Embarrassing Moment

Cupid's Ride

"Sungmin?  Is everything alright?" Donghae answered his best friend's call almost immediately.  After all, he never called Donghae, unless it was to return his call or unless he absolutely needed to.


"Hi Hae.  I needed to ask you something." Sungmin calmly stated.  Without waiting for a response, Sungmin continued.  "Do you have a white rose left, by chance?"


Donghae's lips curved into a smile.  "This for Kyuhyun?"


"U-u-uuum," Sungmin spoke nervously, before cracking.  "How did you knooow~?" Sungmin whined like a baby.


"I'm not stupid, Minnie." Donghae stated.  "What were you planning to do for him?" 


"Well, he said his favorite animal was a bunny, and that his favorite color was blue.  So, I decided to buy a bunny, preferably blue, and give him a single white rose.  Does that sound weird, Hae?"


"That sounds so cute, Min!" Donghae cheerfully clapped.


"It's settled then.  But how will I even get this to him?"


"I've got an idea, Min.  I'll tell Kyu we had a last minute delivery.  At the final location, you give him his gift.  He'll be SOOO surprised!" Donghae smiled and patted himself on his back for that brilliant idea.


"Great plan, Hae!  You're always so good at this stuff," Sungmin complimented.  "Anyway, I'll talk to you later okay?  I'm walking back to his truck now.  He's probably wondering why I'm taking so long."


"Yah!  I'm paying you by the hour dummy!" Donghae hissed jokingly.


"Okay okay, I'll talk to you later.  Byebye ~" Sungmin said cutely before hanging up.  He gently placed his phone into his pants pocket and started skipping happily toward the silver truck.




Donghae was ecstatic.  Not only was he getting two more orders - more orders equal more money - but he was also watching two of his friends start to like each other.  He knew that the two specifically stated what they wanted, but he decided to turn things around a bit.


Donghae started on Kyuhyun's piece first.  Sungmin had stated that he wanted to order a white rose and a blue bunny.  He guessed that the innocence that he felt stepping into this situation is what caused Sungmin to go this route.  At this thought, Donghae shook his head.  Instead of working with a purely white rose, Donghae decided that he would spray the edges of the roses with blue.  The florist knew the meaning behind his color choice and smiled as if he had just won the world cup.


Suddenly, Donghae gasped in horror as he realized he didn't have the two plush bunnies that each boy had ordered from him in secrecy.  He decided he would need to go another route with this order; cost didn't matter, since it was an error on his part to accept an order he couldn't accommodate for.  Donghae's panic subsided as an idea drifted into his head.  He had quite a bit of extra flowers, despite profiting quite a bit.




"What the hell took you so long, Min?" Kyuhyun relaxed his arms as the shorter finally returned to the truck.


"One of my best high school friends," Sungmin explained, "Soonkyu, she was the one who received that order.  I couldn't just give her the order and leave, Kyu." Sungmin rolled his eyes, when a smirk appeared on his face.  "Did you miss me, Kyu? ~" the passenger batted his eyelashes toward the taller male in the driver's seat.


Kyuhyun turned around as the two males linked eyes.  "Maybe I did," Kyuhyun smiled as he caught a glimpse of the male beside him blushing.


The car fell into a slight silence.  It was about 2:30, and the pair had to meet back at Donghae's by 3:30 to load up for the final time that day.  Sungmin and Kyuhyun hadn't eaten lunch yet, since there was no time for it.


GUUURGLE.  Sungmin looked up shocked in embarrassment as Kyuhyun sent him a slightly surprised look.  "Aish hyung, you should have told me you were hungry," the driver shook his head.


"Waeee, so embarrassing ~" Sungmin croaked.  After using a few seconds to regain his composure, he explained to Kyuhyun about how often such a thing happens.  Kyuhyun merely laughed it off, just focusing on how cute the shorter was when he was embarrassed like that.


Coincidentally, Kyuhyun then pulled into the driveway of a diner.  "Let's eat."  Kyuhyun stared at the brightly colored signs that advertised the newest, most hip diner in town.  The driver was slightly confused, since diners didn't really have a reputation of being "hip."


"No way, we're on the clock!" Sungmin protested.


"Doesn't matter.  Besides, you slacker, our next order is here." Kyuhyun hopped out of the truck, followed by a hungry Sungmin.  The two each grabbed a single golden box and headed toward the door.


Le comment: Omg, I didn't update yesterdaaay! ><; to make it up to you lovelies, I planned a double update.  This and ch 15!  Ch 15 won't be until about 10 or 11 hours from now since I have to rush to school! SOOO ANYWAY, now you readers knowww...they have plans for each other! :D ENJOYYY! I LOVE YOU ALL :) thanks for supporting me as always! <333

PS ~ I didn't proofread. AT ALL. No time, or else I'll be late for class. You don't want that, now you do you? ;DDD

PPS ~ Little tidbit of info: My stomach actually makes those noises, even if I'm not hungry. IT'S SOOO EMBARRASSING :X

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....