Two Moons

What is History?


3rd Person POV
Junha walked into her morning class to find Takuya absent. He usually came to math class ten minutes early, but he was nowhere to be find. She quickly sent a text asking him where he was at and got a reply that he was sick. She didn't want to sit alone so she scanned the slowly filling classroom. She noticed a guy who always sat by himself in the back and went to take the seat next to him. He was cute, with dyed blonde hair and really pretty lips. Lips that kept catching Junha's attention. Just as she thought she was able to focus on the equation the teacher was discussing, she would throwing a glance his way.
She couldn't recall his name and wondered why. He was definitely worthy of being stalked, as she kept catching herself openly gaping at him more than once. When the bell finally rang she was right behind him on the way out.
After getting halfway down the hall he suddenly her, "What's your deal?" She glanced at him again, "You have really pretty lips! Do you plan to become a singer?" He nodded taken aback a bit, "That's my major." She smiled, "Don't worry you'll make it, Daehyun." At that she her heel and walked to her history class.
She smiled to herself as she thought he must be wondering about her. She had caught his name while absently staring at him. It was written on the front of a blue notebook she noticed him writing in. Though what he was writing didn't have to do with math, she didn't pay enough attention to see what it was. 'I should start watching him more,' she thought with a smirk as she took her seat in history class.
(Tao's POV)
I was suprised JaeNi wasn't waiting for me as class ended. It was Monday and we shared a course o further our Korean knowledge. She'd been very shady recently. It all started last Thursday. She stayed the night at the dorm with Chen and myself,  but busied herself all through the night and up til she had to leave at 10:30. I'd never seen her so focused on anything like that.
When the teacher dismissed us, I was going to ask what she'd been working on, but she rocketed outo f her seat. She was the first one out the door dispite our seats being in the farthest corner. I shrugged and tossed my bag over my shoulder. She probably just had something to do before lunch. As it was, we usually surfed the web and texted during lunch, but she still sat with me -except for when Junha had something she wanted.
I headed over to Sunny's, taking my time and sifting through my notebook to be sure I'd copied everything. I actually loved Mondays. I knew that once the Monday was done, the rest of the week would be a snap. As it was, Monday's were usually the worst days to have lunch at the Cafe` as fourteen people who didn't like everyone was there EVERY Monday. Wednesdays were usually full of assignments so no one ate lunch at Sunny's while I was there. 
Lay, Kyungsoo, and Sehun were already there, whispering amoungst themselves quietly. I put my bag down at the large round table and sat down... only to notice everyone's attention had me. I was suddenly tense. They never all gave me attention at one. Curious, I began to search my being for what was amiss. I quickly turned up empty handed and clueless. Lay leaned forward, basically lying on top of the table, "Did your girlfriend dump you?"
Thequestion caused a bit of confusion. This must have registered on my face because Sehun reworded the question for me. "The American girl is over there with Suho. Did you two get in a fight or something?"
I nearly laughed -nearly. Shaking my head, I took a seat. "JaeNi and I are just good friends. We aren't dating." I explained, setting my notebook down. Lay's jaw went slack as he looked at me. I leaned back away from him as he stared... It was a little weird, even for Lay. What did I do to cause that reaction?.... And how could I do it more often? 
Not that I wanted Lay to always be in shock! I didn't have anything against him! He just has a way of talking one into annoyance. Kyungsoo glanced back at the other's across the room and then back to me. "Some friend," He snorted, "She abandoned you for the gay boys and a player."
I tried not to let my anger show at the remark. Kyungsoo rarely made comments like that, but when he did, they especially got under my skin. I guess it was because I didn't expect it from him whenever he did say things like that. Xuimin was a Grade A homophobe it seemed and Lay was just happy to bully someone. He generally just enjoyed watching people squirm. Sehun and I didn't do that kind of thing. Sehun... I didn't know if he was gay, bi, straight, or indifferent to anything on the subject, but he never made fun of those two for their uality. If it weren't for Sehun, Xuimin, Lay, and Kyungsoo wouldn't know about it. He just pointed it out one day and the others ate the news up. I was still confused on how he knew... They rarely showed affection in public. I was even iffy about it at first. "She's a grown woman. I don't control her."
Lay's shock seemed to wear off a little because he pointed at me and looked at Sehun, "He can talk!"
I shyly bowed my head. And that was my reward for deciding words weren't important. I slipped my phone out of my bag and glanced up, making sure I had a good view of JaeNi. 
To: Wushu Princess
What's up? Why're you over there?
