The Final Destination

Cupid's Ride

Kyuhyun was in a state of shock.  He knew that his delivery partner and he had shared some moments together, but to actually hear those words come from Sungmin's mouth...that was definitely unexpected.  He nearly lost track of time and forgot he was driving.


"YAAAH!  WATCH OUT!  RED LIGHT!" Sungmin yelped at the driver, bringing the latter back to reality.  Kyuhyun stepped hard on his break as Sungmin yelled, clinging onto Kyuhyun's arm for dear life.  SKREEEEEEEE.


"I-I'm sorry." Kyuhyun stared wide-eyed through the windshield.  The males sat in silence for the next few minutes, as Kyuhyun pulled into a large parking structure, which was for the extravagant hotel across the street.  The driver found a stall and parked, but Kyuhyun wouldn't budge. 


Sungmin unbuckled his seatbelt and glanced over to the taller as he was opening the door.  "Aren't you coming?" Sungmin flashed a smile, but Kyuhyun's face was pale and emotionless.  "Yah!  Kyu, are you okay?" Sungmin playfully waved his hand in front of Kyuhyun's face to see if he'd react.


"I-I almost killed you." Kyuhyun continued to stare through the windshield.  He suddenly grabbed hold of the shorter, as he began to weep.  "I'm so sorry Min, and I'm glad you're safe."


"Aish, stop being silly.  We have work to do!" Sungmin ruffled Kyuhyun's hair before stepping out to get the load out of the trunk.  Kyuhyun just followed in more silence.


"Hmmm, it looks like all the deliveries are listed for this hotel." Sungmin glanced back and forth just to double check that he wasn't seeing things.  One of them is a delivery for you, Kyu.


"Ah, really?  How coincidental." Kyuhyun spoke very little words, partially due to being in shock, the other part due to the fact that he was keeping his secret surprise away from Sungmin.  Kyuhyun glanced at his watch.  4:50.  "Come on, we've got ten minutes to make three deliveries.  We'd be screwed if it weren't all in the same building." Kyuhyun quickly suggested, almost running toward the entrance of the hotel.




By the time the delivery guys got to the hotel, they were breathing rather heavily.  They ran across the street and were now outside their final destination.  Sungmin hastily grabbed the door handle for the entrance and the pair entered.


The interior of the hotel was very lavish, much like the vibe the pair had gotten from the exterior.  The floor was made of shiny, black marble tiles.  The walls were painted with solid white, with a strip of black and white checkered tiles lining the wall.  In the dead center of the building, a beautiful crystal chandelier was hanging, the crystals glistening brightly in sync with the shimmering light.


"Oh look, there's the concierge." Kyuhyun pointed at a desk about twenty steps away.  The shorter male followed, as they were prepared to find out where exactly their next delivery would be located.  As they reached the desk, the taller rang the bell.  "Excuse me, where might I find a..." Kyuhyun read the tag, "Henry Lau?"


"I'm sorry, sir.  There is no Henry Lau that works at this hotel.  You have the wrong place." the male at the desk said in a very formal tone before bowing slightly.


"There must be some mistake," Sungmin chimed in, glancing at the clipboard, then back at the male at the desk.  "My order form here states this address and this exact hotel."  The delivery boy shot a confused glance at the concierge.


"Unfortunately, I assure you that your sheet must be incorrect, sir.  We do not employ a male by the name of Henry Lau.  We apologize for the inconvenience." the male bowed again.


The two men were exhausted and now frustrated.  It was 5:00 and the man in question, Henry Lau, was nowhere to be found.  As the pair turned around and ready to exit the hotel, a tall, foreign male gave them a puzzling look.


"Why are you looking for my Henry?" the tall stranger asked.


"We have a-"


"What is this?!" the tall male snatched the clipboard out of Sungmin's hands.


"Yah, watch i-"


"Oooh, so you're the flower boys." the stranger's face softened, as he signaled for the males to follow him.  Once they were out of sight from most of the hotel guests, the tall male breathed a sigh of relief.


"I'll take the order for my Henry now, please." he shoved the clipboard back into Sungmin's chest, as he caught a hold of Kyuhyun's bag that contained the boxes.


"Yah, what are you doing?" Kyuhyun asked, slightly annoyed.


"Look, uhmmm, Zhou Mi," Sungmin read the clipboard slowly, with a slight accent, "please do not rummage through the boxes like that.  Some of those gifts are for other people."  As Sungmin caught a glimpse of Zhou Mi letting go of the bag, Sungmin bowed.  "Thank you very much."


Kyuhyun then grabbed the only box in the bag without a ribbon - Zhou Mi had requested it like such - and handed it over to the taller male, still not quite smiling.


"Thank you.  My Henry will love this so much." Zhou Mi signed off for the arrangement and disappeared in a flash.


Kyuhyun and Sungmin could just blink in shock.  "What the hell just happened?" Kyuhyun muttered, with his mouth hanging slightly open in utter confusion.

"I-I don't know..." Sungmin shook his head.  "Damn it!  Kyu, it's past 5.  We have two more deliveries!"


"Oh ," Kyuhyun smoothed his hair with his free hand.  "Where do we have to go next?"




5:10.  Donghae glanced at his phone for the time.  He should be calling very soon.


Le comment: ZHOURYYY! :D Don't be mad that Zhou Mi was like that though. He's supposed to be like...a foreigner, who didn't quite know how to act. :P Something's going downnnnn! ARE YOU EXCITED? I can assure, WARNING: MAJOR FLUFF IN THE NEAR FUTURE.

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zuttoo #1
Chapter 24: I read this is one go authornim..I'm so consumed with fluffyness..and I like your storyline too:-) thanks for sharing!
venzsuju #2
Chapter 24: so sweet~ ^^
fencingelf #3
Chapter 24: heh:) so sweet! love it
Chapter 23: So nice imma work during valentines next time
Midnight_Sorrow #5
Chapter 11: ahhh soo fluffy ^^
Salmissra #6
Chapter 23: So Kyuuuuuuute!!!!
Salmissra #7
Chapter 14: That's so cute all the way!
Chapter 23: I'm still full of kyumin. Yesterday is still not enough. Hahaha. I love this... everything is so sweet and fluffy :">
Hi everyone! So I noticed the requests for sequels, and I can't quite guarantee one, sorry! I /maaay/ consider going for mini-stories based on side couples first, since if I go with a sequel, I'd need more time to rethink the Kyumin events.

But thank you for the support and love! :)))
<333 to you all!
KyuminMania #10
Chapter 23: Sooooo Full of kyumin Love......valentine day passed but it feel s as if valentine's day is today....