Challenge Accepted!!

What is History?


JaeNi opened the door to Tao's dorm, tossing her bag down. Her dance class had been a pain in the and knowing Junha, she'd still be awake and more rambunctious than ever. "Tao? I'm here so don't do anything you can't talk about over dinner!" She shouted. (Translation: If you don't want me to bring it up in front of EVERYONE, don't do it in front of me.)

Her brow rose as she noticed a couple boxes on the coffee table. With a shrug, she went to the fridge. "If you aren't going to answer me, I'm going to take all of your food and drink from your fridge!" She called.

Hearing a shuffle behind her, JaeNi smirked. "I knew that'd get-" she froze at the sight behind her. A pale -nearly her own skin tone- guy was standing at the coffee table, grabbing a box. He had short auburn/brown hair and a lean facial structure. She was surprised to see he even had a little acne going on on his forehead. She was so unused to seeing people who weren't Asian, she nearly dropped her drink.

Hearing this, the boy turned and looked worried for a second. Giving his Korean a try, he announced, "Ah-ni-on-g."

JaeNi nearly died laughing. In English she said, "That was hilarious!"

He relaxed, "So you speak English?"

JaeNi knew that kind of accent from years of watching TV back in her home country. "Yes... Not to be rude, but where are you from?"

He smiled a little. "I'm from Britain. My name is Harry. What about you?"

"I'm from the states, but I've been here long enough to know fluent Korean and a little Mandarin. I changed my name slightly when I came over. I'm JaeNi." She extended her hand. "Have you by chance seen Tao?"

The boy shook her hand and nodded, "He's in there. Is he always so... Antisocial?"

She put her drink on the counter and passed the living area. "Fortunately so."

She pushed open his door to see Tao with a towel around his waist. "Yah! Jae-Ni!"

She turned around and shut the door, keeping her back to him. "Why didn't you tell me you got a roommate?"

She heard the older rummaging for clothing. "I didn't want him to be here." This was so quiet that JaeNi had to strain her ears to hear it. "I'm dressed now."

She turned to see Tao in black and white panda PJ pants with a tank top. She smirked, "Cute pants."

He flashed her a small smile, "I thought so too."

She sat on his bed, leaning back. "So... Was your day any better than mine?"

He took his phone off the desk and sat on the opposite side of his bed. "Considering you get a break between all of your classes except your last two, I'm going to say no."

"It’s because I can't handle constant focus. I have to have at least a half hour to recover from each. Just because you decided to jumble all your classes together doesn't mean I have to... Which brings me to my question, why are you in here instead of doing your normal things?" She took his phone and looked at the time before handing it back.

Tao closed his eyes and frowned, "Don't remind me."

She looked away and pressed her lips into a thin smile, "You don't like your new roommate, do you?"

The panda buried his face in his pillow and made a sound. JaeNi rubbed his back, "Have you done the usual stuff already?"

He said something that was muffled along the lines of "of course". She patted his bare shoulder and thought. When she couldn't think of anything for him to do to get rid of the foreigner, she asked, "What's so bad about him?"

"He speaks English," Tao announced, rolling over.

JaeNi gaped at him, "I speak English!!!"

"You speak English I can understand. His is... funny. And his Korean is very limited." Tao puffed out his cheeks and looked at the ceiling. "And he thinks I'm weird."

Her brow rose, "What makes you say that?" Just as she asked, her cell phone went off in her pocket. For a moment Hyunah's Ice Cream played until she could enter the lock-code.


From: Junha

            Where are you??? It’s almost 9! I'm bored! And worried.


She rolled her eyes. "Your bold friend?" Tao asked, smirking.

JaeNi rolled her eyes at this too. "I told you, she's not bold. She's stupid and often times responsible for the trouble I'm in."


To: Junha

            I'll tell you in a sec. I might have an idea.


She looked over at Tao. "Gege," She sang. Tao's eyes narrowed, "That's the 'I have a wonderfully weird idea' voice."

She nodded and began whispering to him. "You want your room mate to move out, right? Well... Who better to scare him away then the person who creeps everyone out?"


To: Junha

           Pack us both some essentials and grab some pillows and blankets. We're staying at Tao's dorm tonight.


Tao looked thoughtful for a moment, "As long as it gets him out of here, I don't care what you do."

She leaned over and pulled Tao into a hug, "You will thank me later. I promise."

He patted her and hugged her tight. "I really hope I don't regret this."


From: Junha

            Tao's got a new roommate, doesn't he?!


