
Before I Loved You



You were awake but you were just in bed, reading a book like always and enjoying the quiet moment in your room. Just then, your door opened and four heads popped out but you didn't noticed. You were too immersed on reading your book. The four heads were females and they all tiptoed their way around your bed. 

As you closed your book you looked up and your eyes widened as you saw your four closest friends with big smiles on their faces. "Happy Birthday!!!" they all said at the same time with smiles on their faces. Just then five guys popped in with cake, presents and a few balloons of your favorite color. 

You looked to the side and your face brightened as you saw your favorite person and your crush, Choi Minho. Minho and his friends came up to you and greeted you. "~~~~~-ah! Happy Birthday!" the fashionable one came forward and handed you his gift. Then came the youngest one, next was the second the oldest and the oldest came last.

"Thanks so much Oppas." you smiled brightly as you looked at the presents. "Ya, you can't forget our presents as well!" one of your friends said as they all gave their gifts at the same time. You giggled and took their presents as well then you began opening each of them starting with your friends' presents. 

You got a shirt, a bracelet, a CD and a cap from your friends while you got mostly accesories from Minho and his friends. 


On the same day, L's friends came over to his room. They were all happily chatting and eating with L then L notices through the window, you and with groups of people around you. Sungyeol looked his way and noticed the same thing. "Hyung, isn't that the girl you like." he said.

Everyone looked through the window as well. L noticed how much you were smiling while you were talking to Minho. "Who is that guy?" he thought. Just then, the eldest of the group grinned and gave an idea. "Let's go to the cafeteria." he got L's crutches and brought it to him. Two of his friends helped get out of bed and wear his slippers then off they went to the cafeteria.


Coincidentally, you and your friends were also by the cafeteria celebrating your birthday. They lightened up your candle and sang the birthday song to you. "Happy Birthday to you~" they all ended with a clap and cheer. "Make a wish ~~~~-ah!" one of your friends who looked the same age as you said. 

You nodded your head, looked at the candle and closed your eyes as you made your wish. Several seconds later, you opened your eyes and blew out the candle and everyone applaused and got ready to slice the cake. Minho gave you your slice and sat beside you, the rest sat beside each other. 

L and his friends arrived in the cafeteria and he saw you again near Minho. "~~~~~-ah! You and Minho should really just get together." Luna, your friend said. "Aniyo! Minho Oppa has someone else in mind I'm sure of it." you answered back. Minho just chuckled and ate his cake. 

L over heard your conversation with them immediately his mood died down. L sat on the chair while his friends ate snacks. "Hyung, kwaenchana?" Sungjong the youngest, asked him. "Yeah..." he mumbled as he looked at your way again then looked away. Sungjong tiltled his head and looked at your way. He smiled and stood and walked towards you and your friends.


"Annyeonghasaeyo!" Sungjong greeted with a bow and all of you who were at the table looked up at him. "I hope you don't mind, but can my hyungs join you?" he asked. You looked at your friends and Minho and they all agreed. "Uh, sure thing." you replied. Sungjong smiled and called his hyungs. They looked up to him and they came over. Sungyeol helped up L and walked with him.

"Annyeonghasaeyo." L's friends greeted all of you and your friends greeted them in return. "I think L hyung knows your friend?" Sungjong asked with a smile. "Ah, you mean ~~~~~~?" Amber, the boyish one said. You looked up and looked at L who seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Is it your birthday?" Hoya, who was standing behind Sungjong asked you. You just nodded and lightly smiled. "Woah! Saengil Chukahae!" everyone except L. Your friends and L's friends stayed until lunch time then they all left. You were back in your room but then you went out to the balcony. 


As you were going out, you saw L standing with his crutches. "You don't want to sit?" you spoke and L turned around then looked back to where he was looking at. You blinked at his action but then you didn't mind him. So you released the break of your wheel chair and took out your polaroid camera out and began taking pictures of the scenery.

L heard you taking shots but he didn't mind you. "Is he mad at me?" you thought. L released a sigh and was about to leave until you took a shot of him. He stopped and turned his head towards you. You lowered the camera down and waited till the photo came out. As it came out you began shaking it so that it would clear up.

The picture cleared and you saw his picture. You tilted your head and looked at closely then you took out a marker on the side of wheel chair and wrote on the white space. After writing it, you handed the picture to L without saying anything. He hesiitated but he still took the picture then you put your breaks up and pushed your wheels back in the hospital. 

L looked down at the picture and looked at himself then he looked at the caption below.



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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!