The release

When Love Comes Rushing In My Life! (HIATUS!!!!!!!!)

Normal P.O.V.

Amber and Leeteuk arrived at the hospital, an hour later holding hands together. When they walked into Alexis's room together everyone stared at them with huge eyes. Alexis saw them and smiled. She knew Amber had a huge crush on Leeteuk.

Later that night a few of the members left, but Amber, Leeteuk, and Heechul all stayed behind in the hospital with Alexis and spent the night there. 


The next day, the doctor came in and woke every Alexis up. Alexis then woke up Amber. Alexis, with Amber's help, followed the doctor out of the room, down a hallway, and into another room. 

"Amber you will have to wait here for a little while, while I take Alexis with me." He then took Alexis's arm and wrapped it around his neck to support her to make sure she would not fall. Amber watch as the doctor and Alexis walked off. 

Amber waited for what seemed like hours before the doctor and her returned.

"The surgery was a success. The cast just needs to stay on for six weeks and after that she will need to use crutches for the next week, after that her leg will be fully healed. Now you and her can go back to your hospital room and start gathering your things. I will have a nurse come in there with papers for you to sign. When you finish signing them, just give them to the lady in the main office. Then you can go home home. Also, Alexis try to stay off you leg as much as you can." After saying that the doctor walked off some where.

Alexis and Amber made their way back to the room to find a worried Leeteuk and Heechul waiting for them. "Where have you girls been?" Leeteuk asked with lots of concern in his voice.

"I had to get surgery for my leg," Alexis replied nervously. 

"There is good news," Amber added. "We can pack up Alexis's things and then a nurse will come in and give us some papers, after we sign them we can take her back home with us."

The boys smiled and Heechul had tears in his eyes, he was so happy that his baby was getting to come home now. Heechul went over and hugged Alexis tightly, not letting go.

The nurse came in a few minutes later and handed Leeteuk some papers. Leeteuk then handed the papers to Alexis, who filled them all out. When she was done with them she gave them to Amber who held on to them. Heechul wrapped his arms around Alexis for support, while Leeteuk held Amber's hand.

They all walked out of the room to the elevator. From there Heechul pressed the button to go to the main floor. After that the doors opened and they walked inside.

They heard a ding and the doors opened, they all got off and stepped out into the main floor. Amber walked over to the lady who was at the main desk, and handed her the papers. The lady smiled and said "Have a nice day!"

They all walked out of the hospital and to the car. Leeteuk drove, Heechul said in the passenger side, while Amber and Alexis sat in the back.

Alexis P.O.V

Finally I'm out of this hospital! This is just amazing. I hated being in that room with nothing to do, but now I'm free again. This feels great. While Leeteuk was driving us home, I look at my handsome yeobo Heechul who was looking at a mirror fixing his hair while smiling. I then turned my attention back out the window to watch everything as we drove by it.

It wasn't a long ride, but I fell asleep. I woke up when Amber tapped my shoulder tell me we were at our house. The first to get out of the car was Heechul. He carried me bridal style to my room and laid me down. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend than him. I know his diva styles and everything, but he can be as caring as a big teddy bear.

A few minutes later he brought back some Mochie's pink though. I squealed like a five year old and let him feed me them. This was absolutely the best coming home present I could ever have.

Amber told me that she'll get my homework for me since we are in the same class, and that we would do it together like we always do.

I just couldn't ask for better friends, than the people I have now. They are the best in the world and I hope I can stay with them always.

Normal P.O.V

The next day, Alexis was stuck at home, while Amber went to school. Hours later, Amber returned and handed Alexis all her makeup work she missed. "Aigoo this is a lot," Alexis whined when she saw her pile of make up work.

"Mianhae but at school we did a lot of things, but if you need help with anything just tell me." Amber said. Alexis had a smirk on her face.

Alexis pointed to the first question,"Amber ah! I don't get this one." Amber leaned over and showed her how to do it.

Alexis not wanting to do her work would ask Amber a question ever 5 minutes asking for help, she knew Amber would wind up doing it. Every now and then Alexis would text one of the Suju guys a question so Amber wouldn't get suspicious of what she was doing.

**************Time Skip****************

A couple of weeks later Alexis was able to go back to school, but with crutches. She kept everything in her book bag though so it would be easy for her to carry it. When they got to school, the girls saw Suju behind them chatting among themselves and a familiar face was spotted by Amber, "Ren oppa?" was all she could say.

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should i add cast talk????


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epicbabo951 #1
Chapter 25: omg if that is tao..... *dies from fangirling too much* unnie keep doing a good job
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 24: agioo unnie that cliffhanger!!! but it is good to hear you don't have writers block.
epicbabo951 #3
unnie this story is great luv u
Chapter 15: D:
Leeteuk, why you gotta be so mean?!
And what's Onew up to?:D
Sneaky chicken-loving boy:*
Chapter 14: ONEW!? OMG!!! does that mean jonghyun will be in it too?:D
Chapter 12: Yay! NU'EST! Omg love this fic SO much<33
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 11: Ren wats ren doin here O.O ooooh nice chappy~
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 10: Thats sweet teukie nd amber are together XD but alexis is hurt aww X( ps. At the beginin wen amber picked up the phone u said "amber got into a car accident" i think u meant alexis