



Disappearances. Kidnappings. There were a lot of reports. But Kris wasn’t sure whether they were cases that connected with human trafficking. Lots of little girls, he knew, were sold off because their families were poor. Most of them lived poorly and were treated abusively. Others were taken off the streets and never returned home. None of those though left any space for any kind of excuse to torture those girls like that. ual exploitation sickened him and angered him.

The ringing of a phone made him turn away from the computer. Donghae answered his phone in a hushed voice and after hanging up stood from where he was sitting.

“They’re on their way back,” Donghae told. “They’ve got two people under arrest.”

“Two?” Namjoo repeated.

Kris straightened up caught by the news. He had expected them to come back empty handed.

“I’m going to go on site for more information,” Donghae explained. “I have a favor to ask.”

“Who are you talking to?” Namjoo asked.

“Both of you,” Donghae replied.

Kris watched Namjoo try to hold back her exasperation and felt like snorting himself.

“Tao’s going to need some change of clothes,” Donghae started, “go help me buy some for him.”

“What?” Namjoo asked shocked by him. “Just have him to do it. I don’t need to go.”

“Namjoo,” Donghae lightly scolded, “Tao’s part of your team. You could care for him a little bit more.”

“Then why don’t you just send me by myself?” Namjoo shot him a frown.

“Would you stop trying to argue with me?” Donghae asked. “Hurry up before they come back.” He started toward Kris and patted his shoulder. “Sorry, but I’m going to have to trouble you to go with her. She wasn’t expecting to work with the cops on this case, so she’s somewhat irritated. Namjoo’s not as annoying as she makes herself out to be. I’m going to have to ask you to be patient with her too.”


Namjoo was waiting impatiently in the hallway when he stepped out. He caught her glancing at the watch around her wrist several times. Honestly he didn’t want to be there too. He wanted to be in Incheon with the others. The thought that he’d be sharing a closed up space with her in a car made him feel cranky. Kris decided he would only permit her attitude for now until he could dig further into her layers to see if she was always this rude.

“Lets go in your car. I’m running out of gas on mine,” Namjoo said immediately when they started down the stairs outside.

“What store are we going to?”

“I don’t know.” She replied with much of a care. “Where do you usually go?”

“Here and there.” he answered.

“Then lets just go here and there.”

He glanced over at her and heaved a quiet sigh of irritation. Neither of them talked in the car and the ride seemed awfully long. There was nothing in mind he wanted to say to her and at the back of his head he was sure she was silently cussing at him for whatever reason she had. Donghae would further need to explain to him why he needed to be ‘patient’ with her because he didn’t understand it at this point.

“Does Tao need any other necessities?” he asked.

“Donghae’s providing him with a living,” Namjoo replied without turning to look at him. He listened to her heave a loud sigh before mumbling, “Ugh…why is it taking forever?”

“I can’t say,” Kris muttered in reply. “What do you think is worse? Me giving someone like you a ride or you being here?”

He was sure he heard her snort in an upset way before she turned to look at him, “Excuse me?”

Kris shot her a quick glance and shrugged. “Just saying.”

Namjoo rolled her eyes. “Can you open the window?”

“You could add a ‘please’ at the end. Basic manners.”

He could feel her glaring at him stupefied.

“Alright, I think there’s a fly we should let out,” Kris obliged and opened the window. “I think that fly’s out now.”

“Aren’t you childish,” Namjoo commented.

Kris pulled on a pretentious smile, “I don’t think I’m the only one here.”


“Who are they?” Donghae questioned when he arrived at the interrogation center.

“Tried kidnapping a 10 year old girl,” the officer sitting by the black screened window explained. “Most likely they have something to do with the disappearances lately, but they’re not letting anything out yet.”

“Disappearances?” Donghae repeated. “You mean in Incheon?”

“Yes,” the officer nodded with a pen in hand, “could be in other areas as well, but Sherriff Choi is still trying to get answers.”

“Call me as soon as anything comes up,” Donghae told. “How about my people? Are they alright?”

“Ah…that…well…” the officer began. “It seems like Suho’s car suffered some casualties. Tao was complaining of pain so they made a trip to the hospital.”

Donghae nodded a slightly curved eyebrow before he stepped outside. Victoria had just turned down the hallway with Lay and Chorong behind her.

“You’re here?” Victoria asked.

“Just got here.” Donghae replied. “You guys worked hard.”

“Did anything crop up yet?” Victoria wondered.

“Not as of right now. According to Sherriff Choi, they’re not speaking. We’ll probably have to wait overnight for some answers.” Donghae explained.

“How did the research go?” Victoria asked.

“You’re right. There’s been an abundant number of disappearances in Incheon. I think Kris found other information too, but I didn’t check with him to see what.”

