The answer

When Love Comes Rushing In My Life! (HIATUS!!!!!!!!)

The answer

Normal P.O.V.

Amber stared up at Leeteuk nervously. What should I say? She thought. There was a long pause between the two, while she was trying to think of something.

"Leeteuk oppa, I....I...I h..have to s...say...." Amber said nervously. Just as she was about to tell him, her phone goes off. It was a call from Yesung.

"Yobeosayo?" Amber said into the phone.

"Amber we have a problem," Yesung said sternly. "Alexis was in a car accident, while she was on her way back to the house, from the ice cream shop. She is now at the Seoul Hospital."

Amber shocked, quickly hung up the phone and slipped it in her pocket. "Mianhae Leeteuk, I really need to go some where. It's super important."

Leeteuk nodded his head in disappointment as he watched Amber run out of the garden. 

Amber's P.O.V.

After hearing that horrible message about my best friend, I ran quickly out of the garden. I hope Leeteuk isn't really mad about this. I ran down the side walk at a jogging pace, so I wouldn't run out of energy and air. 

Ten minutes later I made it to the hospital. I walked up the nice white and golden colored stairs not bothering to admire them. I walked inside the building and to the front desk. "May I help you?" said the lady behind one of the desk.

"I need to see Alexis, the girl who came in today," I quickly said trying not to cry.

I stood there so anxious to find out what room shes in. I really wanted to see her and take care of her, with all my heart. The nurse spoke up, after searching on her computer for the room number, "Ah right, Alexis King room 302 on the second floor."

I bowed to her and said, "감사합니다 ( thank you)" I quickly ran off to the elevator. Once I reached it I pressed the button and waited for the door to open. This didn't take long. Once the door was open some people stepped out. I got inside when they all left, and pressed the button for the 2nd floor while my hand was trembling.

The door closed and I sank down to the floor and began crying. I couldn't lose her, she was my first friend and my only friend besides Super Junior. I heard the bell ding letting me know I arrived at the second floor. I got up, wiped my eyes, and quickly walked out. I looked up searching for room 302. "299, 300 301....." here it is.

I got ahold of myself wiped my tears, they just wouldn't stop falling. I did my best to make sure no more tears would fall before I walk in there. After I got enough courage, I twisted the knob and walked in slowly. I saw Yesung on the couch doing something on his phone, as I walked in. He looked up at me with dried tears on his cheeks. It looked to me that he was going to start crying again.

"Oppa...." I said quietly. I dropped my bag and ran to him to give him the biggest hug I could ever give. We both started crying silently in each others arms. Once we pulled away from each other after we got our tears to stop. I walked over to Alexis, she looks so peaceful like she has already passed away, but I knew she didn't.

I asked the doctors how bad her condition was. They told me nothing major, but she has a broken leg and she needs to stay out of school for a couple of days but she will be alright. I sign in relief, I'm glad it was nothing to bad.

"We have to operate on it, and she will need to be in a leg cast for a few weeks. We need to make sure that it is properly taken care of, to make sure it doesn't get any worse." The doctor then left, as he said that.

I bit my lips trying not to cry. Really? Surgery, I hope everything will be okay. I walked over to Yesung and buried my head in his shirt crying my eyes out.

After a couple of minutes of us staying like that, Alexis finally woke up. I decided to tell her what the doctor said, but she told me that she would be fine as long as I stayed in the hospital with her.

Yesung called Heechul because he came through the door asking if she was okay, in such a huge rush. I chuckled at how sweet he was toward her even though he's a diva, sometimes non caring. He came to Yesung and gave him a big hug saying, "Thank you for taking care of her."

I was very touched at the lovely moment that was occurring. A couple of minutes later, I called Leeteuk and asked him to meet me right back at that rose garden.

After I said goodbye to Alexis and told her i would be back in a few minutes. I ran with all my might to the rose garden, I wondered if Leeteuk was still there.

I arrived to see that he was sitting down on the bench by the roses. I decided to speak up first, "Hey oppa! I hope you're not mad about me leaving you without an answer. I really had to do something important."

He looked at me and smiled "Aniyo, I'm not mad at you. I promise."

I grabbed Leeteuk's hand and sat beside him on the bench. "Leeteuk oppa...."

He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes, " Neh?"

I held my breathing hopping to ger rid of this nervous feeling, "Lets be together araseo."

He laughed and said, "But we are already together." He poked my nose which sent butterflies in my belly.

"Aniyo oppa. I ment like boyfriend and girlfriend. You already asked me. So my answer is yes!" I some how managed to say.

Leeteuk wrapped his arms around me tightly, and kept whispering saranghae in my ear. I couldn't help but blush at out cute he was being. This is really nice, I thought to myself. We stayed like this for a while before I remember Alexis.

"Yah oppa!" I nearly yelled, causeing him to jump.

He sat me down with those puppy eyes and said "wae?" I chuckled at how cute he was bieng and told him we had to go see my Alexis  she's in the hospital, well his eyes widend and just ran to the hospital so i had to run after him.

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should i add cast talk????


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epicbabo951 #1
Chapter 25: omg if that is tao..... *dies from fangirling too much* unnie keep doing a good job
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 24: agioo unnie that cliffhanger!!! but it is good to hear you don't have writers block.
epicbabo951 #3
unnie this story is great luv u
Chapter 15: D:
Leeteuk, why you gotta be so mean?!
And what's Onew up to?:D
Sneaky chicken-loving boy:*
Chapter 14: ONEW!? OMG!!! does that mean jonghyun will be in it too?:D
Chapter 12: Yay! NU'EST! Omg love this fic SO much<33
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 11: Ren wats ren doin here O.O ooooh nice chappy~
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 10: Thats sweet teukie nd amber are together XD but alexis is hurt aww X( ps. At the beginin wen amber picked up the phone u said "amber got into a car accident" i think u meant alexis