Trip to Seoul Tower: What Couples Do

Before I Loved You


All of you arrived in Seoul Tower and went up the elevator to the top floor where the couples were mostly at. As the elevator stopped, all of you went out and to your surprise Nichkhun, Victoria's boyfriend was there. "Appa!" Luna called and Khun turned around to see who called him with a familiar voice.

"Appa?" Dongwoo, Sungyeol and Sungjong repeated. "We call him 'Appa' because Victoria Unnie is our 'Umma' and Appa is Umma's boyfriend." Sulli explained. Khun walked towards you and your friends and greeted you all with a handsome smile. "What are you all doing here? And is it alright for ~~~~ to be out?" Khun asked.

Amber quickly eyed Khun and lightly shook his head and nodded back at L and his friends. Khun caught Amber's attention and understood what she meant. "Is it alright if I stole your Umma?" Khun asked you with a sincere smile. You smiled back and nodded. Khun reached his hand out to Victoria and she took it being shy. "Thanks princess." Khun said as he gave a kiss on your forehead and walked of with Khun.

"How long have they been together?" Sunggyu asked. "Months." Amber casually replied and Sunggyu nodded understanding her reply. Amber was now the one pushing you around on your wheel chair while L was continuously walking with his crutches on until his leg started throbbing.

L groaned in pain a little and found a place to sit. His friends surrounded him and tried to see what was wrong. You looked back and told Amber to stop and all of you went to L. "Is he alright?" Luna asked, concerned. "I think his leg is just tired." Woohyun said. "Should we go get some ice packs Hyung?" Sungjong asked and L just nodded. 

"Can you stay with him for a while?" Sunggyu asked you and your friends and all of you nodded your head. You were in front of L watching him hold his leg and biting his lip to prevent from screaming or yelling. "Amber, can you go get him some water?" you asked her in fluent English.

"Huh? Sure thing. But uh I need these guys to go with me. I'm not so good with directions..." Amber nodded at Luna and Sulli who were looking around. 

"Yeah, it's fine." you went back to speaking in Korean and looked at L who was still in pain. "As long as he has something to drink." you mumbled but Amber heard you. Amber went to Luna and Sulli and told them to go with her to get a bottle of water and they agreed. "We'll be back ~~~~~-ah~" Luna said as they went to the elevator. 


You and L were alone again but you didn't mind. You wanted to help L prevent the pain but you didn't know what to do and you couldn't go to him because of your wheel chair. So you tried talking to him. "Are you alright?" you asked concerned. L looked up and saw you being so worried looking. "Yeah, I'm fine..." he said but he moand a little in pain. 

"Well, that doesn't sound like you're alright." you told him and L chuckled. L looked away and noticed how there were many couples around them including Khun and Victoria. L looked back at you who was worriedly looking at his throbbing leg. "Ever wondered what  couples do?" he asked.

You raised your head up and looked at him, puzzled. "Couples?" you repeated and he nodded his head. "Yeah, couples." he said again. You furrowed your brows as you looked away from him and thought about what he said. L looked at you and just laughed to himself quietly. "Cute." he thought.


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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!