JaeNi smiled and replied for her friend to hurry. She left Tao's room to get her drink, but returned shortly. "Gege? Junha and I are going to stay the night, alright?" He ran his fingers through his still drying black hair. She flopped down on the bed next to him, lying on her side. "We're going to skip all of our classes tomorrow as well."

"Am I going to get any sleep?" He asked.

She nodded, "Totally! And I'll wake you up early tomorrow!" She announced happily.

Tao crawled under the covers and pointed to the shelf. JaeNi got up and went to grab the stuffed panda. She gave it to Tao and watched him clutch it to his chest adorably. "God you're so cute."

He bit his bottom lip and winked ily. JaeNi shook her head, "Remind me again why we aren't dating?"

He laughed, "Because that would mess up our friendship and because I'm pretty sure we aren't in love."

She moved towards the door, "Make faces like that more often and I might have to be!"

He smiled, "Good night JaeNi."

She nodded and grinned, "Good night, Tao Gege."

She shook her head as she shut off his light and closed the door. While her panda was amazingly sweet and adorable, they had a tendency to flirt –even if they both knew that relationship wasn’t even going to be given a chance.

“How would it mess your friendship up?” A voice asked.

Confused, JaeNi looked down next to her to see Junha leaning against the wall. JaeNi slapped Junha in the back of the head, “Privacy. Ever heard of it?”

The petite Korean girl stood up and shook her head, “Nope! Answer the question!”

JaeNi pushed Junha towards the couch, “Junha, Tao and I are not going to get together ever again. Stop hoping.”

The other girl rolled her eyes and flopped down on the furniture, “The first time didn’t even count! He was tipsy and you were drunk off your .”

JaeNi got her friend a drink. ‘Wish that could’ve stopped us from remembering it.’ She thought. Back in their first year of college, Tao and JaeNi went to a party with Junha…. That was never going to happen again. Apparently EVERYTHING had been spiked, and the American girl hadn’t considered this.

In short, she and her best friend ended up a hot face- mess in the backseat of Junha’s car. No, there was no , just a very sloppy and hilarious make-out session. They were both confused and awkward when they woke up the next afternoon tangled together on the couch of Junha’s dorm –which was not shared with JaeNi at the time.

JaeNi and Tao agreed after the awkwardness was almost completely gone that the party never happened and that they were too close of friends to ever consider a romantic relationship –mostly due to the awkwardness. JaeNi and Tao had both been relieved and pretended that night didn’t exist…. Junha however, still had pictures.

Handing the drink over, JaeNi sat next to her friend, “Me dating Tao is like you dating that dragon your brother hangs around with… What’s his name?”

“Dragon?... That’d be Kris. I only want Chanyeollie!” She announced, smiling with closed eyes.

JaeNi rolled her eyes at this. “I know, I know. According to Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are a couple. You know that right?”

Junha glared, “Don’t even think that statement ever again.”

JaeNi smiled, “Then stop hoping for Tao and I to hook up.”

“BUT YOU’D BE SO GOOD TOGETHER!” She shouted. JaeNi glared, silently telling her to keep her voice down. “I mean, he’s a Wushu master and you are learning. You both have a secret fun side apart from the stone ‘I don’t care’ appearance you give in public. You flirt all the time! It’s like your souls were split in half and put into different bodies.”

“To me it sounds like we’re siblings when you put it that way.”

Junha growled, “You know what I mean.”

Just then a door near the Kitchen area opened, Harry walked in. “Oh, Hello.” He smiled politely. Motioning to Junha, he asked, “Are you a friend of Tao’s as well?”

Junha turned and raised a brow. JaeNi translated in Korean for her. To Harry she said, “You could say that.”

In Korean, Junha announced happily, “Nope! I’m his guard dog!”

“Did she just say something about a dog?”

JaeNi shook her head, “You just don’t even want to know.”

Harry narrowed his eyes and walked by them too grab his final bag from beside the door. Junha whispered to JaeNi, "Kiopta?"

JaeNi laughed, shaking her head. "No, no. Our standards are just like yours. When you see a good-looking foreigner, you'll know it."

Junha nodded and smiled, obviously relieved. "So, are you two staying the night?"

JaeNi smiled politely, "Uh... Yes. Our other roommate threw a party in our dorm so we don't have a place to sleep except for here. I hope you don't mind. Tao invited us to stay before we knew about you."

Junha pouted as JaeNi spoke her English. Harry nodded and smiled, "I don't mind at all."

Junha glared at Harry. He caught sight of this and froze, feeling something in her glare that made his heart rate increase. He edged around everything to get to his room. "Good night." He said, slamming the door shut.

