Trip to Seoul Tower

Before I Loved You


The weekend came and your friends were able to visit and stay longer. While you and your friends where by the balcony, you heard L's friends by the hall way. Sungjong spotted you and your friends by the balcony and greeted all of you. "Annyeonghasaeyo!" he said with a bright smile.

All of you looked at him with a blank face but you smiled. "Annyeonghasaeyo." you said. "We're about to get L and we're all going to Seoul Tower. Would you like to join us?" he asked still smiling. The rest of his friends were right behind him. Some were hiding because of embarrassment some were just plain shy. 

You looked at your friends first before saying anything. "I'm okay with it." Amber said, Luna and Sulli nodded their heads in agreement. "I can go but only for a while." Victoria said. "Why? Going out with Nickhun Appa again?" Sulli teased and Victoria looked away with a flushed face. 

You giggled and you looked back at Sungjong. "I guess we can go." you told him and Sungjong brightened. "Awesome! So we'll meet you in the main lobby?" he said and you nodded. Sungjong and the rest of guys followed him to L's room while Victoria pushed your wheel chair and went to your room so that you could change into your going out clothes. 


Sungjong and the guys arrived in L's room and they found him watching TV. Dongwoo opened the door and quickly went to L's side to watch with him. "You better go get ready lover boy." Woohyun told him with a grin on his face. "Huh?" L said. "Sungjong invited your girlfriend to go with us to Seoul Tower." Sunggyu said with a grin also. 

"She isn't my girlfriend..." L mumbled and sat up. "Yet." Dongwoo snickered and earned a hit from L. "Ya, I'm your Hyung!" Dongwoo hissed. "But you deserve it." L said as he stood up with the help of his crutches and made his way to the bathroom. The rest of guys eyed each other and smiled. "He's going to make his move tonight." Woohyun stated. "How can you be so sure Hyung?" Sungjong asked while tilting his head. 

"I just know." Woohyun said as he ruffled Sungjong's hair.


Instead of wearing jeans and a normal shirt, since it was hard for you to get up, your friends helped you wear your baby pink dress and even fixed your hair into a side ponytail. Amber helped you put on your black converse and even tied it for you. You smiled at her while she winked back at you. 

You looked at yourself in the mirror and instead smiling, you sighed. "What's wrong?" Sulli asked. "I could've got dressed myself...I had to trouble you guys by helping me dress up." you said. "Aigoo! It's not a problem ~~~~~~. We know your condition so, it's pretty okay for us to help you get dress." Luna said confidently and smiled at you. 

You smiled back at her and she gave you a hug. "Group picture?" Victoria said and everyone nodded. Everyone went around you and Victoria turned the camera on and faced it towards the mirror. Before taking a shot she made sure that there wasn't any flash then she took a picture with everyone smiling. 


You and your friends arrived at the lobby first and waited for a while. Just then, L and his friends came out of the elevator and made their way towards you and your friends. L saw you wearing a dress for the first time and he couldn't take his eyes off you. Your face became light pink as you noticed L looking at you. 

"I don't really feel this way to anyone else, except for Minho..." you thought. You looked away and Sulli saw the way you were looking at him. Sulli smiled to herself and bit her lip as she felt giddy inside. "Shall we go?" Sungjong spoke and everyone nodded. All of you left the hospital as big group and began walking. L was ahead of his friends so that if anything happens they're able to catch him. 

You were being pushed on your wheel chair by Victoria as they walk behind and beside you with L and his friends. Everyone was able to converse with each other and find something in common with each other. "It's a good thing that the hospital that you guys stay in is close to Seoul Tower." Sunggyu said. "Yeah, but so far from we live." Dongwoo added and earned another hit but from Woohyun.

"Ouch!" Dongwoo hissed while you and your friends chuckled.


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Chapter 2: Hi! Just wanted to say the term is 'peripheral vision,' instead of preferral... :) I enjoy reading your stories too, by the way.. :)
14 streak #2
Wwwaaahhh T.T i stayed up late just to finish this story and it was a tragedy.....
You shouldve tagged this story tragedy..... When i saw the poster i knew the girl would be krystal even though you put ~~~~~ instead....
Man the nurses shouldve been fast when ~~~~~ pressed the button to call her nurse. I wouldve fired them for not being able to get to her room fast.
Awwwww the dream wedding chapter was so sweet >.< it wouldve been awesome if they had a real wedding instead of planning it out....
Anyways.... That was a sad/tragedy/sweet story ^^
i cried ;~; GJ author :D
I cried ;'((((((((((((((((
good job author ssi!