Stepping Up

Cupid's Ride

Kyuhyun had dozed off slightly when he suddenly heard a tap on the passenger seat window.  He jumped in suspense as he squinted his eyes to see the face behind the slight glare the window was giving off.


"Yah, Kyuhyun!  Let me in please!" Sungmin hollered.  Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and brought his seat into the upright position.  Instead of unlocking the doors, he merely gave Sungmin a cold, dirty look.  At that response, Sungmin was at the verge of flipping out.  Not only did he have to watch two high school students be obviously played by this one sly player, he also had to actively participate.  On top of that, he couldn't say anything about it, because it was his job.  Now was definitely not the time to react to Sungmin like this.


"Aishhh.  YAH!  I said let me in!"  When Kyuhyun did nothing yet again, Sungmin cracked.  He sat down on the curb that the parked silver truck was next to and burst into tears of frustration.  He sat there for a full minute.




Kyuhyun was startled by the sudden knocking on his truck window.  When he peaked his eyes out, he noticed that it was Sungmin.  That jackass who walked away and said nothing the moment he came out of the closet.  There is no way that jerk would pout those cute little puffy cheeks at me and get in the car thaaat easily.  Kyuhyun hid his smirk and brought his seat upright and gave a cold hard glare at Sungmin.


Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin for a good five seconds before looking away at his phone, making sure they were still on schedule, despite this little fiasco he decided to pull.  8:10.  Still on schedule.  We were estimated to leave here at 8:30.


"Aishhh.  YAH!  I said let me in!" was heard from the outside as Kyuhyun continued to mess around with his phone a bit.  He looked up and gave Sungmin another death glare and went back to playing his phone.


Kyuhyun looked up again after ten seconds to notice that the shorter brunette was no longer in his view.  He smirked, knowing that he got under Sungmin's skin.  He continued to play another game on his phone and glanced back up after another thirty seconds and glanced out the window.  Still, there was no Sungmin.  Kyuhyun began to worry a bit, so he decided to hop out.


"Hyung, I was just jo-" Kyuhyun stopped as he saw the shorter sitting on the curb crying.  "Hey, are you okay?  What's wrong?"


Sungmin remained silent as he cried on the curb.  They sat in silent for a minute, until Sungmin felt a hand smoothing his hair.  "Min, really.  Are you okay?  Please talk to me!"

Sungmin sighed heavily upon hearing his coworker use his nickname.  "I-I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to snap."  He felt so embarrassed, but somehow, on top of the nicknaming, the hand comforting him made his body loosen up completely.  Out of reflex, he leaned on Kyuhyun's shoulder.


"Hey, how am I supposed to be mad now?" Kyuhyun teased.


"W-wait," Sungmin stuttered, "You're mad at me?"  He glanced up at the taller as his eyes started to refill with tears.


"Let's not talk about that now, okay?  What really got you so upset?  Surely it wasn't just this joke...or was it?" Kyuhyun's face drained of color as he suddenly had a genuine look of fear.


"N-no.  I just had to deal with some stupid kids in there," Sungmin mumbled in a barely audible tone.  Suddenly, Sungmin glanced at his watch.  "Oh crap, we need to go."  Sungmin wiped his face as he and Kyuhyun stood up simultaneously, the shorter now in the taller's arms.


They were about to hop back into the truck when he heard two teenage boys yelling profanities at the two.


"Wow, look at those fags over there, hyung!" the older one joked.  "Get a ing room!"


"Seriously, just because it's Valentine's Day doesn't mean they can let you -pounders out of the zoo!" the older yelled.


Kyuhyun was about to let those comments go.  He heard those things on a near daily basis.  He slammed the door shut, just as Sungmin slammed his.  He, however, was not in the car.


"FIRST OF ALL, THE GUY IN THE TRUCK IS MY COWORKER FRIEND." Sungmin thunderously bellowed.  Kyuhyun couldn't help but smile.  He said I'm his friend.


"SECONDLY, WHO THE HELL SAID THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH GAY PEOPLE?" Sungmin was almost reduced to tears yet again, but he continued to battle not knowing that Kyuhyun was able to hear the whole conversation through the window.  "NOT ONLY ARE WE GAY PEOPLE BETTER FRIENDS TO THOSE CHICKS YOU WANNA BANG, BUT WE ALSO DRESS BETTER THAN YOUR BLIND ASSES." Sungmin blurted the last part out of impulse, but got into the truck furiously, slammed the door shut, only to leave behind two bewildered high schoolers, and an incredibly cheeky coworker-friend.


Le comment: Sorry for the language! But seriously, don't piss off an angry Min, am I right?!? :DDD Next delivery is soon! Thank you for the love and the comments and for reading. <333 You all are amaaaaazing. I SWEAR.

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....