"Night." JaeNi called back. She turned back to Junha who was now smiling happily as she dug around in her bag. She handed JaeNi a box, "This came in the mail for you."

Taking the box, she opened it and grinned, "My friends! Neh, they heard my pleas!" She began pulling out many packs of things.

Junha's eyes widened, "Satang?!"

A grin split JaeNi's lips as she nodded. She held up a pack and said, "Tell me what its called and its yours."

"Skittles!" Junha announced, catching the candy with a quick shout of "Victory!"

"Keep it down. Tao has to sleep."

Junha yawned, "We should too. I want to get up early to be creepy to that weirdo."

JaeNi nodded, "Pillows?"

Her roommate pulled up two thick pillows, tossing one to JaeNi. JaeNi stood up as Junha settled a blanket around her. "I'll give you the couch." Junha gave her the other blanket she'd packed and muttered a quick thanks before cuddling her skittles and falling asleep.

JaeNi found the floor to be very comfortable. She preferred it, in fact, especially after a long day. Sleeping on a surface that would not mold to fit her body helped her posture. She sighed and smiled into the pillow, thinking of all the devious things she could to scare away this Harry-boy as she drifted off to sleep.


At first she thought they were still on break and she was back in America. The scent of food invaded the air–what food she wasn’t sure, but it had a nice smell- and she heard someone call her name drawn out, almost correctly. “Jayynnieee?”

She sat up and looked around with a hand on a head. She was quickly torn from the illusion upon seeing Tao’s living area. JaeNi stood up and went to the kitchen where Junha was putting some stuff into four bowls. She turned around and smiled. “Hi!”

“Junha? What time is it?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know, but I woke up really early and couldn’t go back to sleep. I may have done through your candy…”

JaeNi looked distressed, “Junha! That was for me! Do you know how hard it is to find American candy here?”

Junha reached into the pocket of her apron and handed back what she’d taken. “Here. Forgive me?”

JaeNi looked at the Air Head and shook her head, “Unnie, here. Since you told me about it honestly, I’ll let you keep this one. Is that all you took?”

The petite Korean nodded and smiled happily. “I can’t find chop sticks.” She pouted. “Do you know where they are?”

JaeNi inspected the kitchen for a moment and nodded. She retrieved the utensils and handed a pair to Junha. The two sat on the couch and ate, allowing the other dishes to cool. “What is this, Junha?” JaeNi asked, taking a bite. It was very good, but she had no clue what it was. “And is it supposed to be spicy?”

Nodding, Junha took a bite. “I don’t know what it is. I found it on the interwebs and decided it looked yummy. You should tell Tao to restock his groceries. He barely had anything so I had to run over to our dorm.”

“Tao eats healthy, Junha. He doesn’t excessively buy junk like the two of us.” The younger girl explained, finishing off her bowl. “Why didn’t we take the boys their food first?”

Junha shrugged, “You only got two pairs of chopsticks and I read that this tastes better cold.”

JaeNi took the bowls to the sink with the chopsticks and washed all of it. She looked over into the bowls to see that one was littered with spices while the other looked like what she had just eaten. This was very suspicious…

Curious, the girl took the newly cleaned chopsticks and stole a pinch. The second it hit her taste buds, JaeNi gagged and went to the trashcan. She spit out the contents and the sink water, drinking it from her hand to get rid of the fire on her tongue. When she realized that wasn’t working she went to the fridge and took out a carton of milk.

Junha came in at this point with her head cocked to the side. “What are you doing?”

JaeNi downed the entire carton of milk and slid to the floor, glaring. “You are trying to kill the Brit, aren’t you?”

“The what?”

JaeNi nodded her head in the direction of Harry’s room. Realization struck Junha and she smiled, winking. “I’ve got it all figured out. You finishing off the milk was just an added bonus.”

Junha took the chopsticks from the counter and shoved them in the bowl, turning to go to Harry’s room.

JaeNi watched from the doorway as Junha knelt beside Harry’s bed. She held the bowl in her lap and whispered something in Korean to the Englishman. When he didn’t respond, she turned to JaeNi. “Go make a loud noise.”

Nodding, JaeNi went into the kitchen, grabbed the biggest pot she could find, lifted it over her head… She slammed it against the ground with all the force she could muster.

The sound of metal hitting tile echoed in her ears, causing her to be uncomfortable. She went back to see how Junha was doing on her mission.

Harry opened his eyes and lurched back, “Whoa!”

Junha smiled and held the bowl up to him, bowing her head. “I made you breakfast.”

