Be Mine...Forever?

Before I Loved You


L brought you back to your room then left. 

You arrived in your name and changed by yourself then went to bed. You laid your head down on the pillow and got comfortable. Your eyes were slowly closing until you jumped up because of your phone. You took it out under your pillow and checked it. You saw that it was a message from L.

-L Oppa 

Goodnight :) 
Dream of me~ 
I'll dream of you~
I'll come by tomorrow :) 

You couldn't help but smile at his message. You began typing your reply back to him and sent it. 


L, who already got on the bed and was about doze off until his phone beeped. He grabbed it and flipped it open. As he opened it, he saw your name flashing and he made a big grin.

- JungJungSarang

Goodnight Oppa.
I'll dream of you, I promise ^_^
I had fun today. Thank you for staying. 
I'll see you tomorrow ^^

Um...사랑해 ^^

After reading your message, L couldn't let his smile die down. He wanted to receive text messages from you more. He was about to reply but he decided not to because he knew that you'd be asleep.


The next morning, you woke up in your room with the oxygen mask on. You had a hard time breathing last night so you had to put it on. As you woke up, your phone beeped. 

- L Oppa

Good morning ^^
Are you up yet?
Wakey wakey~! ^^


You smiled and felt warm as you were blushing. Your nurse came in and noticed how wide your smile were and how pink your cheeks were. "That's it. Smile a lot." she thought as she looked at you then went back to work. 


To: L Oppa

Yes Oppa.
I'm awake now ^.^

Um...what are you doing?


To: JungJungSarang

Just eating breakfast...alone.
I wish I could eat with you like I used to.
*sigh* : ' (


To: L Oppa

Silly Oppa, ^.^
It's good that you're eating at home.
Hospital food isn't really that delicious. 
I would rather eat with you there than eat here...


To: JungJungSarang

Then come home~~~~~~ 
Ah, what are your plans today?


To: L Oppa

I don't really know. I might just stay here again.


To: JungJungSarang

I'll visit you soon <3


The whole morning till the afternoon, you and L were still sending text messages to each other. You didn't mind if your fingers began hurting because at least you were doing something instead of just lying down on the bed. As night fall came, you waited for L. 


- L Oppa

Mianhaeeee >.<
I can't visit you tonight...
Stupid Sunggyu Hyung planned a welcome back party for me...

You read the message and your shoulders automatically deflated.


To: L Oppa

Aigoo, kwaenchana ^.^
It's nice how Sunggyu Oppa planned something like that for you.
Don't be mean *merong*


Again, you and L kept on sending messages until he stopped replying and that was around 9PM. "I guess the party is happening." you thought. You turned the TV on but kept the volume low so that you could read your book. You were almost done with it and you felt excited to finish it. 

At around 11PM you fell asleep with the book on your lap. Your nurse came to check up on you. She turned the TV off, grabbed your book from your lap and placed a book mark before closing it. Your nurse went out to leave you to sleep and closed the lights. After a few minutes, your phone began to ring.


"Yeobosaeyo?" you answered in a low and sleepy tone.

"Ah, did I wake you?" 

"L Oppa?" you asked in a groggy voice.

"Sorry, I didn't know that you were asleep already." 

"Aniyo it's fine. Waeyo?" you asked in a normal voice now.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to come by. Party just ended now." 

You giggled. "You don't seem happy."

L sighed. "You weren't there, that's why." L pretended to sob and you laughed.

For a while it was quiet that you can hear each others breathing. You can tell that he was shy when he's on the phone with you. But you didn't mind. 


"Ouch!" he hissed.

"Kwaenchana?" you asked.

"Yeah I just...bumped into something." 

You giggled again. "Silly Oppa." 

"Hey ~~~~~~." he said.


"What would you do if I told you that I'm standing right outside the hospital, right now?" he asked.

You sat up with furrowed eyebrows and looked out the window. 


"You looked out didn't you?" he said and you heard him chuckle.

"Not funny Oppa." you said and he could tell that you were pouting.


"What if I told you I was standing right outside your door?" 

"Yeah, right." you said and rolled your eyes. Just then you heard a knock.


You took your oxygen mask off, took the blanket off and went out of bed. You walked towards the door and slowly opened it. After you opened it, your eyes widened as you saw L. He really came to the hospital. He came to where you were and that made your heart melt. L stood outside and smirked as he ended the call and so did you. 

"Shocked?" he asked, grinning.

You didn't say a word, you were too shocked to see him. But you were happy that he was able to see you. L stepped forward and now both of you standing right in front of each other. You could feel your heart beating rapidly and your eyes were wondering around because you don't know what to do and you don't know what he's going to do. 

L took something out of his pocket casually and looked at it. You looked at his hands and saw him holding it. Then he knelt down on one knee which surprised you. Your eyes became widened and you couldn't move. "Jung ~~~~~~. Will you...marry me and be mine forever?" 




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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!