Chapter 30

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]

[Parts in italics are taking place in Sungmin's subconscious^^ ]


A blinding white light was all Sungmin could remember seeing before he had lost consciousness..

And the next thing he knew he found himself all alone and cold.“Where is everyone?” Sungmin mumbled softly looking up into the desolate sky clouded gray.

He walked a couple of steps forwards, trying to figure out exactly where he was and why couldn’t he remember anything. Finding himself in the middle of dense forest, where all the trees looked so similar and the only sound accompanying Sungmin were the crunching of the gravel and the dried leaves underneath his feet as he quickened his pace.



Sungmin’s eyes widened in worry as the biting cold evening breeze blew upon his body. He cupped both of his hands to his mouth and bellowed,”Anybody out here?!”

He felt the tiny hair on his arms rise slowly in fear as the nightfall approached enveloping him in cold and darkness.


“U-umma?” He whispered timidly while circling his arms around himself.”Appa?” He murmured trembling due to the biting coldness.

A blood curling growl behind him caused Sungmin to run forwards in alarm.
With tears threatening to pour down his eyes, he ran as fast as he could. Away from the scary noises, away from the forest..


“Somebody help me.” Sungmin whimpered while rubbing his eyes as his feet padded against the the stones and dried leaves of the forest.

Sungmin tripped over his feet and landed onto the rough rocky terrain painfully.

“K-kyu.. Kyuhyun.”

As he circled his arms closer to warm his trembling body, Sungmin sobbed,” Save me.”



The doctor gravely motioned for Sungmin’s parents into his cabin, Mrs.Lee was a trembling mess in her husband’s arms who had flown to Korea immediately after receiving a hysterical phone call from his wife about their baby son.

“Mr and Mrs Lee.” He started while arranging the medical records and documents. The doctor shot the family a pitiful look before continuing,”Your son, Sungmin has faced a lot of trauma.. He is lost within his own subconscious.”

Mr. Lee tightened his grip around his wife’s shoulders as he felt his eyes turning moist,
“M-my little boy.”

“Physically, he is recovering. We’ve managed to safely remove the shards of glass from his back, skull and neck.” The doctor listed gravely.


“Sungmin’s left arm is fractured and he has stitches over his forehead..” He continued while looking into the saddened eyes of Mrs.Lee.

“Can we s-see him Doctor?” He whispered weakly holding on to his wife tightly.

“We’ll have to conduct some further tests right now and then maybe you could.” The doctor spoke while collecting his records.



Sungmin raised his head lightly seeing a shadow looming upon him,”K-kyuhyun!”
He released a sigh of relief seeing the familiar silhouette in the desolate forest.

He stood up shakily to his feet and stretched out an hand to touch Kyuhyun’s silhouette. Sungmin gasped when a cold pair of eyes met his. Kyuhyun shoved aside Sungmin’s trembling fingers with an icy glare,” You killed them.”

With tears pouring down his pale cheeks, Sungmin took a step backwards,”K-kyuhyun I-”

“How could you do that to Noona and her baby?!” Kyuhyun’s figure snarled.
“Kyuhyun-ah- I’m s-sorry ” Sungmin sobbed while crumpling the fabric of his shirt tightly into his palms.

“I hate you Sungmin,” Kyuhyun’s silhouette spoke coldly before turning away into the darkness.

Sungmin sunk to his knees as tears burned his vision, watching Kyuhyun’s shadows disappear slowly into the depths of the forest.

He stretched his arm weakly and whimpered,”C-come back K-kyuhyun.”

What had he done? He brought upon so much of grief to Kyuhyun and his family- Sungmin curled into a small ball and sobbed clutching his fists to his chest.




The doctor closed the door to the room where Sungmin was in and softly motioned to the Lee’s to come closer,”Your son is now out of danger.. But-”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened at the doctor’s next few words,
“He’s struggling with himself a lot- the heartbeat monitor keeps rising and falling steadily... It’s like Sungmin is struggling to come to terms with the accident.” He murmured gravely.

“You may visit him- but do not radiate negative emotions at all.” The doctor ordered while patting Kyuhyun’s back kindly and looking at Mr.Lee.

“Talk to him just like how you normally would- there is a possibility that he can still sense and hear you. Cheer him up, and most importantly do not give up hope.” He smiled kindly while motioning them to enter Sungmin’s room quitely.

