Detention King

It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]

Previously on It's Just Another Love Story: There was another but even longer silence. "I'll marry you" she finally whispered, trying to look at him, "After we graduate and get a job. Do you think you can wait that long, Tao? That’s another 2-3 years." Tao kissed the base of her neck and whispered a yes. He then dug into his pocket and put a small box on her lap, still not letting go of her or pulling away his blushing face on her neck. Michelle picked up a very familiar and obvious box, and opened it to reveal a beautiful princess cut solitaire engagement ring.



19 years later. 2013.


Thud. "Huh? What?" Jong-in muttered, raising his head from the sudden loud noise his teacher made with a big dictionary. Everyone in the class started giggling. Jong-in, again, fell asleep in Sengri’s English class. "Jong-in, I'll send you to detention for the fifth time this week! That's every day this week. Do you want that?" Mr. Lee said impatiently. Jong-in rubbed his eyes and shook his head lightly. Apparently, he thought of ways to finish the game that kept him up all night. He wasn't even a bit affected by the threat. In fact, he has somewhat gotten used to the idea of having extra 2 hours after school.

Mr. Lee raised an eyebrow. He could clearly see Jong-in’s uninterested mannerisms. He walked off from Jong-in’s table and said, "You wouldn't mind if I come by and have a chat with Michelle and Tao, right? I haven't seen them for a while. Time to catch up." Jong-in sat up straight, his eyes widened. Mr. Lee and his father talking was not a good idea in Jong-in’s head. Mr. Lee gave out a victorious smirk. "Thought so. Okay class, moving on."

Jong-in gave out a sigh of relief. This 15-year-old 10th grader was not at all worried about his parents because his parents weren't strict or scary. The fact that Mr. Lee was once part of the gang with his own father back in the day truly worried Jong-in. He didn't want to get into sorts of trouble with his father. Not after he recently learnt that his father was a big gang leader back then. It didn’t strike to Jong-in before that his laid-back and easy going father would be a former gang leader.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! Everyone quickly rushed out of the room. Jong-in lazily followed them outside to his locker. There was sudden laughing in the hall that Jong-in recognized. "D.O." He greeted. D.O. continued to laugh and gave Jong-in a high five. "Hey guys" another guy popped out from the crowd, then leaning beside Jong-in's locker. "English class !" Jong-in muttered, “I have detention" "Again?" Sehun said, not sounding at all shocked. He knew exactly why because it happened not just that week but since the beginning of their 2nd year in high school. "You're hopeless" D.O. said, shaking his head.

The trio sat at their usual lunch table. There were sudden squeals and giggling. It was obvious already. SHINee was in the cafeteria. They were the most popular group of guys in the school and they were being followed by the most popular group of girls in the school, TJT. Every girl and guy in the cafeteria silenced in their presence. Jong-in rolled his eyes. He found it ridiculous that the school seemed to have worshipped that them.

“Man, they’re so weird.” D.O. said, munching on his sandwich.  He didn’t have to look at who it was. He knew from the squeals and giggling who had entered. “Hello everyone!” a voice boomed. Everyone started screaming, “Key! Key! Key!” “Ugh, it’s Key again.” Sehun said, focusing on the manga in his hand then his food then back.

Jong-in couldn’t be bothered. His eyes were fixed on a girl who had come in after the group. He had never seen her before yet, there he was staring at her like he knew who she was. “Does she go here?” Jong-in asked, still not turning away. Sehun and D.O. turned in unison. “Yeah, man, she’s the new student. She’s in our class. You wouldn’t know. You were late for homeroom this morning” D.O. said, turning back to his food as Sehun turned in unison. “Oh” Jong-in managed to say.

The end of the day and it was home-room. “Jong-in” Mr. Kang started, “You have detention again today. When are you going to learn?” Jong-in just sulked in his chair like a little kid making a pouty face while D.O. and Sehun gave him teasing looks. “As for you” Mr. Kang continued, “I know you’re a new student but that’s not tolerable, Jamie.” “Yes, Mr. Kang” a girl said from the back of the class. Jong-in turned around to see the girl he saw at the cafeteria.



   A/N: Yay! Kai has entered the story! Michelle's and Tao's son <3 lol Here's the little cutie!   

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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..