I watched as she laughed and then pulled her phone up. She read the message and simply set the phone down. My brow raised. Her behaviour was very curious. First she sits with Suho, then she shows emotion in public, and now she won't text me? Something was definately going on that I didn't know about...
Suho's POV
JaeNi was doing a wonderful job. She was smiling and laughing -not at all her usual self. She was very gifted in acting -if this was acting, which I believe it was. I could see her shift uneasily from time to time and I couldn't tell whether it was from the emotion she was being force to show or something else. Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol and turned to look at her. "They're watching you again." We all shared a laugh.
D.O., Lay, and Sehun had been shifting from watching us to whispering. They all seemed a little distressed. It was very amusing. She bowed her head and hid her smile when I looked at her. Chanyeol shook his head. "Oh boy, I can't wait to hear what they say about it." 
Taking on gthe protective boyfriend role, I smirked. "They won't say anything if they know want to keep their faces in order." I saw JaeNi look at her phone before she laughed at me. Her small pale hands touched my arm, "That's right! The big bad Suho will scare them away." She pinched my cheek and giggled -as did Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
She shook her head, a smile resting on her lips as she looked at my friensd. "So... You two," She gestured to them with her hands, "Are you like... together?" 
Chanyeol looked towards the window and seemed slightly embarassed. Baekhyun, however, nodded, smiling. She grinned widenly to them, "You're really cute together."
Baekhyun nodded and smiled again, "Thank you."
She nodded happily, "I'm proud of you. From what I hear, Korean culture isn't as forgiving as American about that type of thing."
Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other, confused. I was a little confused as well. She chuckled, looking from them to me. "In America, homouality is very common. Did you really not know that?"
"First time I've heard it." I replied honestly. I didn't know a lot about America. 
She looked at me, "Do you listen to American music?"
I shifted, "Not really... I don't have time to listen to much music at all these days."
Chanyeol snickered, "Because you're an over acheiver."
"You have just as many classes as I do!" I shot back defensively.
Baekhyun shrugged. "Channie's right, Suho. Since your last girlfriend , you've had your nose burried in books. You hardly do anything fun anymore. Hell, you won't even cook for us anymore!"
I sat back and crossed my arms, not willing to think of ANY of my exes. I was a hopeless romantic of sorts and falling hard was something I seemed to be good at. Having my heart ripped out was another. I felt JaeNi pat my hand. She looked at me with a small smile, "Maybe I can change that." 
At this point, I couldn't tell if she were serious or not. No one had ever looked at my so sincerely! It drove me crazy how she could look convincing to me -and I knew she was acting! 
I gave her a small forced smile, afraid my voice might fail me from the multiple confusions in my head. What was going on here? Why'd she send my nerves jittering every time we were together? 
Terrified? I thought I'd known the meaning of the word before, but I was apparently mistaken. 
Baekhyun and Chanyeol smiled at each other smugly. "Ah yah! What are you lookin' at?" I asked, unable to stop the smile that tugged the corners of my lips.
Chanyeol snicked and made his voice high as he turned to baekhyun, "Maybe I can fixe that!" He mimicked. Baekhyun gave a mock gasp and clasped his hand over his heart, using his other to fan himself vigorously. He leaned his head back and scrunched his face as if he were in pain, but then grinned cheekily at Chanyeol. "I'd love that so much!" He announced, deepening his voice slightly. JaeNi beside me had her hands over and her head bowed to hide the laughter. I rolled my eyes, "I don't sound like that."
Chanyeol laughed, "Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Don't what?" A masculine voice to my left asked. I looked up and saw Kris. He had his usual '-face' going today. Junha was behind him, hiding a little. She had her handsclasped in front of her and her head bowed. "Nothing, you guys was to sit dow?" I asked.
Junha looked at her friend, "JaeNi... Won't you come sit with me?" 
JaeNi smiled politely and patted the empty seat next to her, "Come, sit." She said this gently and I was suprised to see Junha obey. "How was class?" JaeNi asked.
Junha simply shrugged and gave a depressed sigh. Kris pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards. 
"Guys," Chanyeol breathed, glaring daggers somewhere behind me.  I heard a loud scraping sound, followed by a shout of, "Knock it off, Lay!"
JaeNi turned, curious. I stood up and turned to se Lay with his hands on Luhan's shirt. Chen was tired looking and Xuimin was in his face. Xuimin pushed him against the window. Lay snatched Luhan forward and said to Chen, "Why don't you make me?"