Mrs. Lee wiped the tears from her face and clutched her husband’s hand tightly. She patted Kyuhyun’s back gently and croaked,”Come in with us Kyuhyun-ah.”

Kyuhyun wordlessly nodded as they pushed open the door to the room ; A sob escaped Mr. Lee’s lips as he felt his eyes stinging in tears seeing their little boy with a death pale face and bandages covering his body.

Kyuhyun walked slowly towards Sungmin resting on the bed, feeling his heart clench painfully,”S-sungmin?” He whispered softly while stretching an arm to reach the still  sleeping boy.

“It’s me,Sungmin.” Kyuhyun spoke bravely trying his best to keep his voice from trembling. Kyuhyun interlaced his fingers with Sungmin’s, flinching at the lack of warmth and murmured,”How are you doing, Min?”

Kyuhyun continued as Sungmin’s parents proceeded to draw chairs to sit beside the bed,”I have really good new for you, Min. Ahra Noona and her baby are completely fine!” He muttered while caressing the cold fingers tenderly.

No response.

With a heavy heart Kyuhyun swallowed sadly and murmured,“Sungmin- you must w-wake up now. Everything is f-fine.”

Mrs. Lee placed an arm over Kyuhyun’s trembling shoulders and spoke,” Baby, none of it is your fault.. The cops found out the car that hit yours and the drunk driver is now behind bars. Dont blame yourself Sungminnie.”

“Hi Sungmin-ah. Daddy’s here.” Mr. Lee murmured softly. “I’m sorry that I havent been able to be home that often-” He faltered sadly.

“But you must know that daddy is very proud of you, Ming-ah.” Sungmin’s father spoke with a crack in his voice. “Wake up soon son, we need you here.”

Kyuhyun swallowed nervously before murmuring,” Sungmin-ah.”


Sungmin gasped as a white light blinded him again and he trembled,” W-what is happening?”

He wiped his tears away and stood up at the familiar voices of his parents. His dad’s voice- whom he hadnt seen that frequently the past month.

Very proud of you son.

Sungmin clutched his head in pain as the voices evaded his senses, echoing in the bright background that surrounded him.


Wake up Ming-ah,

...Ahra and baby are fine

not your fault son.

His eyes widened in recognization but fell into despair as he failed to locate the source of those voices. He screamed hysterically,” Let me out of here!”



A warm velvety voice murmured softly,”I need to tell you something really important, Sungmin-ah. You may not be able to hear me but I-”

Kyuhyun? Sungmin thought in wonder and surprise. Sungmin wanted to yell back saying that he could hear but no matter how hard he screamed, no sound escaped from his lips.

Tears poured out of Kyuhyun’s eyes as he tightened his grip on Sungmin’s hand; he stared at Sungmin’s deathly pale face and sobbed,”You are really s-special to me Min. D-dont leave me a-alone here.”



“I’m here Kyuhyun!” Sungmin yelled with all his might but to no avail. Tears of frustration dripped down his face as he struggled against the white brightness that enveloped him. Why couldnt he speak?

He wanted to comfort his parents, tell them not to cry. He wanted to see Kyuhyun again,hating the sorrow laced voice that kept cracking. Sungmin had never been more desperate in his life. He had to get out of this place that kept him trapped.

“S-sungmin I-” Kyuhyun trembled as he rested his forehead against the bed. Sungmin heard the weak voice and his heart clenched painfully, he yelled again with all of his might,” I’m here Kyuhyun!”

“I have s-something really important to tell y-you, but you have to wake u-up.” Kyuhyun exhaled weakly.

Sungmin growled in frustration as he just couldnt seem to escape from the blinding surroundings. He couldnt bear hearing the voices of his parents laced in sorrow and pain..He had to escape from this trap- for his parents, for Ahra and her family, and of course..

For Kyuhyun.



So this is the last angsty chapter, things will get back to normal now^^  I'm really overwhelmed with your responses and encouraging words. Thank you so much <3 They mean a lot to me and I'm really grateful :))

This chapter was really very painful to write, all the struggle with Sungmin's subconscious ;u;

Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given me :))

Do keep leaving me your views in the comments^^

~Love 95anichan


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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD