One Sweet Kiss

Cupid's Ride

Kyuhyun was driving in an increasingly awkward car, still grinning at what he just heard.  This time, it was he who couldn't believe his ears.  He took a glance at Sungmin, who seemed to have calmed down.  The passenger leaned his head on the window and kept sighing.  "You alright, Min?" Kyuhyun said still smiling.




"Really, one word answers?  Aish, how childish." Kyuhyun teased.


Sungmin had it yet again.  "How can you be so calm?!"


"Why are you so worked up?" Kyuhyun questioned mockingly.


"Because those two jerks insulted us," Sungmin protested.


Kyuhyun pretended to look surprised.  "Us?"


"What the are you trying to pry out of me, Kyuhyun?" Sungmin nearly yelled.


"Oh, nothing..." Kyuhyun snickered, as he continued to drive.  "Where's our next delivery anyway?"  Kyuhyun attempted to change the subject.


Sungmin was in no mood to argue.  "Wookie Cookie.  The bakery five minutes away from Donghae and Eunhyuk's place." Sungmin stated curtly.


The car fell silent for the next ten minutes.


"I-I'm sorry for yelling at you, Kyuhyun," Sungmin glanced apologetically at the driver as he broke the awkward silence.  "I really just want to know what point you were trying to make.  And on top of that, I want to know why you were mad at earlier," Sungmin pouted.


Kyuhyun's lips curled into a smile.  "Now how could I be mad at you?  You just defended usss, remember?"  Kyuhyun's emphasis on the word "us" suddenly caused Sungmin to glow like a stoplight.  Suddenly his memory became clear.


"Damn it," Sungmin cursed under his breath.


"Guess that means Miyoung isn't your type, huh?" Kyuhyun chuckled as Sungmin wished the driver didn't have such a good memory about these things.


"Okay, okay.  You caught me in a lie." Sungmin felt defeated.


"Why'd you lie about it anyway, Min?" Kyuhyun suddenly felt closer to the shorter after confirming that he was, in fact, gay.


"I, uh, it's stupid," Sungmin mumbled.  "I guess I was worried you'd hold it against me," Sungmin sighed.  "I didn't need yet another person teasing me about it.  I mean, based on what you've witnessed within these past couple hours, I'm clearly an emotional train wreck." the passenger joked.


Kyuhyun let out a chuckle, "Well if it's any consolation, I only tease you because we're one in the same.  Two guys delivering flowers on the pinkest day on the face of the earth.  How could we get any more gay?"


"Pink's my favorite color," Sungmin pouted in the most adorable manner.


"I was just kidding, princess," Kyuhyun joked again.  "Anyway, we're almost here."


The truck fell into yet another awkward silence, as Kyuhyun parked in a stall about ten steps away from the bakery.  Maybe luck was finally on their side.




Sungmin hopped out of the truck and grabbed the remaining three mylar balloons.  Just as he was about to reach out for the last vase in the trunk, he saw another pair of hands grab it.  "Got it." the familiar voice said aloud.


"Kyuhyun, what are you doing?" Sungmin asked.  "You can just wait out here, you know.  I don't want Donghae thinking I'm a slacker."


"What he doesn't know won't kill him," Kyuhyun stated sarcastically.  "Besides, I'm hungry.  I want to grab a pastry or something."  Kyuhyun flashed a smile and headed for the door.


As the pair walked in, the aroma of freshly baked sweets filled the air.  With each inhale, Sungmin could smell something different.  Cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, lemon...each had their own distinct aroma, but they all seemed to blend together in the most magical of ways.  Sungmin stared in awe of the lavender interior of the bakery.  When they entered, they were immediately greeted with a beautifully handwritten "Wookie Cookie" sign, plastered with pastel green turtles and pastel pink hearts.  "Ah, really?  So gay," Kyuhyun muttered, a big smile on his face.


"Wookie-yah!  Come out from back there, will you?" Kyuhyun hollered, obviously knowing the guy.


"Kyu!" the pastry chef cheerfully yelled back, "Yah!  Don't scare away my customers!"  The chef washed his hands and walked up to the counter, noticing the beautiful Valentine's Day gifts in the two men's hands.  "Wow, what's going on?  Is there a party here?" Wookie started to do a y "Moves Like Jagger" motion, resulting in a chuckle from the two delivery boys.


"You must be Kim Ryeowook." Sungmin stated formally.  "These are for you!" the shorter smiled as he handed the three mylar balloons on it.


Ryeowook looked up at the balloons.  His face turned bright pink when he noticed one that had two turtles on it and read Slow and steady, baby.  "Yah, what kind of joke is this!"  He pointed at Kyuhyun, who was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes.  Sungmin read the balloon with a puzzled look, and started to blush after a few seconds.


"Ewww, too much information, Wookie." Kyuhyun teased.  "Oh yeah, these are for you too."  The taller reached over and handed the pastry chef a vase filled with a dozen red roses.  Through the bed of roses, Ryeowook saw a tag.


Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest man around.  Your pastries are that much sweeter because you're the one making it.  I love you Wookie.


<3 Yeye


P.S. Don't get mad at the balloons, okay?  I promised Ddangkoma he could make you laugh this year, since he is no longer with us.  :)


"Ah, really Jongwoonie.  You did all this for me?" Ryeowook was on the verge of tears.  "And Ddangkoma...appa misses you."  Ryeowook smiled, as he placed the tag back into the flowers and wiped away a tear.  "Thank you for that delivery, Kyu.  And you too...ah, I'm so sorry!  I didn't catch your name!" the pastry chef blushed in embarrassment.


"I'm Sungmin.  Nice to meet you."  His m-shaped lips curled into a smile.


"You too!" Ryeowook smiled.  "Oh, did you want a dessert to go?  In honor of Valentine's Day, our specials are lemon bars and heart-shaped strawberry shortcake."


Kyuhyun and Sungmin's mouths watered in unison.  "I'll have the shortcake!" they both spoke at the same time.  They then looked at each other and blushed.


Ryeowook put the flowers down on the back counter and grabbed two heart-shaped strawberry shortcakes with gloved hands.  He packed them in a plastic container and handed it to Kyuhyun, who was ready to pay for both.  Just as Kyuhyun reached for his wallet, he heard the pastry chef whisper, "Don't worry about it.  It's on the house."  He smiled at Kyuhyun and Sungmin.  "Just don't tell anyone else or I will have to kill you both."




Kyuhyun and Sungmin got back to the truck and took a seat.  The smell of the intoxicating dessert in the container was just seeping out, through the cracks in the plastic, right up to their noses.  Simultaneously, Kyuhyun glanced at his phone for the time, while Sungmin looked at his watch.  9:30.


"What time is our next delivery, Min?" Kyuhyun questioned.  It's not like he really cared about the deliveries, as much as he wanted to devour that delicious, strawberry dessert that was beside him.


"Not until 11:00.  Did you want to take a short dessert break?" Sungmin smiled, as he knew Kyuhyun's answer the moment he saw the light in his eyes flicker.


"I thought you'd never ask!" Kyuhyun popped open the cover that kept him and Sungmin away from the two flawless heart-shaped desserts.  Kyuhyun was just about to dive in.


"Wait!  Here."  Sungmin squirted some hand sanitizer onto Kyuhyun's hands.  The strawberry scent of the sanitizer blended harmoniously with the dessert in front of them, as they both dug in.


"Mmm, this is so good!" Kyuhyun murmured, as if he were suddenly on cloud nine.  Kyuhyun's head perked up, as he saw Sungmin mesmerized by the dessert as well.  The passenger looked to Kyuhyun and smiled.


"O-oh, Min.  You have a little something on your face." Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin blushed faintly.


"Where?" Sungmin was so preoccupied with wiping whatever it was on his face, that he hadn't noticed Kyuhyun scoop a small amount of frosting onto his finger.


"Right theeere!" Kyuhyun teased, as he playfully put a bit of the whipped frosting onto the tip of Sungmin's nose.  As a result, Sungmin shot a cold, dark glare at the taller.  "Wha- oh, come on, Min.  Lighten up! You're not mad again ar-"


Swooooosh.  Sungmin had gotten frosting on both of Kyuhyun's cheeks.  The shorter couldn't hold the laughter in any longer.  He laughed uncontrollably for a few seconds, when Kyuhyun joined in on the laughter.  "Ah Kyuhyun, one thing you must know about me is that I'm a good actor." Sungmin stated confidently.  Sungmin's lips perked up, as he seemed to stand victorious in this battle.


At that moment, Kyuhyun's eyes were fixated on Sungmin.  That beautiful m-shaped smile.  That adorable frosting nose.  Suddenly, Kyuhyun found himself inching closer to Sungmin, the latter not taking any notice at first.  When Sungmin started to feel Kyuhyun's presence, he looked up.  "W-what are you doing, Kyuhyun?" the shorter looked a little shocked.


"May I?" Kyuhyun asked, without waiting for an answer.  He grabbed a napkin from under the plastic container, dampened it with his tongue, and proceeded to wipe the frosting off of Sungmin's nose.


Sungmin's heart fluttered at this action, as he swallowed down the lump in his throat.  He grabbed the napkin from Kyuhyun's loose grasp and ripped the napkin in half.  On the unused side of the napkin, Sungmin dabbed his tongue on the napkin and wiped both of Kyuhyun's cheeks clean.  At that action, on impulse, Kyuhyun's hands cupped Sungmin's cheeks, as he leaned in and pecked the passenger on the lips.


Le comment: MAAAN, this was a crapton of fluff.  ENOUGH TO STUFF 41278936875 plushie bunnies! <333 YEWOOK WOOHOO.  For those of you who don't know, Ddangkoma is Jongwoonie's turtle :'DDD  Thank you again for the sweetest of comments. ILY ALL! ^___^V

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....