
Cupid's Ride

Kyuhyun and Sungmin walked out of the massage parlor with smiles on their faces.  Not only had they been gifted with "50% off your next massage" coupons, but they also just witnessed the cutest confession they had ever seen in their lives.  It was as if someone opened a romance novel to the happy ending and ripped it out for the world to see.  Sungmin turned to Kyuhyun, "Wasn't that just the cutest thing ever?!  I'd kill to be Tao right now!"


A twinge of jealousy hit Kyuhyun.  "What do you mean?  Don't tell me you were checking out that Kris guy."


"No, stupid!  I meant that I want to be confessed to like that!  To see a guy swallow down all his fears and confidently tell me that he likes me.  So dreamyyy ~" Sungmin's mind wandered off as Kyuhyun blushed, realizing he took Sungmin's words way out of context.  A sparkle in Kyuhyun's eyes could be seen, as he started to realize a little more that he could actually like this guy.


"Wow, it's 12:00 already, Kyu!" Sungmin interrupted Kyuhyun's train of thought.


"Yeah it -- wait, did you just call me Kyu?" Kyuhyun smiled, as he realized Sungmin had never called him that before, despite the many times he threw nicknames at the shorter.


"And what of it?" Sungmin stuck his tongue out at Kyuhyun.  "Last one to the truck owes the other one lunch!" Sungmin hollered as he ran quickly.


"YAHHH! You cheated!" Kyuhyun shouted and ran to catch up.




As the two reached the truck out of breath, both were actually looking forward to the car ride back toward their side of town, especially because the air between the two of them had cleared.


"Min?" Kyu asked as he started to drive off, finally heading toward familiar territory.


"Yes, Kyu?" Sungmin smiled brightly.


"Can we get to know each other now?" Kyuhyun questioned, as Sungmin raised an eyebrow.


"Uhh, sure!  What do you want to know?" Sungmin adjusted the volume so that he could hear Kyuhyun's voice clearly.


"Well, let's start with the basics.  What's your favorite color?"


"I already told you before," Sungmin smirked.  Pink.  Yours?"


"Well, I have three, but out of the color-colors, I"


"Hey, that means we match super well!" Sungmin joked, as Kyuhyun hid a smile.


"Your turn." Kyuhyun glanced at Sungmin for a second.




"I asked a question, so now it's your turn.  Unless, you don't want to get to know me." Kyuhyun fake pouted as Sungmin rolled his eyes.


"First of all Kyu, you're horrible at aegyo!" Sungmin chuckled, as Kyuhyun let out a small hmph.  "Anyway, um, favorite animal?"


"Bunnies."  Probably because you remind me of one.  "You?"


"Hey, me too!" Sungmin's eyes glittered as a smile was glued to his face.


Kyuhyun's smile faded.  "Hey Min, can I ask you a little more of a personal question?"


Sungmin looked confused, but nodded slowly.  "What is it?"


"Why are you single?" Kyuhyun asked bluntly.  Sungmin winced, not expecting to hear such a question.  "I-I mean, you don't need to answer if you don't wanna.  I just, er, was curious is all."


"No it's fine." Sungmin inhaled deeply, unsure of how he would handle this situation.  It was a pretty touchy subject, after all.


"When I was in the 9th grade, I met this amazing guy.  He's about the same age as me, just a little younger.  He is an amazing dancer, and we were from the same school.  At the time, we were too focused on reaching our dreams: to become famous.  He was part of the dance team, while I was on the martial arts team, but we somehow always found the time to spend together.  One day, both of our teams happened to stay late for practice.  It just so happens, freshmen are the last to leave, so we showered after practice and somehow met in the locker room."


Kyuhyun continued to drive, while listening to Sungmin's story.


"Anyway, when we met for the first time, sparks flew.  He had one of those smiles that would melt your heart."  Sungmin smiled for a second.  "He had asked me to be his boyfriend no more than two months after we met."


"Wow, pretty sudden!" Kyuhyun responded, just to show the passenger that he was, in fact, listening.


"Yeah, it was.  We were young and in love.  Anyway, we dated all through high school, but we got accepted into different colleges.  Throughout my years with him, I always put him first.  Even before school, which was really stupid."  Sungmin sighed.  "At least, I wish I realized this sooner.  I started to feel like he was ashamed of me.  He was much more outgoing than I was, and even though his friends knew he had a boyfriend, he never invited me to hang out anymore.  He would hang out with other guys that would start to flirt with him, but instead of backing off, he seemed to enjoy it.  Eventually, we started to drift apart.  We broke up, but I was still very much attached to him.  I lost all of my friends because I would put him first.  I pretty much gave up my life for him."


Kyuhyun was horrified.  He placed an available hand on Sungmin's shoulder, as he flinched upon the immediate contact.  "I'm so sorry to hear Min."


"Don't worry about it." Sungmin forced a smile.  "It got worse though.  On the Valentine's Day after we were broken up, I thought we were trying to work things out, since he said I was his Valentine.  When I got to his house, I saw a hand drawn card made by yet another guy.  That's when I truly knew it was over.  I had no trust, I had no will to fight for him anymore.  If I wasn't important enough to him, I needed to make sure he wasn't important to me."  This time, Sungmin couldn't stop the tears from falling.


Kyuhyun couldn't see this sight without his heart aching for the man next to him.  He ruffled Sungmin's hair with his free hand while continuing driving.  It was 12:50, and they were about ten minutes away from their next destination.  Luckily, the next delivery was at 1:15, so there still was some time to help Sungmin relax.  To his surprise, though, Sungmin stopped crying after a minute.


"I-I'm okay..." Sungmin whimpered.  "It feels good to let it out, but I'm sorry for scaring you with my life story.  Guess you know why I'm so awkward, huh?  I'm lifeless and friendless.  Well, until Hae came into my life." Sungmin forced a smile.


"Hey, don't say that Min.  I'm here for you." Kyuhyun stated sternly.


"Yah!  No need to sound so serious Kyuhyun-ah!" Sungmin teased.  "Really though," his voice became serious again, "I really really want to thank you for listening.  Hae was right.  You're a sweetheart."


Kyuhyun's eyes widened.  "Did Hae really say that?  I'm going to kill him!" Kyuhyun shouted.


"Tch, stop yelling!" Sungmin pouted playfully as he put his hand on Kyuhyun's free hand.  "Plus, he didn't say those exact words, but I really think you are!" Sungmin breathed a sigh of relief, as Kyuhyun pulled into an elementary school parking lot.


Le comment: Ashamed of Min?!? HOW RUUUDE. :( But at least he's opening up! Thank you for the sweet comments! <333 Starting to brainstorm for future stories! I wanna think out of the box. HAHAHA. But boo @ papers coming up. :((( /kicks life ~ ~

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....