“Speaking of that, where are they?”

“I sent the two of them out on a job.”

“Job?” Victoria repeated confused whether he was serious or sarcastic.

Donghae nodded then checked his watch. “They should be arriving back at headquarters in a few. Lets meet up tomorrow to conclude everything.”


“No bruises?” Tao repeated loudly with wide eyes. He’d wanted bruises so he could use them against Suho. He’d hit the window hard when Suho had swerved the car, so why weren’t there any bruises?!

The doctor nodded at him before he slid off the bed and walked out hissing under his breath. Suho was waiting for him over by the wall with his head tilted to read the news clippings and ads the nurses had put up. He seemed awfully energized for someone who almost had his car totaled.

“How did it go?” Suho questioned. “You’re not hurt much, are you?”

Tao stared at him quietly before walking down the hallway.

“I intentionally pulled up closer to the curb so that you wouldn’t get hurt,” Suho reasoned.

“Intentionally?” Tao turned to him in disbelief. “So you planned to have them drive into your car in the first place?” Tao turned away throwing his head back. “Ugh! You’re crazy, crazy.”

Suho quickly followed him out.

“There was no other way to stop them,” Suho explained catching up to him. “By the way, you don’t look very hurt.”

Tao paused again, rolled his eyes, let out a loud sigh, and bit his bottom lip in frustration that Suho had almost killed him. When he thought back to the fear gripping at his neck the second Suho accelerated and suddenly stopped his car made his blood boil. How had he ever gotten himself glued with insane people?

“I need to get my car fixed, hurry up,” Suho told hurrying ahead.


With no more word said, Namjoo entered the store and walked around. She hadn’t shopped for any guy other than Kyungsoo, so she wasn’t sure how this was supposed to work. Donghae was absolutely out of his mind for having her do this. She could no longer understand what was running through his mind. After work Donghae could still drag Tao around with him. There were plenty of opportunities for clothes shopping.

Namjoo poked her fingers at the shirts she passed by. She honestly didn’t know what to get. Pausing in her steps she glanced back at Kris who was absorbed in some car models at the front of the store. There was this big urge in her that told her she shouldn’t talk to him again. He had obviously been picking on her earlier. Namjoo wasn’t as stupid as to not realize that. The more she thought about it the more annoyed she felt.

Why was Donghae trying to team them up together? What good would come out of it?

A quiet growl fell from her lips before she randomly picked a shirt that said “I’ll kick that swag outta you.” Neither spoke again when they headed back to headquarters. When she stepped out of Kris’ car she spotted a heavily dented car sitting in the lot. Confused about whose car it was she walked around it before recognizing it as Suho’s.

“Whoa…” she half snorted.

“Looks like someone got beat pretty bad in Incheon,” Kris commented from behind her.

They both turned when Suho walked out of the government hall with a piece of paper in hand.

“Where did you come from?” questioned Suho when he neared them.

Namjoo ran her eyes over him and spotted a bruise forming on his forehead, “What in the world did you do? Try to kill yourself?”

“Well…” Suho reached a hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

Namjoo snorted and remarked, “You’re always reckless. Getting the car fixed?”

“Good thing they’re paying for me,” Suho smiled before tapping her shoulder with the piece of paper, “I gotta go. See you.”

Tao was sitting in the empty lounge. Impatient to get things over with so she could get some free time for herself she dropped the bag onto his lap. He turned to look at her surprised before snickering at her.

“Looks like you had fun out there,” Namjoo was sarcastic, “but I bet you didn’t do much.”

Tao stood up with the bag tumbling to the floor and stared her down. “You’re not one to speak. You wouldn’t have been able to nail those guys without me. Useless pricks.”

Namjoo shut her eyes and bit her bottom lip when she felt his spit land on her face. “If you’re going to speak to me, stand farther away from me. I don’t do well when there is scum around me.”

“What?” Tao asked offended. “Take that back.”

“Take what back?” Namjoo tilted her head up refusing to back down. “I don’t think there’s anything to take back.”

Tao sent her a death glare before taking a step forward locking the space between them. The loud clatter of something being tossed into the garbage by the doorway forced the two of them to turn from each other.

“What are you doing?” Donghae questioned with this depth in his voice that said he wasn’t satisfied with how they were acting. “Is this a playground? Are you kids or adults?”

Namjoo stepped away from Tao and poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue.

“Go get some rest, Namjoo. You’re heading out tomorrow.” Donghae ordered.

Pressing her lips together she shot a glance at Tao before starting toward the elevator.


Donghae walked over quietly and picked up the bag of clothes then handed them to Tao. “Here, Namjoo bought you some change of clothes out of her own pocket. Be thankful.”

