A Shocking Revelation

Cupid's Ride

"Ahhh," Sungmin held a forkful of eggs toward Kyuhyun.


"Tch yah!  I'm driving, pabo!" Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, but took the bite anyway.


"Good boy," Sungmin smiled victoriously.  "Aish, I better text Hae.  We're almost to his house."  Sungmin grabbed his phone.


Hi Hae.  We're almost there.  I hope you were able to do the order! - Minnie


Sungmin looked up once his text was sent.  He was silent for a few moments before he started reliving the past delivery.  "That was cute, wasn't it?" Sungmin's lips formed a genuinely happy smile.


"What was?" Kyuhyun looked confused, as he took another mouthful of food through Sungmin's feeding.


"Oh, just how two guys worked like that together, neither of them knowing how the other truly felt, only to find out on this special day that they like each other." Sungmin grinned, lost in his own thoughts.


Kyuhyun smiled and shook his head.  With food still in his mouth, he mumbled,  "It's funnier that they ordered the exact same thing for each other."


Sungmin barely heard what the other had said, due to his wandering mind.  "Aish, that was so romantic.  I'd kill for that to happen to me.  Did you see Chanyeol's face?  He was so cute when he read the note.  When he grew weak at the knees."


"Yah!" Kyuhyun couldn't help but to grin at his partner's reaction.  Suddenly, everything that the passenger would do could make him smile like a fool.


Sungmin snapped back into reality.  "Hmm?  Oh, was I rambling again?"  At Kyuhyun's nod and subtle grunt, Sungmin leaned onto the headrest.  "Jealous much? ~"


Sungmin smiled, as he could feel Kyuhyun's twinge of jealousy radiate through his reactions.  The passenger looked out the window as they arrived at the familiar house they had been a few times within the past few hours.  Sungmin glanced at his watch as it read 3:20.  Perfect, there was still 10 minutes before the pair needed to meet up with Donghae for the final time.


Kyuhyun parked and was about to pull the keys out of the ignition, as Sungmin grabbed his hand.  The latter's question, however, is what caught him by surprise.


"Kyuhyun, why are you single?"


Kyuhyun choked on his spit.  "Excuse me?"


"You heard me.  I had to answer this question, so now please answer me this.  Why are you single?" Sungmin whimpered cutely, hoping that his aegyo would drive Kyuhyun into storytelling mode.


"Well, to be honest, I really don't know." Kyuhyun started.  The passenger's widened eyes glistened with interest as his gaze didn't leave the driver.  "I guess it's just because my last relationship was with someone I couldn't see myself with in the long run."


Sungmin waited for Kyuhyun to say more.  After a few seconds of silence, Sungmin pried even more.  "What do you mean?"


Kyuhyun smiled lightly.  "Well for one thing, my last relationship was with a girl."  Sungmin's eyes widened in shock.  "Before you ask, no I'm not biual.  I'm definitely gay." the driver joked, resulting in a small chuckle to escape both of their lips in unison.  "I just didn't know it then."


"Why not?"


"Well, I always thought there was something wrong with me.  When all my friends would check out girls, I would look at my friends checking out the girls, rather than the girls themselves.  I always would wonder what they saw in the females, since I felt nothing." Kyuhyun ran his fingers through his hair.  "I felt like I needed to figure things out once and for all, so I dated a girl.  I met her when I was a senior in high school and we dated for about half a year, before I called it off."


"Was she hurt?  I mean, she didn't know right?"


"I think the break up felt more mutual than anything.  We both felt something wasn't quite right.  I think she's doing alright now, though.  We still keep in touch from time to time and she has another boyfriend.  In fact, for their latest anniversary, he bought her a pink guitar." Kyuhyun smiled genuinely.  "I'm glad she found someone that could treat her better than I ever could."  His eyes were filled with sorrow, as he realized how much of a burden he could have been to his ex-girlfriend.


"Well everything happens for a reason, right?" Sungmin smiled hopefully.  "Aish, don't look so sad.  If it's any consolation, I know you're a sincere person.  Ever since we first met - this morning - all you've been was kind.  You tried to make me comfortable from the start." the shorter male smiled and threw his arms around the taller.  "I thank you for that, Kyu." Kyuhyun couldn't help but to hug back and smile in response.


Le comment: Short chapter! :'3 Figured yall were here to see Kyumin, so I didn't elaborate on Kyu's past like I did with Min in a prev chapter. My sister will kill me if/when she reads this chapter. LOLOL I won't say why! /facepalms But everything happens for a reason! <333 ILY sweeties.


Also ~ I'm staying at my dad's on the weekend. If I miss a day, I will double the following day. So please look foward to things! PRETTY PLEASE? <3 ^_^V

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....