A Touch of Cumin

Cupid's Ride

Sungmin reached the third floor of the hotel and waited for a bit by the stairs.  He wondered when his partner would arrive, so that they could finish this final delivery before he revealed his gift to Kyuhyun.  Sungmin blushed lightly at the idea.  He was unsure of how this all would go down, but he came too far to turn back now.  The short male waited for a few minutes, but Kyuhyun never came.  Oh, crap!  What if he's at the restaurant already?! 


Sungmin walked briskly from the stairs, straight to the entrance of the restaurant.  He glanced up at the big, cursive letters that identified where he was at.  A Touch of Cumin.  How fancy.  Kyuhyun was still nowhere to be found.  Sungmin waited for a few more minutes, then glanced at his watch.  5:27.  Sungmin rolled his eyes, as he opened the glass door to the entrance of the lavish restaurant.  Of all times for you to bail on me, why now?


"Can I help you, sir?" the host, who's nametag read Jungsoo, asked with a bright, dimpled smile.


"Actually, yes.  I'm looking for a guy, Kyuhyun.  He's tall, skinny, brunette hair.  Have you seen him?"


The host gave the shorter a blank stare for a second, before absorbing the information.  He then looked down at his list of reservations for the evening.  "Ah, Cho Kyuhyun, party of two?"


Sungmin gave the host a puzzled look.  "Uhm, no.  Actually, we're here on business from the company Flowerish, which my friend Donghae owns."  For some reason, Sungmin felt the need to blurt out every detail as to why the pair were here.  "We have a flower delivery here?"


Jungsoo smiled at the delivery boy, acknowledging that he had expected such a response.  "Ah, I see sir.  Well, yes, please follow me.  I will bring you to Kyuhyun."  Jungsoo turned around, took about ten steps before making a right turn, into the next hallway.  He then took the next left, where he and Sungmin found Kyuhyun standing by a table, looking out the clear glass window.  "Here you are, sir."


At the sound of Jungsoo's voice, Kyuhyun was slightly startled, before finally turning around.  "Yah!  Took you long enough!" Kyuhyun thanked the host quickly, before turning and rolling his eyes at Sungmin.


"Kyu, we have work to do.  We can't eat now.  Hurry up!  We need to find our next customer!" Sungmin nagged.


As Jungsoo turned around to make his leave, he crashed into a buff male waiter.


"Yah!  Watch where you're going!" the muscular waiter shook his head, causing Jungsoo's face to glow ruby red.


"I-I'm sorry," Jungsoo stuttered, as he bowed to the waiter before taking his leave.


"Anyway, hello.  My name is Youngwoon and I will be your waiter this evening." the male bowed and smiled, making his eyes become adorable little crescents.  "May I start you off with anything to drink?"


Wine.  I'm nervous as , so I need wine.  "Water's fine for me." Kyuhyun muttered.


"And for you, sir?"


Sungmin's head snapped up.  "Huh, me?  I'm not a customer.  I have work to do."


"Aish Min, just relax." Kyuhyun took a seat.  "He'll have a water for now, thank you."


"Two waters coming right up!" Youngwoon rushed away, leaving the two males alone.


After a few moments, Sungmin took a seat across from his coworker.  "Mind explaining to me what's going on?"


"Just relax, Min." Kyuhyun smiled, as he briefly placed his hand on his coworker's.  "Maaan, I'm hungry." Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin's hand, as he reached to open the menu.  "Do you know what you want to eat?"


Sungmin gave in, as he felt his stomach growl lightly.  He opened the menu in front of him before stating, "Mmm, not yet."


Youngwoon came back two minutes later with the two waters.  The males had ordered their food - Kyuhyun ordered chili, whereas Sungmin opted for soup.  As they waited for their food, it grew silent for a few moments.


Finally, Sungmin questioned Kyuhyun yet again.  "Now may I know what's going on, Kyu?"  Sungmin pouted that infamous aegyo pout.


"Aish, you're so annoying." Kyuhyun smiled brightly at that statement, as he rummaged through the bag with the two boxes.  He glanced into the bag briefly, before grabbing one golden box with a pink bow on it.  Kyuhyun brought it out from under the table and handed it to the confused Sungmin.  "This is for you."


Sungmin's eyes and mouth widened in disbelief.  "What a-are you t-talking about?" he stuttered.  "Th-this order is f-for our next c-customer."


"Open it." Kyuhyun intertwined his fingers and leaned on his hand with his chin.


Sungmin obeyed Kyuhyun and lifted the lid from the box.  The shorter gasped as he saw the contents of the box.  "Th-this is f-for me?" Sungmin whimpered out, holding back tears of utter happiness.


"Yes.  I hope you like it, Min." Kyuhyun's smile could not be wiped off his face, as he watched his partner look at what was in the box.


Inside the box were two baby pink carnations, flowers only, pinned together.  On the carnations, were two beady eyes, a darker pink nose, and whiskers.  The flower that was intended to be a head had two oversized, floppy ears pinned to them, altogether forming the shape of a bunny.  The flower bunny lay next to a single pink rose.  Attached on the rose's stem was a folded tag.  Sungmin moved his hand slowly toward the tag and slid it off the stem of the rose, suddenly frozen in movement.


"Aren't you going to read it?" Kyuhyun urged, his smile now permanently glued to his face.


"Y-yes." Sungmin was rendered speechless, completely at a loss for words.




Even though I just met you today, not even 12 hours ago, I feel like I have known you for a long time.  Somehow, we went from awkward coworkers to good friends all in this short period of time.  However, after spending the whole day with you, my feelings have grown even more.  I am really starting to like you, Lee Sungmin.  Please be my Valentine?


- Kyu


Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun, face completely full of mixed emotions.  At that moment, their dinner arrived.


Le comment: YAAAY! A Touch of Cumin. See wut I did tharrrrr? (; Also, sorry for picking such...non-Korean food. D: I had to find things that would normally have cumin in it, or else nothing would make sense! >.<''

^ What Min's bunny looked like (picture found on Google). CUTE HUUUH?! /beams anywayyys thanks to you lovelies for the comments and the subscriptions and everythinggg! YAYAYAY. Valentine's day is sooo close! Will I keep my word and finish by vday? I HOPE SO Q_Q enjoy! <333

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....