Chapter 16

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]

(A/N)  I dedicate this chapter to a dear friend-  CheesezardYou are awesome ^3^


Sungmin's cell phone rang, causing him to bang his head onto the car window in surprise.  Kyuhyun winced glancing at Sungmin who was digging into his jeans pocket for the phone while clutching his head with one hand. He spoke cautiously feeling a slight headache coming in,"H-hello..?"
Sungmin cringed when Lee Umma's voice poured in,"Yah! Sungminnie, where the hell did you and Kyuhyun disappear to, huh? You better get your back home right now. It's lunch time."
Sungmin butted in,"Umma, Kyuhyun and I are with Ahra Noona and her husband. We just picked them up from the airport and we are going to Kyuhyun's house now."
Lee Umma screamed,"What?! No way; invite all of them to lunch, got that? You better bring them here or no lunch for you Sungmin!"
Sungmin replied meekly,"Okay Umma..."
Sungmin turned around hesitantly towards Kyuhyun. He chewed on his lips hesitatingly before tugging on Kyuhyun's sleeve causing the boy to hum in response,"What did Lee Umma say, Min?"
Ahra widened her eyes, amazed at the little exchange.  Since when did Kyubaby behave so civilized, and what was with the affectionate name calling? She smiled smugly, realizing that there was something cooking between the two boys. 
She cackled evilly, startling Siwon, who just shook his head, already used to Ahra's random outbursts. He didn't even want to ask her about it. Whatever evil scheme his lovely wife was planning, he wanted to stay out of it but a part of him knew that he would be dragged into her crazy plans,anyways. 
Oh yeah, Ahra had Siwon wrapped around her finger. But then who could say no to his angel anyway? 
Siwon was ready to deal with Ahra's devil-like little brother as long as he had her love. Also he had planned carefully before leaving California and had brought couple of game consoles for Kyuhyun as peace-offering. Hopefully this time it would work and Kyuhyun would stop harrasing him. But then he understood Kyuhyun's feelings.
 He had a younger sister and was equally protective of her. He smirked at the memory of his first meeting with his darling sister's boyfriend. The poor boy had almost peed in his pants! He wasn't blessed with the most awesome pair of eyebrows for nothing.
 Sungmin continued,"Umma has invited all of you for lunch.." Kyuhyun immediately protested,"No way. I will not allow to impose ourselves on Lee Umma like that."
Sungmin whined,"But Kyuuu~ Umma threatened me with no lunch if I fail to bring you to over."
"I'll buy you somethin- "
Ahra smacked her little brother's head causing Kyuhyun to yelp," Don't be so mean Kyubaby! My Sungminnie needs to eat too. Of course we'll come with you, Sungminnie! I need to thank your Umma properly for taking care of our brat here."
Kyuhyun protested,"But Noona, Lee Umma will be troubled...."
Sungmin interrupted teasingly, "Shut up Kyubaby! You should listen to Ahra Noona. Don't be so stubborn or I will kick your ."
Kyuhyun sighed in defeat, knowing quite well that Sungmin was very capable of doing that. Ahra chuckled merrily,"Oh my! Sungminnie is so fearless. That's right Sungminnie, feel free teach bratty Kyubaby a lesson."
Sungmin giggled at Ahra Noona's words and exchanged amused smiles with her. Ahra Noona asked curiously,"How did you befriend Kyubaby, Sungminnie? He is such a lonely kid."
Kyuhyun yelled indignantly ,"I'm not! I have plenty of friends..." Ahra challenged,"Really? Name one."
Kyuhyun stammered,"L-leeteuk!"
Ahra shot him a look,"Come on Kyubaby! Leeteuk doesnt count... He is your manager. Just admit it already.."
Kyuhyun looked so crestfallen that Sungmin blurted out quickly ,"But you have me now, right Kyu?"
Kyuhyun smiled softly at Sungmin's distressed face and his heart swelled up in whirlwind of emotions,"Yeah, I have Sungmin so don't trouble me anymore, Noona!"
Sensing the thickening awkwardness Sungmin said,"I used to hate Kyuhyun so much before" Ahra's curiousity perked up, "Oh really? Then how...?"
Sungmin smiled softly, glancing at Kyuhyun from the corner of his eyes, an action that did not go unnoticed by Ahra.
"Well... Lets just say circumstances brought us closer and I found that Kyuhyun isn't such a bad person as I had thought before." admitted Sungmin.
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Ahra poking his shoulder teasingly from the backseat.Ahra pretended to wipe tears of joy,"My Kyubaby is growing up and making friends"
Kyuhyun scowled,"Shut it Noona. Don't distract me."