I stood as Lay drew back to punch Luhan. I hadn't heard JaeNi stand, move, nor had I noticed her absence. All I knew was she came between Lay and Luhan and she shoved his arm back with her own. "Yo, Bambi. Go sit down." She said to Luhan. If looks could kill, Lay would be digging his own grave. 
Luhan nodded and scurried in our direction, fixing his shirt. She turned to Xuimin and hit him in the back of the head. He turned to her, glaring. She matched his glare easily. "Sit your down." 
Xuimin simply glared. I felt my stomach flinch. I didn't like that look. He shoved her shoulders. I could tell it wasn't a hard shove, but it was just enough to piss me off. How could he just do that to a girl? I moved to her defense, but she simply thumped his forehead as if he were a child. "This is a cafe`. If you want to fight, go somewhere else." 
Xuimin moved and whatever he was going to do stopped. I was clueless as to what just happened but now Xuimin was on the floor and Lay was comfortably seated in a chair. 
It was then I noticed the quiet black haired boy towering over Lay. Xuimin stood up and tried to grab JaeNi's hand. She calmly kicked his side and stepped back to Sehun. "Control your friends." She barked at him. I was with her now and stared in disbelief. Was Sehun actually eating? He nodded to her and snapped at Xuimin, then he pointed to the chair next to him.
The dark haired guy went over to Chen and helped him to stand as JaeNi turned to me, a scowl on her face. It was a very good immitation of Kris's -face. I held her cheeks and examined her, unable to control my concern. "Are you alright?" 
She shooed my hands away, annoyed. "Juh kwen chan ah." She clenched her fists tight. Noticing this, I slipped my fingers between her nails and palm and we calmly went back to our seats. She leaned her head against the table as I sat down. 
"JaeNi?" Chen ventured cautiously. She lifted her head and looked around, her face wearing that stoic mask she often showed the world.  "Thank you for your help."
She nodded in his direction, her eyes softening a little. Baekhyun slapped her hand lightly, "Damn girl! Where'd you pick that up?"
She gave a shrug and ran her fingers through her hair, "Tao taught me."
"You should thank him... And how could Sehun just eat like that?" Junha pointed out. 
JaeNi shrugged, "Chen, Luhan? Why don't you ever fight back?" I looked over and nearly burst with laughter. Chen's head was on a bag -who's I was unsure- but he was asleep. It seems I was right about the tired part. Luhan looked at his hands in his lap, "I can't fight." He was quiet about it.
JaeNi gave yet another shrug and turned to me. "I saw you coming to help me. Thanks, the concern means a lot." She said softly.She touched my hand and looked me in the eyes, "But next time, don't." That look was frightening. "I promise you, I can handle it. You don't need to get hurt for me."
I smirked and leaned down to her ear. To the others it probably looked like I was kissing her cheek. "Convincing." I whispered quietly. She pulled away and bowed her head. I guess she was pretending to be shy. I forced a smile. It must have had some affect because I heard someone slam their hands on the table. I looked up in time to see Junha leaving. JaeNi watched her as well, confused. Kris was the one who enlightened us. "Suho, you know how she feels about you two. Do you have to be all over each other?" 
I wanted to say yes. I wanted to tell him about the assignment. He was my closest friend! I didn't, thought. "Then why hasn't she directly come to us about it?" I snapped. Instead I went for the angry boyfriend. 
"She's younger. It isn't her place to say anything." Chanyeol replied.
I growled, "That never stopped her before. What's so different now?" 
JaeNi patted my leg, "Its alright, Suho. She just doesn't want us to hurt each other." She paused and stood. "I don't want to ruin my friendship with her. I'm sorry, but if she can't look at me, I can't do this." Then she was jogging out of the cafe`. At first I thought it was to catch up with Junha, but I noticed she was running towards the dorms. 
We were all quiet. I felt like I was in one of the dramas Junha likes to watch. I shot a glare to Kris, "Thanks a lot. I thought, as my friend, you'd be happy for me. Guess I was wrong." I left, trailing JaeNi. I found her walking. She was going a lot slower than the jog she displayed a few seconds ago. "JaeNi!" 
She stopped and turned to wave at me. I put my hands in my pockets as I caught of with her. "You're good." I smiled.
She pushed me with her shoulder, "Back at you. Your concerning act was very convincing. I almost believed you were worried."
"I was." I couldn't stop myself fast enough. She stopped and looked up at me, then at the grass. "Jinjjah?"
I sighed and scratched the back of my head akwardly, "I didn't want you to get hurt."
She continued walking. "I can handle myself. Even if I couldn't, Tao was there to correct Lay."
She rolled her eyes, "The quiet guy I always hang around. That's Tao."