Calming down a little, Harry took the bowl. “Kom-som-ida.” He said with his weird accent. JaeNi watched as he lifted the food to his lips and found herself unable to watch. She turned and went into Tao’s room while looking at the clocks he’d fixed the previous afternoon. It was earlier than usual, but Tao had gone to bed early the previous night so he would be sore from over-sleeping if she didn’t wake him.

She heard a loud shout from Harry’s room and a loud commotion that included Junha’s giggles, Harry tripping over the pot she’d simply left in the floor, and the dorm door slamming shut. Shaking her head, JaeNi looked at Tao’s sleeping form confusedly.

How could he not be awake with all that racket? She went to sit next to him and poked the side of his neck with her fingernail. Tao made a sound and she froze.

‘Did he just moan?!’ Inwardly she freaked out. Outwardly she poked him harder, “Gege!”

He shifted to lie on his back. JaeNi examined his face carefully. He looked vaguely in pain. Taking his shoulders in her pale hands, she shook him lightly. “Tao!”

He swatted her hands away and turned his back to her. She growled to herself in frustration. Tao was never this hard to wake up! She pulled his tank top up to his shoulder blades and ran her hand down his back. He seemed to relax a little.

She took her razor-like nails and dug them into his side, twisting the little skin that wasn’t hardened into muscle.

He yelped and lunged away from the pain –effectively rolling off the bed. JaeNi stretched across the comforter to see him on the floor, simply staring at the ceiling. She raised an eyebrow, “Must have been a good dream.”

He simply stared at the ceiling for another moment before stating, “You have no idea.” Junha popped her head in at that moment replying, “I probably do, but I’m going to go wake Oppa up. Be back soon!” and ran out the door. JaeNi shook her head, “Sorry for her.” Tao looked up at her, leaning on his elbows, “No problem. She’s probably right!”


Junha’s POV

I was headed to my brother’s room when I spotted a dark head closing the door to the dorm down the hall from the one that was my destination. I knew at once who it was. ‘Kai! It’s the demon who turned me down. He is so cute when he glares,’ I thought to myself grinning, the memory of class yesterday replaying in my mind. I quickened my pace so I could catch up to him. “Hey cutie,” I called out, a few steps behind him. He stopped and turned, a glare cuter than the one from class crossing his face. “Where are you headed?” I asked. He sighed and I could tell he was contemplating on talking to me or not. When I caught up to him I nudged him with my elbow, “You can answer. I’m not going to bite….today at least!”

“To the café to meet some friends,” he answered reluctantly. I nodded once, “Cool.” He gave me a curious glance, “What about you? Off to stalk someone?” I grinned, “Nope. Off to complete the daily task of making sure my brother is awake for class by annoying him senseless. With the hope of seeing Chanyeol-sshi.” My eyes half closed at thinking of my Chanyeollie. He was so adorable with his infectious smile and deep voice. Kai laughed, “I feel sorry for this Chanyeol guy. He must be who you’re stalking.” I scoffed, “I would never, ever, ever stalk my Chanyeollie! It’s just plain rude for you to say that. He is sweet, adorably y, and perfect.” I clasped my hands together and held them close to my chest, my mind swarming with images of Chanyeol and myself.

Kai raised his hands and gasped mockingly, “The residential stalker has a crush that she doesn’t stalk!?! The world must be ending!” I glared at him, the comment irritating me. He caught my glare and glared back equally as evil as my own glare. I suddenly perked up. “How can I glare at you menacingly when you glare so ily at me?” I asked. Kai’s face just scrunched up in that ‘What the hell? This chick is crazy’ expression. I wiggled my fingers in farewell. “Bye my little devil,” I called, walking to my brother’s door and knocking. Kai just kept walking, taking a glance back at me. I had my back to the door and blew him a kiss. He shook his head and continued walking.

I leaned back against the door, satisfied that I had bugged Kai this morning when the door opened and a set of strong hands caught me. I looked up into a bright smile on Chanyeol’s face. “Hi Chanyeol-sshi,” I said happily, “Is Oppa and Gege awake?” Chanyeol set me back on my feet. “Nope, they’re both still passed out,” his deep voice sending tingles through me. I nodded as I headed to Suho’s room. I stood at the foot of his bed contemplating how to wake him up this morning. I settled for simply yelling, “OPPA, WAKE UP!” This was proven effective as Suho shot straight out of bed and landed in a heap on the floor. I was laughing when he finally gained enough consciousness to stand up. One look at his face had me running to the living room to hide behind Kris, who I had apparently awoken with my yelling as well.