After what seemed to be forever, Kyuhyun pulled his car up the ever so familiar street and parked the car at the sidewalk.Sungmin skipped to Ahra Noona's side and opened the door for her. Ahra put her arm into Sungmin's and he lead her to the doorstep.
Ahra cooed pinching his cheeks affectionately,"Sungminnie is such a gentleman~"
Lee Umma ushered them inside, full of smiles while  Sungjin gaped at Ahra's protuding belly and was promptly smacked into reality by Sungmin.
Sungmin shoved Sungjin aside and lead them to the couch and then followed Lee Umma to the kitchen. Kyuhyun saw Sungmin's disappearing form and slinked after the smaller boy.  His eyes widened at Lee Umma wiping her tired face while stirring the saucepan. 
He looked pitifully at Lee Umma and exclaimed,"Lee Umma, all of this was completely unneccesary. You needn't prepare so many things for us!"
Lee Umma smiled softly,"Don't you worry Kyuhyun-ah.. This is barely anything."
Kyuhyun frowned and replied incrediously," Barely anything?!"
He flailed his arms at the vast spread of delicacies on the table and continued,"This looks like a meal for twenty people!"
Lee Umma smiled cheerfully,"Lunch will be ready soon so, Kyuhyun-ah scoot and take Sungminnie along with you."
Sungmin protested,"Umma. I want to help.."
Lee Umma ruffled her son's brown hair affectionately," I can manage Sungmin, and I need you to go outside,okay?"
Sungmin pouted and Lee Umma sighed exasperatedly,"Go away now before I smack your " With that Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun's arm and they scuttled out of the kitchen. He knew that Umma was quite capable of doing spanking him and he did not wish to linger and annoy her more.
Lunch was soon ready in a jiffy and everyone cluttered at the dining table. Sungmin and Kyuhyun sat next to each other with Sungjin on Kyuhyun's right side. Ahra and Siwon sat across from them with Lee Umma at the head of the table.
Dumplings, bread rolls, steamed pumpkins and sweet potato, steaming hot dishes of mouth watering chicken and vegetable broth and a delicious looking chocolate pudding. Exquiste porclein plates with floral pattern were arranged on the table along with the cutlery pieces, courtesy of Sungjin.
Lee Umma clapped her hand excitedly,"Let's eat!"
She served large portions on everyone's plate delicately and when everybody had been served she settled back into her seat contently. Lee Umma's sparkling eyes were b of happiness and joy, seeing everyone digging into the delicious food.
Sungmin was busy stuffing his mouth with rice and chicken when he noticed Kyuhyun behaving strangely.Kyuhyun was adding large amount of chilly and pepper into a bowl of chicken and vegetable broth. He looked at Kyuhyun's smug face and felt slightly alarmed. 
What was this Kyubaby up to?
He widened his eyes when Kyuhyun pushed the tampered bowl of broth towards Siwon who cluelessy reached for it. That broth could become a hazardous weapon causing instant death to anyone who consumed it. Sungmin facepalmed at Kyuhyun's evil smirk and before Siwon could bring the spoon towards his lips, he shot up from the seat, earning curious looks from the others.
He yelled exasperatedly,"Cho Kyuhyun! Come with me!" Kyuhyun slightly jumped at Sungmin's loud voice and looked guiltily at the flaming boy.
Sungmin wrapped his fingers over Kyuhyun's wrist and tugged him from the chair harshly, earning a loud sound of protest. He tugged Kyuhyun behind him with a powerful grip and yelled,"I wouldn't drink that broth if I were you Siwon-shi!"
With that he pushed Kyuhyun into the bathroom irritably and shut the door with a loud bang.Ahra giggled,"Teenage boys these days. So and naughty."
Siwon gasped embarrassed at the awkward silence at the table,"Ahra!"
She replied sullenly,"I was just kidding~"
Sungjin shrugged his shoulders and went back to stuffing himself with dumplings and rice. Lee Umma smiled a little before serving Siwon another portion of the broth.
Meanwhile, Sungmin had Kyuhyun cornered inside the bathroom. Sungmin sighed exasperatedly and ruffled his own hair, he pointed to the bathtub," Sit..."
Kyuhyun feeling slightly intimidated by Sungmin's blazing eyes sat at the edge of the bathtub."Why are you behaving so childishly,Kyuhyun? Do you want to kill Siwon-shi?!"
"Ahra Noona is expecting in another few weeks,Kyuhyun.."
Kyuhyun snapped back feeling annoyed,"I know that okay?!"
Sungmin replied disappointedly,"She doesn't need any more stress right now. It could harm the baby, why cant you understand that, huh?"
