Staying at Ren oppas house

When Love Comes Rushing In My Life! (HIATUS!!!!!!!!)

Amber's P.O.V

I was walking out, of the room when I came face to face with a group of people. I realized it was Ren oppa and his friends. "Amber!, are you okay? I heard what happened, and I was worried sick. What happened?"

I stood there shocked as all five came up to hug me at once. I cringed at there touch because of my cut but because they know if I told them, I would be a crying wreak so they didn't ask, Instead of going back home, I asked Ren if I could stay with them for the night. "Oppa, can I stay with you guys for the night?" When I said this all of the guys had a huge smile on there faces.

"Neh!!" they all replied in unison. We all left the building and got into their van, then drove off heading toward their house. I was still weak from the bleeding, so I decided to take a short nap. Aaron woke me up when we got there. He was shaking me lightly, and talking kind of loud. I grumbled because I was really comfortable and didn't want to move.

I slowly got out of the car and stretched, admiring the house I used to live in. I followed Jr. into the house, and as soon as I stepped in a huge grin appeared on my face. Everything looked the same since last time I was here, and that really made my heart leap for Joy knowing the place was still familiar. I walked up a set of stairs that led to my old room from years ago, even though its been a few years since I was here, the place still felt like a home to me. I walked into my old room and smiled bright, Im glad it looked the way it used to, it was very amazing and I just loved the way it was set up.


I looked around the room looking for my old teddy bear. I didn't see it anywhere! I looked under the bed and in the dresser, silly enough I tried looking for it in the bathroom. Sadly, I couldn't find it, and I felt a tang of pain. Then I decided to ask Ren where it was act. I was hoping he knew where it was. This teddy bear was very special to me, Jr. had gotten it for me. I walked to my bedroom door that led to the hallway and called out,"Ren oppa! Where is pinto bean? I can't find it!"

After a few seconds of waiting for his reply he yelled back,"It's on that special shelf that you keep your things on in the walk in closet!''

I yelled a quick 'Thank you' and ran into the room again. I was so excited that I accidently ran into the closet door and fell with a huge 'thud' noise. I looked around in embarrassment glad that no one saw that. I quickly pushed myself up off the floor and opened the closet door and walked in. I looked around and scanning the shelf and quickly found Pinto Bean. I grabbed him off the shelf and laid him on my bed. 

I walked down the stairs smiling, seeing what Aaron was making for dinner. To me I always felt that Aaron was the best cook ever! I just loved whatever he would make for everyone. "Aaron ah, what are you cooking tonight?" I asked trying to sound as cute as possible. I was hungry, and maybe if I acted nice enough he would let me sample the food before it was completely ready.

He chuckled at my failed attempt to act cute. I knew it was a bad idea to begin with, but hey it was worth a shot. "I'm just making some Kimchi, Do Dok Ki, and noodles." I made a "Mmmm" noice when he was done. I sounded so yummy already. Just to I could pester him until he let me try some, I walked over to him and poked his arm repeatedly. He kept glancing at me with an annoyed but amused face.

 i yawned and right before i went to sleep i texted minnie and told him i was staying at ren oppa's.

Amber: minnie oppa!

sungmin: Amber noona!

Amber: 1. dont call me that it maked me feel old 2. can you tell the alexis and riri that im staying at rens i really dont want the guys to know well except you.

sungmin: sure oh and by the way it's late and you should get some sleep so you can be rested enough to come back and not be a lazy bum i'll tell them as soon as im done texting you night amber saranghae!~

Amber: arasso oppa ill get some sleep night night! saranghae!~

And with that i put my phone under the pillow and fell into a deep sleep.


                                                                                                 ~~ Morning~~

When i woke up i turned to the side and found a blond headed person on my bed "ahh!" i screamed and jumped out of my bed the boy screamed and if i noticed that scream anywhere i knew that was Ren. "Yah Ren what the hell are you doing in my bed???" he looked at me with sad puppie eyes and responded with "but i had a bad dream and i always used to come in your bed when i have bad dreams." ugh fine." i used my special i-forgive-you ayego and we just played like little kids.  after a couple of hours of playing crying joking around with the boys it was time to go back to the house.

When i arrived i to the house, I snuck up to my room but i was'nt quiet enough because Amber looked and me with her where-have-you-been -look and pouted then screamed WHERE THE HAVE YOU BEEN DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE ALL HAVE BEEN! i looked confused and asked her "Did'nt minnie tell you that i stayed with ren and your brother?" She tilted her head to the side then turned to RiRi's room we heard a thud. RiRi came out of the room, looked at us then said " I was taking a nap then i heard screaming! what is going on!!!" she asked/ yelled. after 2 seconds of looking at me, she Ran and gave me the biggist bear hug ever. " I've been waiting fo you to come home, where the hell have you been i missed you so much." She started to get teary eyed. I started as well but then i told her, "Minhae RiRi but i had to get away from the house because i reminded me of what i did and i just could'nt bear with it." tears started to drop down my face. then i asked her " Shirley, have you forgivin teukie yet? because i have and i think you should too i mean he was just really jelous, you know how boys get.  she looked at me and told me,

"yea, i guess your right, i mean and i should appolize for hitting him." I smiled and hugged her that's when I yawned, first from all this yelling then just bieng tired. so i climbed my stairs yelled im going to sleep dont bother me and slept in my current clothes.

I woke up to something i never thought would happen in my life.








































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should i add cast talk????


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epicbabo951 #1
Chapter 25: omg if that is tao..... *dies from fangirling too much* unnie keep doing a good job
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 24: agioo unnie that cliffhanger!!! but it is good to hear you don't have writers block.
epicbabo951 #3
unnie this story is great luv u
Chapter 15: D:
Leeteuk, why you gotta be so mean?!
And what's Onew up to?:D
Sneaky chicken-loving boy:*
Chapter 14: ONEW!? OMG!!! does that mean jonghyun will be in it too?:D
Chapter 12: Yay! NU'EST! Omg love this fic SO much<33
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 11: Ren wats ren doin here O.O ooooh nice chappy~
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 10: Thats sweet teukie nd amber are together XD but alexis is hurt aww X( ps. At the beginin wen amber picked up the phone u said "amber got into a car accident" i think u meant alexis