I nodded in understanding, "I never knew his name. So he's the one teaching you self defense?"
She nodded and I opened the door to the building for her. "Yes... Where are you going?" She asked as I followed her in.
I shrugged, "Honestly, I just thought it'd look better if I followed you."
"Well... I'm going to a friend's room. I'll... see you tomorrow?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
I smiled. She was actually kind of cute. The stone terror from earlier was gone and the girl before seemed pretty normal. "Sure thing. I want you to come with me to lunch tomorrow as well if that's alright with you."
She nodded, "And I'll get up early to wake upi. Should we leave before Junha get's there?"
I thought for a moment, actually considering this. "No. Come early and I'll make us breakfast or we could work on that imaginary scene assignment we get to skip."
"That's a good idea. I'llt ext you any good fake scene ideas I come up with." She said. She held her hand up and we slapped a high five. "We got this." She said in English.
I laughed and nodded, "Of course. See you tomorrow." 
This was going to be a peice of cake. I turned and staarted walking towards my own dorm. The only thing we needed to work out was getting out friend's to go to Heechul to say Junha believed the charade. I thought over the people who had his class.... A groan left my lips. JaeNi, Junha, and myself took that class currently that Iw as aware of. How was this going to work?
JaeNi's POV
I pulled a bottle of water from To's fridge. I hoped he'd come back soon. It was unusual for the door to be unlocked, but I didn't care. I was actually happy about it. Pulling out my phone, I texted him back.
To: Tao
I'll explain soon.
And now it was time to relax, damnit. I kicked off my shoes and pulled out a notebook from my bag. I quickly scribbled down the people Junha, Suho, and I knew. 
How was I going to trick all these people?! 
I was suddenly doubting my ability as an actress. 
From: Tao
How soon?
To: Tao
I was about to write something else down when my phone went off again.
From: <3 Suho ;)
How are we going to get four people to tell Heechul Junha believes we're a couple?!
To: <3 Suho ;)
...I haven't given it any thought.
Well that was the truth. I was so focused on keeping the act real that I hadn't really gotten into details. How was this going to work if we weren't aloud to tell anyone about the assignment? I sighed and hummed something. I scribbled on the side of the page absent mindedly.
"You look wonderful." Suho's voice echoed in my mind. I frowned. Where the hell did that come from? I knew he'd been lying... So why did it make my pulse increase? In my mind's eyes, I could see him getting out of his bed. I felt my cheeks burn as I tried to shake the image away. When that image finally fled, the expression from the other night came to mind. He looked so innocent and naive as I fed him. I remembered the adorable look as he pressed the chopsticks against his lips. I wonder what they-
No. I stopped myself from even thinking of that. This is just business.  He wasn't gonig to affect me. I had someone to wait for -dispite what they wanted me to do.
But Suho's so cute! My mind said. I pouted and rolled my eyes. "I don't care, horomones!" I said aloud. My humming suddenly got louder as I tried to drown my thoughts.
My notebook was suddenly snatched out of my hands as a voice asked me, "Are you possessed?"
I looked up to see Tao looking at my scribbles. "You're meditating - you weren't doing it right." He informed me, then he held his hand out. I gave him my pencil and her wrote  on the paper before handing it back. "I wasn't meditating."
Curious,  looked at the paper. 'If you could just be mine, if I could just stop time... I'd push you aside forward, out of my life the way. I can't see through this veil above the waves. I never meant to tear this love apart. Just stop.' Had I been writing this?
"Not bad, but I thought he wrote your lyrics." 
I looked at the paper with both brows raised. How did I not realize I was forming words? Maybe I was possessed. Does Korea offer preists for routine exorcisms? "Apparently, I'm not that bad at it.  I didn't realize I was writing."
Tao shrugged and threw his bag into his room, probably onto his bed. "At any rate, we haven't sparred in a while. Start stretching." He cast me one of his happy smiles.
I couldn't help but grin back. I guess some things never change.
So, Minji's birthday was last week! So proud she didn't kill anyone! :D -Bansha
We really hope to not disappoint with this chapter!
-Minji & Bansha
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Chapter 30: Is there a sequel? Or going to be a sequel? I loved every bit of it :)
Qpids_oreo #2
Chapter 22: JaeNi's departure affected them really bad
I hope she comes back soon or they find a solution for a reunion
Qpids_oreo #3
This is amazing~~
I read the whole thing and I just CAN'T!!
So many feelings flowed through me while reading this...and I just want to say keep up the good work!! :D

JaeNi WAE?!?!
Chapter 4: Well this was a funny chapter XD