First day of the Football League

It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]


Previously on It's Just Another Love Story“Oh there you are!” Jamie’s father said, putting the food on the table, “Where have you been?” She smiled and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. “Hanging out with friends” she said warmly. “Alright, alright. Get changed and we’ll have dinner” her father said. She nodded and ran upstairs, a big smile plastered on her face. She her laptop and played Little of your time by Maroon 5. She quickly grabbed her clothes and quickly changed.




Chapter 20: First day of the Football League

It was already Monday after school – the football league was beginning. Every year, Jong-in’s school team, the Panthers, would reach the finals with their yearly rival, the Bulldogs. He was not only excited to try to get into the finals but he was also excited to play against the Bulldogs for the first time. Only last year, Jong-in was able to watch the team. He was now going to play. But this year, it's different. the chances of the Panthers meeting their rivals before the finals was pretty high.

Jong-in was very nervous and excited at the same time. He would no longer sit by the bleachers like the year before. He would now contribute for the school. That Monday was their first game for the year. Their first opponent was the Hornets. Jong-in knew how good the Hornets were and this would be a challenging start for the Panthers.


That whole month of November was dedicated to the league. Schools around the area were pumped up to cheer for their school teams and Jong-in’s best friends were no exceptions. Dressed in everything the blue and black, D.O. and Sehun greeted Jong-in with a loud roar, frantically waving the blue flag with the Panthers’ logo on it. “JONG-IN!!!” the two boomed in the hallway. They had blue marks on their face and a temporary tattoo of the Panthers logo on their left cheek.

Jong-in started laughing when he caught sight of them. “Wow guys, this is a bit much, don’t you think?” Jong-in asked. D.O. shook his head. “No way, Jong-in!” Sehun said excitedly, away from his usual lazy look, “This is for you!” Jong-in laughed and put his arms around his two friends. The 3 noisily walked down the hall towards the football field.

The field was filled with blue on one side of the bleachers and yellow on the other. “I have to get back to the locker room” Jong-in said. D.O. and Sehun nodded and excitedly wished him luck and made their way towards the excited crowd of blue. Jong-in chuckled then walked off. The halls started to quiet down as everyone made their way outside to the field.

“Jong-in!” a voice called out, “Good luck for today’s game! I know you can do it!” Jong-in looked up and saw Tiffany walking towards him in a cheerleader’s uniform. She stood close in front of him and gave him a big hug. “I’ll be cheering for you!” she excitedly said with a smile then shyly walked off.

Jong-in continued towards the locker rooms only to get distracted by the sound of piano playing in the music room he just passed. “Jamie!” Jong-in whispered under his breath. He walked back to peek inside. He was right. Jamie was on the piano. But Jamie wasn’t the only one in the room. She was sitting beside someone. It was Key. Jong-in watched the two laugh and play the together.

Jong-in shook his head and quickly headed towards the locker rooms to see the others there. “Jong-in!” Luhan greeted. Jong-in gave Luhan a weak smile. “Are you ready?” Luhan continued. Jong-in nodded and softly said, “Yeah!” “Don’t be too nervous, Jong-in!” Seungho said, patting his back, “You’ll do great!”

The coach suddenly entered the room. “Boys, do me proud! And, bring your best efforts as always” he encouragingly said, putting his hand at the center. Seungho smiled and put his hand on top of Mr. Dong’s. Soon, everyone else followed and everyone’s hands were now at the center together. “Remember,” Mr. Dong went on. “There is no I in team” Seungho finished. “We are one!” they all shouted, forcefully pushing their hands up in the air.

The boys walked out of the locker room to the field to meet their opponents. The blue side of the bleachers burst into cheer as the team ran into the field to face the Hornets. “How are you doing, Jack?” Byunghee asked playfully with an equal playful smirk. Jack, the captain of the Hornets returned a smirk. “Good as usual. Hope you guys have been training.” He said confidently. Seungho smirked back and said, “Let the best team win.”

The referee blew the whistle and the game started. Jong-in went into place. He looked at the bleachers and noticed a noisy duo with a large banner with his name. Beside the two, his parents sat there, cheering for him. Jong-in smiled. He concentrated with all his might. He wasn’t going to lose the first game of the season and the first game he had ever played for the inter-school league. He looked up at the bleachers again, this time with slight disappointment. He had seen D.O. and Sehun with his parents supporting. He had seen Bom with the cheer squad cheering for the team.  Is Jamie still with Key? He wondered.


  A/N: So who are you going to cheer for? The Blue Panthers or the Yellow Hornets? :D  


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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..