“Junha, I’m going to kill you!!” Suho roared, barreling out of his room. I ran around Kris with Suho right behind me. Kris had his hands in the air, signaling that he wasn’t any part of this. I finally ran to hide behind Chanyeol and Baekhyun who were standing by the stove when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered, trying to stay out of my brother’s reach. “Junha get your over here so I can teach you some respect!” Suho called out making a grab for my hand. I shimmed between Chanyeol and the cabinets as the person on the phone said, “Junha? It’s Taemin, what’s going on.” I ran to Kris and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Nothing,” I said into the phone, rushing to the door while calling out to the guys in the room, “Bye Oppa, Gege, Beakhyun, Chanyeol-sshi.” I narrowly escaped from Suho’s grasp into the hall. “You must have just woken Suho-hyung up?” Taemin asked. “Uh-huh,” I replied, skipping down the hall thankful that Oppa had not been dressed when I escaped.

“Well you should walk to the café with me. I’m meeting a friend there,” I turned at the sound of Taemin talking behind me as well as on the phone. I smiled, “Okay!” Then I saw his roommates coming up behind him. My smile dropped and I nodded curtly, “Lay. D.O.” D.O waved and a pout formed on Lay’s face. “No gege for me? You call the old man gege, why not me?” he asked. I scowled at Lay for calling Kris an old man, “Because he doesn’t annoy me and treats me as a little sister.” I my heel and began walking. Taemin leaned down and whispered, “Sorry about them. They invited themselves.”

“It’s not your fault Taemin-ah and I have no problem with D.O., it’s just Lay!” I patted his arm and cast a glance over my shoulder to see the other two catching up. “You’re too hot for me to consider you a sister,” Lay commented, giving me a wink. I admit Lay was cute, especially when he smiled and showed his dimples, but he was also too selfish. I like my guys confident and sometimes self-centered, but Lay was too much for me. And I still hadn’t forgiven him for the pool incident that caused Taemin to become ill.

I ignored his comment as we entered the café. Lay and D.O. rushed ahead of us when we got in. I looked to the direction they went and smiled when I saw who they sat down with. My smile turned into a smirk when I realized that Taemin was headed in the same direction. The boy was too caught up in something Lay was saying to see us. “Junha Noona, this is my friend from High School. He just transferred yesterday after having some…trouble at his old school,” the guy looked up and a glare formed on his face, “Kai, this is my math tutor that I told you about.”

“Hi again, my handsome devil,” I smiled and winked, taking the seat next to him that Lay was not occupying. “Stalker,” he nodded my way, the y glare still on his face. Taemin looked from me to him, “You know each other?” I nodded happily, “We have acting class together.”

Taemin’s mouth formed an “O”, “This is the crazy noona who kissed you?” Kai rolled his eyes and nodded.  “Aww, you’re already telling people we kissed? We haven’t even had a proper first date,” I pouted slightly. He continued to glare at me. “If you keep glaring at me like that we may have to go get a room and forget the first date. You’re just too damn y like that,” I commented, staring at his lips and biting my own. The other three guys at the table just stared at us as an evil smirk lite Kai’s face. “Well let’s go. Your room or mine?” he asked. I grinned, “Are we serious? Or are we going to flake at the last minute?”

“If you’re serious, than so am I,” he replied. I stood up and grabbed the front of his shirt, “Whatever room is closest sweetie.” I dragged Kai away from the table before Taemin ran up. “Guys please stop! People are staring,” he begged. “So, let them stare if it pleases them,” I replied, still pulling Kai by the shirt. Kai grabbed my hand and gently unclenched it from his shirt, “Junha, you really are crazy aren’t you?” I stared at him, my hand still clasped in his. I pouted as I realized he wasn’t serious, “If you weren’t serious, then why did you offer?”

“Because I was hoping you weren’t and that it would scare you away,” he answered, letting go of my hand. I giggled, “You…obviously…do not know me well, love.” With that I began walking backwards, “Well, when you do get serious let me know. Till then you’ll be seeing me around Sweet Lips.” I blew him a second kiss that day and headed back to Tao’s room to find JaeNi and torment the foreigner, whatever his name was, more. Kai’s playing really made me want to annoy someone to the point of tears, if only because he frustrated me.

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Chapter 30: Is there a sequel? Or going to be a sequel? I loved every bit of it :)
Qpids_oreo #2
Chapter 22: JaeNi's departure affected them really bad
I hope she comes back soon or they find a solution for a reunion
Qpids_oreo #3
This is amazing~~
I read the whole thing and I just CAN'T!!
So many feelings flowed through me while reading this...and I just want to say keep up the good work!! :D

JaeNi WAE?!?!
Chapter 4: Well this was a funny chapter XD