"Just up your childish sister complex and grow up for God's sake."
Kyuhyun scowled,"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?!"
Hurt and disappointment flashed through Sungmin's amber orbs. With eyes downcast he whispered, his voice cracking a bit,"Yeah... Who am I to y-you?"
Kyuhyun's heart clenched painfully at Sungmin's crestfallen appearence and was immediately choked with guilt. He put his hand over Sungmin's arm and said brokenly,"S-sungmin..."
Sungmin flung away Kyuhyun's hand as though the touch burned him,"Save it Cho.."
"I'm s-sorry... I wasnt- "
Sungmin just shook his head disapppintedly and shut the door of the bathroom with a loud thud. Kyuhyun could swear that saw glimmer of a teardrop as Sungmin left hurriedly.
"Aishh..." Kyuhyun ruffled his hair in annoyance.
What was he thinking snapping at Sungmin like that?! He did not mean to say those hurtful things to him at all. Kyuhyun felt so remorseful and guilty. 
If the last fifteen minutes of his life could be rewinded, he would, he definitely would.. Kyuhyun felt like punching himself. 
He stared at his reflection in the mirror,"Great going retard! Just when you gained Sungmin's trust, you just had to up. How am I gonna win back Sungmin's forgiveness now?"
With a heavy heart, Kyuhyun finally summoned some courage and left the bathroom. He glanced at the dining table and immediately marked the absence of his bunny friend. He bowed down a little and murmured softly,"I'm sorry Lee Umma, Ahra Noona and Siwon... Hyung.."
Ahra's eyes widened at Kyuhyun's unexpected choice of words and she smiled proudly at her Kyubaby. Siwon grinned warmly at the boy and clapped his shoulders,"You needn't apologize to me Kyuhyun-ah. But Sungmin was upset, if you know what I mean?"
Kyuhyun glanced at Siwon's sparkling eyes full of affection and acceptance.  He softened a bit," Lee Umma, I'm gonna talk to Sungmin now, can I be excused?"
Lee Umma nodded her approval and pushed a tray containing two bowls of chocolate pudding into Kyuhyun's hand,"Don't fight anymore,okay?"
Kyuhyun excused himself from the dining table and walked upstairs slowly, trying to figure out how to apologize to Sungmin. He stopped by Sungmin's door and stood still, debating whether he should walk the plank or not.
He opened the door softly and saw Sungmin huddled near the window, quitely strumming his guitar. Kyuhyun smiled softly and the pink color guitar before speaking softly,"Sungmin ?"
With his back turned to Kyuhyun, Sungmin emotionlessly murmured,"What do you want Cho?" Placing the tray by the bedside, Kyuhyun reached Sungmin in few quick steps and pulled Sungmin into a back hug. 
He wrapped his arms around Sungmin and pressed his chest to Sungmin's back.  He could feel Sungmin stiffen in his warm embrace.
Kyuhyun breathed into Sungmin's soft hair that had a delightful smell of green apples and mumbled,"I'm really really sorry for snapping at you like that, Sungmin. You do mean a lot to me and I'm a jerk for saying those things. You were just looking out for me and I shouldn't have said that."
Sungmin felt his heart softening at Kyuhyun's sincere words and he relaxed into Kyuhyun's embrace, leaning back into Kyuhyun's chest.
Kyuhyun hopefully asked,"Can you forgive me, Min? I'm really really very sorry. I feel horrible for hurting you like that and I really like y...I m-mean I shouldn't have s-said those t-things."
Kyuhyun coughed loudly and tightened his grip over Sungmin who seemed oblivious at Kyuhyun's slip up.  He continued after a minute of silence,"I'll do anything. Anything you want me to do, I'll do it. But just don't be mad at me Sungmin."
Sungmin finally spoke out in a small tired voice,"Anything...? You really mean that, Kyu?"
Kyuhyun answered confidently,"Yeah, I'll do it for you."
Sungmin turned around and looked at Kyuhyun directly into the eyes,"Let's go out..."
Kyuhyun gaped feeling his heart beat violently against his ribcage,"W-what?!"
Sungmin continued oblivious to Kyuhyun's reaction at his choice of words ,"You, me and Siwon-shi... Let's go out for a guys day out.."
Kyuhyun widened his eyes and he replied slowly,"O-okay...If it makes you happy then I'll do it."
Sungmin cracked a small smile at Kyuhyun's words. Meanwhile Kyuhyun was having a mental break down. 
What did I get myself into? Tommorow is gonna be a long day~ But it is worth any kind of trouble if it meant gaining Sungmin's forgiveness in return.
He would do it.


Edited: 31/03/2014
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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD