
It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]


Previously on It's Just Another Love Story“Ready?” Jong-in asked, still not letting go of Jamie’s hand. Jamie, now less nervous, nodded excitedly. “You’ll be here with me.” The two stood up on the stage, behind the curtain. Jong-in looks around and noticed that was Key on the piano, Jonghyun on the guitar and Minho on the bass. Jong-in took a deep sigh. Daesung shouted, “Ready?” Jong-in and Jamie took a deep sigh and looked at each other, still not letting go of each other’s hands. In unison, they replied, “Yes!”




Chapter 18: Key

The curtain suddenly rose and as it rose up, the drums and piano then played. Jong-in gave Jamie one last smile of reassurance and got into place with the microphone in his hand. Jong-in started out his part, moving to the choreography they made up together. Jamie then started her part. The two were flawlessly moving to the beat and their singing matched their dance choreography as well.

When they had finished, the choir club and music club cheered and applauded. Even the TJT girls, who were a trio singing group in choir, clapped amusingly. Jong-in looked around to see Key, Minho and Jonghyun clapping in a bored manner while Onew and Taemin joined in with the crowd in loud clapping, the loudest being the popular band in music club, MBLAQ. The band consisted of 2 members from the football team Seungho and Byunghee, with 3 other members from their year, Joon, Thunder and Mir.

“Okay, okay, MBLAQ, stop overdoing it!” Mr. Kang said. The whole band burst into loud laughter that seemed like a whole auditorium’s laugh. “So, should we accept them officially?” Mr. Kang asked. “YES!” MBLAQ boomed, even before Mr. Kang had finished asking. Everyone laughed, including Mr. Kang. “Okay, okay they’re in!” Mr. Kang said, causing everyone to cheer, “But…” Everyone suddenly quieted down. “Since this was initially a punishment for them, it’s up to them whether they want to join in or not.”

Jamie wanted to get out of this punishment initially but she had enjoyed music in general with her first friend in her new school. She looked around to see anticipating faces from the choir and music club. Her gaze stopped at the guy playing on the piano. He gave her a short stare and immediately looked away. It was the same guy she had seen at the cafeteria reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the very same guy who played My Memory, an OST from Winter Sonata, on the piano. It was the famous Key.

She turned to Jong-in who seemed very embarrassed to say anything. He gave his usual embarrassed grin. “Are you okay?” Jamie asked him with a laugh. He just nodded. “Do you want to do this?” she asked him. He looked at her, his embarrassed grin fading away into a more comfortable smile. “If you want to, then I’ll join” he replied.

Jamie blushed slightly from his sudden reply. She turned again to see the guy the piano only to catch him looking at her. For some reason, she saw something in his eyes that bothered her a bit. “Let’s do it!” she finally said.


“Yay! OMG! So, you and Jong-in decided to join in after all!” Bom excitedly said, as she leaned by Jamie’s locker. It was after school already. Jamie shut lock her locker and nodded. “Do you think it’s a good idea? I mean I’m not into the whole getting attention thing, especially showcasing what I can do but I think this will be fun, right?” Jamie asked, still unsure about her decision. Bom gave her a little smile. “Whatever happens, I’m here. Jong-in too. Heck, the trio will beat up anyone who’ll mess with you. They like you a lot!”

Jamie was satisfied with her answer. She felt like she had warmed up to a small group of people which was more than enough. “Oh remember I told you I’d find you a tutor for Math?” Bom asked, as they walked down the hall. Jamie sighed and remembered how horrible her Math was and nodded. “I found the best person to help you!” Bom said with joy, “He’s a year above us and he’s amazing in Math so you won’t have to worry. He’s waiting in his homeroom right now to meet you.” Jamie smiled and nodded.

Bom led Jamie to a classroom which seemed noisier than she thought. “Maybe that friend of yours is busy.” Jamie said, feeling unsure with the noisy environment. “Oh no, don’t worry. Their homeroom is always noisy since SHINee’s always with people around them.” Bom said, opening the door. Everyone suddenly fell quiet for a split second and continued what they were doing.

Jamie saw Key once again. He looked better than he did in the auditorium after she had performed. “Oh! Bom!” Minho said, walking towards Bom, “Tell your dad the whole team is going to have a whole day practice this Saturday for the league on Monday.” Bom nodded. Minho smiled at her and gave her a small pat on the head before heading back to his crowd of friends. For the first time, she sees Minho give a small but warm smile.

Bom walked towards the crowd where SHINee was sitting. “Um, Minho-oppa. I forgot that my dad said you’re doing well for football. He thinks you’ll be captain next year.” “Really?” Minho said excitedly, “That’s good news! Thanks Bommie!” He patted her head again. “No problem!” she said. From the little scene, Jamie was distracted by Minho and Bom’s little friendly exchange to notice Key looking at her.

“Okay, we better go to your tutor!” Bom said with a smile. Bom led Jamie towards Key, only to pass him. The passing seemed like slow motion. She looked at Key’s eyes looking straight at hers. She had finally seen Key up-close. “Jamie!” Bom called. Jamie snapped out of her daze and saw Bom and a familiar looking boy. She walked over to them.

“Hello Jamie! Bom’s told me you have Math problems. Luhan, at your service!” the familiar boy said, extending his hand to her. They both shook hands and she recognized him. It was the guy with Jong-in in the football team. “Hi!” Jamie managed to say with a smile.

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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..