[Special] First Love

It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]

  A/N: This is a special chapter. The point for special chapters I'll be adding in the future is to get the plot going in later chapters. They're not the main plot but they support the main plot and clear things that might be questioned in future chapters. I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it. So here it is, ladies and gents, the first special.  




Previously on It's Just Another Love Story: “What’s with that? Crushing on Kris?” Michelle asked. Chaerin’s grin disappeared and replaced with a slightly disgusted one. “Ew, no. Not my type at all and he has a girlfriend already, remember Stephanie? Yeah, they’re dating now” she replied. “Oh. Then what is it?” Michelle curiously asked. Chaerin did nothing but smile and joined Daesung on the dance floor. Michelle just shrugged and with one last sip of the drink, she walked towards them and joined in the fun. 




She ran towards the blanket of snow, exposing herself to the falling snow above. The scenery was wonderful. The sun was setting as every slow speck of snow fell on the ground, falling at the same speed as the sun hiding behind the horizon. “Wow!” she said in glee, closing her eyes and spreading her arms to the sky as if she was giving a warm embrace. “This isn’t your first time in winter, why are you so excited?” he asked her, making his way in front of her. She looked at him with a big smile and said, “Because I got to spend this whole day with you”

He looked down in embarrassment but he couldn’t deny that he liked what she had said. He looked back up at her and asked, “We spent winter together last year, didn’t we?” She shrugged and replied, “It’s not the same.” She grabbed his hand and said, “It’s not the same at all.” They could sense some awkwardness between them, yet everything felt right; his hand in hers and hers in his. They couldn’t ask for more.

They sat by the lake, cold wind blowing through their hair. They enjoyed the calm silence and each other’s company. There was always something between them. Awkward, shy feelings filled the inch space between them like a third wheel. But it was a regular companion; after all, they were each other’s first love.

“Michelle…” he whispered. He stared deeply into her eyes. She shyly stared back, trying to fight the overwhelming warmth that was overcoming her face but she eventually turned away quickly.  He chuckled and patted her head, turning his own head away as he blushed from the touch of her hair on his hand. She turned her head to see his blushing face. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

His face flushed red but all he could do was smile. He turned his head slightly to face her, only to see she had already turned away, blushing as well. She couldn’t control her embarrassment so she flung her arms in the air to hide her face, only to smack Yixing on the head.

“OW!” he shouted, laughing. “Yixing, I’m so sorry, Oh my goodness, I’m so clumsy!” She covered her face and peeked through her fingers.  He looked at her with an equally embarrassed smile and shook his head. “It’s okay, it’s okay, Michelle” he assured her. Seeing her very embarrassed, he tried his best to calm her down. He dug into his mcm bag pack and pulled out a tin cookie box. “Cookies?” she laughed. He opened the box to reveal nothing but emptiness. He took out the Polaroid they had taken earlier that day and put it in the box. “Let’s make more memories together, Michelle…”

Click meh!


“Yixing…” she managed to whisper. Suddenly everything seemed to be in slow-motion. She could feel his head on her shoulder and it gave her a chill. Her heart and her stomach felt like butterflies were madly fluttering inside. Her heart started beating hard like crazy. She leaned her head on his, feeling his soft hair on her cheek. Her neck started to tickle. She couldn’t believe how close he was beside her. Yixing was also feeling those crazy sensations she was feeling. He felt her head so close to his and it was driving him crazy. The awkward space between them was suddenly gone as he finally pushed that space away. That inch was finally gone and Michelle loved the feeling of their constant third wheel finally leaving them and even if it wasn't gone forever, it was gone for that moment and she felt like she didn't want anything else in the world except Yixing there beside her.

When he slowly lifted his head off her shoulder, she felt like there was something missing. She couldn't really describe that feeling but the emptiness was overwhelming from the way he quickly lifted his head away. "Michelle..." Yixing whispered sweetly. She turned her head around to face him. Time suddenly froze. She felt his warm hand on top of hers, his lips warm on hers as their eyes slowly closed. She could feel the warmth from his lips transferring to her body. At that moment, she didn't feel cold from the snow. Yixing couldn't believe anything himself. His overwhelming feelings for her was finally released with one kiss. Their first kiss. 

He held her hand tight with one hand and put the other on her cheek. The moment was so perfect. The falling snow added to the mood and every bit of light from the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon. When they pulled away, their faces flushed red. They did nothing but stare into each other’s eyes, still trying to register in their heads what had happened.

“I love you…” “I love you too…”

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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..