First Meeting

Before I Loved You


You were sitting on a wheel chair and you were reading a book by the balcony of the hospital. Your personal nurse was with you but she was busy playing with the children in the same area. Just then the sound system turned off and called all nurses to go the staff room for a meeting. 

"~~~~~~-ah, I'll go first okay. I'll be back." your nurse said and you nodded your head but keeping our eyes on the book. Your nurse left you and the children left as well. "Peace and quiet..." you thought as you closed the book, closed your eyes and breathed in the fresh air. You opened your eyes as you heard someone coming. You casually went back to reading and used your preferral vision to see who it was. 

You noticed that this patient had an injury somewhere on the leg because this patient was limping. With the help of the crutches, the patient was able to sit down on the chair that was outside. You went back to reading your book and the patient was just there looking up at the distance. 


The patient didn't notice you until you began coughing. You continuously coughed and accidentally dropped your book. You were about to bend forward to get it but as you reached your hand out you noticed the patients hand out as well. It was a guys hand, you can tell. He picked the book up and reached his arm out for you to take it from him. 

Both of you didn't say a word to each other, you just looked at each other with somewhat cold stares. You hesitated on taking the book from him and lightly bowed to him instead of saying 'thanks'. The boy lightly smiled then held on to his crutches again and began walking back inside the hospital. 

As you saw his smile, you felt your heart pound on to your body and held your book tight with a smile coming out of your face.


Is this what they call love at first sight? Hihi ^^

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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!