Second Meeting

Before I Loved You


The next day, you were brought to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Your personal nurse left you to get your food. As you sat on the wheelchair with nothing to do you suddenly remember the boy that you met yesterday. You didn't catch his name but his face was enough for you to remember.

Just then, you saw crutches being placed on the side of the table and then you remembered the boy. You looked up casually and saw the same boy. Both of you looked at each other again then L looked away as he saw your nurse approaching. "Here you go ~~~~~-ah." she said and you nodded your head. 

Your nurse saw L sitting across you and looked at him. "Annyeong, L-ssi~" your nurse greeted him with a smile. L looked up at your nurse and lightly nodded his head then went back to eating. Your nurse let out a grin and walked off to leave the two of you alone. Both you and L just concentrated on eating and didn't mind each other. 

At the same time, you and L reached out for your drink and took a sip and returned the glass on the table and looked at each other. Both of you caught each other looking and let out a small giggle. You giggled while he chuckled. "Annyeong." L spoke and let out a smile. 

"Annyeong." you said and returned the smile. 


You and L were able to have a proper conversation about anything that came into your minds. After you've finished lunch, L stood up with the help of his crutches and walked over to you. "Need any help?" he asked. "No it's okay, I can push myself. I think you need help." you said and giggled. 

"I can walk just fine thanks to these." L said waited for you to push your wheel chair back and both of you left the cafeteria together.


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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!