Jamie and the Lake

It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]

Previously on It's Just Another Love Story“Hello Jamie! Bom’s told me you have Math problems. Luhan, at your service!” the familiar boy said, extending his hand to her. They both shook hands and she recognized him. It was the guy with Jong-in in the football team. “Hi!” Jamie managed to say with a smile.




Chapter 19: Jamie and the Lake

“Don’t worry, Jamie. Since you’re best friends with Bom and my little Jong-in, I’ll do what I can do to help you.” Luhan said warmly with a smile. Jamie smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Luhan. You have no idea how much I at Math!” Jamie said, scratching her head embarrassingly. Luhan laughed and shook his head. “It’s alright, I’m here to help, right? Bom actually asked Minho for any Math nerd in class and he picked me, naturally. So, let’s negotiate the schedule, time and place?” “Yeah, but does this mean I have to pay you?” Jamie said shyly. Luhan just laughed and replied, “No no no! I do this stuff for free. I love helping people.”


“Thank you so much, Bommie!” Jamie said, hugging Bom as they walked outside school, “He’s really good at teaching!” “I’m glad, Jamie!” Bom said, hugging her back, “Well, I need to head back. Dad’s going to kill me!” “I’ll walk with you!” Jamie offered. Bom broke into a warm smile and nodded.

The two of them walked and talked like they’d known each other for a long time. “So, how do you say hello in French?” Bom asked Jamie, as they played a little game of not stepping any lines on the pavement. Jamie didn’t look away from the ground to make sure she wouldn’t step the line. “Bonjour” Jamie finally replied. Bom smiled and repeated, “Bonjour!” Jamie looked at her with surprise. “Yeah, that’s amazing pronunciation!”

Without realizing, Jamie had stepped on the line. “You lost!” Bom playfully shouted. Jamie looked down to see both her feet clearly standing on the line. “Oh damn it!” she said, laughing. The two laughed and sat on a bench, waiting for bus for Bom to go home. “That was fun!” Jamie said smiling. Bom nodded then asked shyly, “Um, then how do you say I love you in French?”

Jamie teasingly looked at Bom who immediately reacted, “I’m just curious!”  Jamie laughed and answered slowly, “Je t’aime.” “Je t’aime…” Bom repeated almost flawlessly. “Oh! Wow, you’re actually good. Learnt French before?” Jamie asked in surprise. Bom managed to nod with a shy smile. For some reason, Jamie thought it had something to do with Minho. The bus finally arrived and the two girls waved at each other good bye till the bus was visibly gone. Jamie took in a deep breath and walked towards the road leading home.

Jamie passed by some forestry with a lake behind it. She was mesmerized by the way it was glittering under what was remaining of the sun, setting behind the horizon. She placed both her palms on a tall fence blocking her. Why is this blocking me? She mumbled to herself. She looked up and then back at the lake. She took a deep breath and started climbing the fence.

When she was on the other side, she ran slowly towards the lake, running past the trees. She passed the forestry and ran closer to the lake. In a flash, she fell flat on the ground, close to water. “What the?” she said to herself, “How did I?” She looked around and saw Key sitting there with a shocked expression on his face.

Jamie sat up immediately. “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!” she managed to say. Key’s facial expression lightened up. “It’s okay,” he managed to say. He laid himself back on the ground and sighed. “What brings you here? The lake?” Jamie nodded. Key broke into a smile. She had never seen the famous Key smile. He always looked very cold and charismatic. “There’s something special about the lake,” he started, “It somewhat hypnotizes you.” “Yeah, she said facing the lake. Key sat up again, sitting beside her. “I’m Key.” He said with a warm smile. Jamie couldn’t help but warmly smile back. “I’m Jamie.” “Well then, Jamie,” Key said, “It’s a pleasure meeting you!” “Like-wise” Jamie replied.


“Oh there you are!” Jamie’s father said, putting the food on the table, “Where have you been?” She smiled and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. “Hanging out with friends” she said warmly. “Alright, alright. Get changed and we’ll have dinner” her father said. She nodded and ran upstairs, a big smile plastered on her face. She her laptop and played Little of your time by Maroon 5. She quickly grabbed her clothes and quickly changed.


   A/N: :O Key!!! :)  

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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..