Jong-in’s Worry

It's Just Another Love Story [Hiatus]



Previously on It's Just Another Love Story: The referee blew the whistle and the game started. Jong-in went into place. He looked at the bleachers and noticed a noisy duo with a large banner with his name. Beside the two, his parents sat there, cheering for him. Jong-in smiled. He concentrated with all his might. He wasn’t going to lose the first game of the season and the first game he had ever played for the inter-school league. He looked up at the bleachers again, this time with slight disappointment. He had seen D.O. and Sehun with his parents supporting. He had seen Bom with the cheer squad cheering for the team. Is Jamie still with Key? He wondered.





Chapter 21: Jong-in’s Worry

The boys ran around in victory. “2-1! And the Panthers have won this game!” the announcer said. Byunghee jumped on a cranky looking Jack, who slowly loosened up and congratulated the whole team on the win. “Minho!!!” Luhan, Xiumin, Taemin and Chanyeol shouted in unison. The guys carried him up in the air. When it seemed it was going to be a tie, Minho kicked the ball at the last second and scored. Minho screamed with joy running towards a happy Bom.

Everyone cheered and congratulated each other. Jong-in ran to his friends and parents. “My big boy did great!” his mother cooed. She ruffled his hair and gave him a big hug. His father joined in the hug. Soon after, D.O. and Sehun joined in. “Good job, man!” D.O. said happily, “I’m so proud to be your best friend!” “Me too” Sehun said with a smile. Jong-in gave his two friends a big hug. “Thanks guys!” Jong-in said. “Party at your place tonight!” D.O. shouted.

Jong-in returned to the locker room with the coach and team. “Good job, boys!” Mr. Dong said happily. They all were happy. “But don’t lose your heads,” he continued, “We have another game this Wednesday so focus like you did today and put in your best efforts.” “Yes coach!” the team boomed. “Alright” he chuckled, leaving, “Congratulations!”

“Ey, Jong-in! Congrats on the win!” a classmate said, passing by. Jong-in gave him a shy smile. “Thanks!” D.O. and Sehun put their arms around Jong-in. “So are we heading home yet?” Sehun asked. Jong-in walked to his locker and nodded. “Where was Jamie?” Jong-in asked, curiously. The two shrugged. “I didn’t see her the whole time, man.” Sehun said. Jong-in couldn’t reply. He just gave the guys a smile and left off with them.

As they walked out, Tiffany approaches them. “Hi Jong-in!” she said with a smile. “We’re here too!” D.O. joked. She laughed. “Hello you two!” she said, quickly giving her attention to Jong-in, “Good job today, Jong-in! I thought you did really well and without you, the team’s defense would decrease.” Jong-in smiled. “Thanks Tiffany” he managed to say. She smiled shyly and hugged him. Jong-in just hugged her back. Tiffany shyly let go of him and ran off to her friends.

“Well, she really is a big fan of yours!” a voice said from behind. It was Jamie. Jong-in turned around. “Where were you?” he asked half worried and half disappointed. “Oh…” she muttered, “I was just in the music room with Key and lost track of time. I’m sorry, Jong-in! I’ll cheer for you on Wednesday, okay?” Jong-in instantly blushed. “No no no! It’s okay. I was just worried with what had happened to you or something.”

Jamie just gave him a warm smile. She gave him a warm hug. “Congrats on your win! You guys deserve it.” She let go of him and walked off with Bom. Jong-in sighed heavily. D.O. and Sehun just gave him a pat on the back. “Let’s go to your place and celebrate!” D.O. said, trying to lighten the mood.

In the car, Jong-in’s parents were constantly congratulating him. “You did well, Jong-in” his father said, smiling at him from the mirror. Jong-in smiled back. When they had arrived, his uncle Suho was there to greet him. Surprised, Jong-in ran up to him for a hug. “Uncle Suho!”

Suho was just as excited as Jong-in. Soon after, D.O. and Sehun joined in. “Hello guys!” Suho greeted them. They all entered the house and had a pleasant dinner. After dinner, the trio went to Jong-in’s game room. “So, Jong-in,” D.O. said, without taking his eyes off the screen, his hands fixed on the controller, “You seemed really upset about Jamie not showing up. What gives?” Sehun giggled, also not taking his eyes off the screen, trying to catch up with D.O.’s car in the game.

Jong-in hid his face and sighed. He didn’t want to show how upset he was, especially because he had no idea why he was this upset in the first place. D.O., still not looking away from the screen, didn’t have to look at Jong-in to know. He already knew what his own best friend was feeling. “I’ll make sure she’ll show up in the game this Wednesday, okay?” D.O. said sweetly.


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Chapter 16: Someone recommended this story to me, and it's quite good. Not bad :) update soon
dimskiedims #2
Chapter 2: update soon..