heart thundering against his chest as he finally said it, " I love you."



"Everything about you makes me happy, Min. For the first time in forever I feel like I have someone who actually cares for me and not for Cho Kyuhyun- the ballad singer. I have spent a lifetime looking for someone like you. So brave, strong-willed and beautiful. You are a hero, Min. You're my hero.  " Kyuhyun smiled fondly.


"I don't know what would I have done without you in my life. That moment when I thought I lost you, I was completely lost and broken, it was like my world was falling apart in front of my eyes. But you were always my symbol of hope. I wouldn't have been able to come so far without you, Sungmin. "  He said while caressing the boy's arm gently. 



"Call me crazy or anything but in the past year that I've known you, I can say that I am utterly, irrevocably in love with you."







Well well well, what do you think of that?   Anyone feels like bricking me, yet? XDDD


I was very happy with all the the love and support you have given me for this fic T^T And I wanted you guys to know how much I appreciate it all. Thank you so so much :*

I hope you can spend a couple of your minutes in leaving me a comment. Looking forward from hearing from you all <3





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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD