Celebrating Black Day

Before I Loved You




Days later after his friends visited him it was April 14 and a holiday. What holiday?  Black Day for those who were single. Your nurse brought you out the balcony again at night and she left you to eat dinner which was coincidentally Jajangmyun. You began eating your jajangmyun while you looked out into the night sky and gazed at the building lights.

You heard footsteps and turned your head back and saw L again. He walked towards the empty chair beside you and sat down. "Jajangmyun for dinner?" he asked. You looked at him and nodded while you were trying to the noodles. L watched you and let out a slight chuckle. 

You were able to eat all the noodles that was on your fork and looked away from him to swallow it then you looked back at him. L noticed that your mouth was a bit messy from the noodles so he reached forward and used his thumb to wipe the mess on the of your lips. As you felt his thumb touch your skin a shiver tingled down your spine and you were looking at his eyes. 

L pulled back and smiled while you were just looking away with a flushed face. "Shall we celebrate Black Day together?" he asked. You looked up at him then look back down at your noodles. "Oh...it's black day today..." you mumbled and you looked at L. "You want some?" you asked him giving him the Jajangmyun and both of let out a laugh.


After dinner, you and L wondered again the hallways but this time you knew where you going. Near the vending machine. The vending machine became your hang out spot now. You and L talked about many random things like how a vending machine was made and why was it called a vending machine. You laughed at how random L was around you and you liked the feeling when you're with him. 

L was having fun being with you, he loved to hear you laugh because of his random self and he felt comfortable as well. "So, why are you celebrating Black Day?" L suddenly asked. "I didn't know it was Black Day today until you told me." you snickered and L looked at you with a straight face. 

"That's it?" he asked and you let out a giggle.

"Isn't it obvious that I'm single?" you eyed him.

"Why would a pretty girl like you be single?" L tilted his head and placed his finger under his chin pretending that he was thinking. Again you let out a giggle and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess, boys don't find me attractive." you said. 

L let out a gasp and pretended to get shocked. "Impossible~" L said and you lightly hit him. "It's true anyways..." you mumbled. L searched for your face and said, "That's because they only see what's on the outside, not on the inside." You felt your knees weakened and it was a good thing that you were seated on the wheel chair. 



L looked at the time on the wall clock and noticed some of the hospital lights were being turned off. "I think we should get going." he said as he stood up with the help of his crutches. You pushed your wheel back then rolled your wheels with L as he walks. "Will you be able to walk soon?" you asked. 

"The doctor said I should be able to by the end of the month, then I'm out of here." L said slightly smiling. You slowly looked away from and you began to feel sad. L looked your way and noticed your facial expression. 


L walked all the way where your room was and waved at you before he left. His wasn't that far from yours which was what he liked the most. Being near you. As you went in, you released the breaks of your wheel chair and pulled yourself up while holding on to the side of the bed. You climbed on the bed and positioned yourself to sleep. 

As you were about to close your eyes, your phone received a text message. You reached for your phone which was just under your bed and you read the message.

-Minho Oppa

Happy Black Day! 
Haha, see I remembered. 
I'll be visiting soon with the guys, see you!

You smiled at the message then you put your phone back and went to sleep.


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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!