Tao’s eyes darted toward the bag in Dongae’s hand and let out an exasperated laugh. “Did I ask for it?”

“When someone gives you something, you take it with a ‘Thanks’,” Donghae lectured. “Do I even need to tell you this? Have you never received anything before?”

Tao stared back at Donghae and their eyes locked for a long time. All of a sudden Tao felt like they were suddenly staring at each other from different views as if they had switched bodies. It was exactly how that little girl with fear in her eyes had stared at him. The sympathy Tao had felt during that moment an hour ago for her was now spiraling through Donghae’s eyes.

“No, I haven’t.” Tao replied with his deep set eyes.

Donghae’s gaze turned soft before he pushed it into Tao. “Remember to thank her tomorrow.”


It was too early to start relaxing in the middle of the day. The sun had come out now and was shining heavily at two in the afternoon. Kris had returned to the home he shared with his brother and sister-in-law to change into slacks before heading back out for a run.

There was this usual route he always took that would lead him through a small park people often used for picnics. Most of the time he enjoyed watching the little boys fish at the small stream nearby. It often reminded him of his young days when he used to fish here with his brother. Time had flown by so fast and in the blink of an eye his brother had married, and his parents were enjoying their new place out in the countryside.

Kris had grown up in a harmonious family. They weren’t always so well off, but they hadn’t suffered so greatly through their financial difficulties either. His parents had raised him to become independent. Throughout his youth he had never asked for much. They handed him allowance here and there, but he never had much to use the money on. Until he started college did he find a small part time job and used the money he earned for himself while still living at home. And it had gotten him to where he was now. No matter the case, he was thankful for whatever it was that came his way.

He started jogging down a small path through a thicket of trees before the trees cleared on his right into a land of grass. It spread continuously for what seemed like miles. Beyond his view was a hill extending high up into the air. Kids used it for sledding when the snow was plentiful and thick enough. A group of people were throwing Frisbees back and forth on the clearing; others were reading underneath the sun or taking naps with earphones plugged in their ears. Kris slowly came to a halt when he spotted a couple sitting on a mat before he squinted his eyes just in case he was seeing wrong.

The young man he was staring at was busy playing with some kind of game console. His face contorted into deep concentration and he had his legs childishly crossed underneath him. But it was the girl beside him that really caught Kris’ attention. Either she was someone else or she was the Kim Namjoo he knew from work. She had a large sub in hand and was busy chewing at the part of it she had in . The attire she was dressed in was awfully different from what she’d worn to work that morning. Simple shorts and a thin laced t-shirt. Kris spotted a picnic basket sitting behind her and watched her shout when the young man’s character lost at whatever he was playing.

“Give it, let me play,” she reached for the game with still stuffed.

“Aish…yah! You’re going to get it all dirty!” he scolded.

“Here, hold this!” she forced the sub into his hand before completely taking the game from him.

A small snort bellowed form his lips and he turned away with a shake of his head before continuing his run.


“It’s widespread,” Yoona explained from the other end of the line, “but why are you conducting your own research when you’re with the military intelligence unit?”

“I just want backup information,” Victoria replied.

“Won’t the other team hold it against you if they know you’ve been moving on your own?”

“I just want to be more informed about human trafficking. I’m not taking any uncalled action. What other areas have you found?”

“Most cities are in the east. Wonju, Yongwol, Chechon…”

“What about areas near Incheon or Seoul? Or Osan or Suwon?” Victoria cut her off.

“Well…hold on a minute,” Yoona said before she became silent. After what seemed like a minute Yoona said, “Anyan, Suwon, and Osan have a lot of reports lately. Like I said before, it’s widespread. How can you be sure that these disappearances have to do with human trafficking?”

“I’m not sure. It’s intuition, I have nothing, but my instincts with me right now. Plus, Lee Donghae's team doesn’t know any better. From what I see, they’ve been so hooked on their drug trafficking case they haven’t got time for any other matters,” Victoria went on. “But you said Wonju for sure?”

“Yes, Wonju.” Yoona replied.

“Thanks. Sorry for having you work overtime.”

“You owe me one.”

After hanging up Victoria stared at the messy notebook she’d been scribbling in. If the two Suho had caught admitted to human trafficking, Victoria hoped she could get her own hand on the case. Following someone else’s lead didn’t quite suit her. But first, she would have to see how capable Lee Donghae was as team leader. 

***I'll have to see what couple I'll mess with first. Lets see if Vic tries to mess anything up first. 

***Oh and on another note, actually in the last chapter Tao wasn't being stupid. He really didn't know what Suho was going on about so maybe his replies may have seemed stupid. Lets not forget that Tao is a short tempered character who has never done anything for anyone else but himself. And the reason why he looked away from the little girl's eyes was because he felt sympathy/pity for her and he dislikes any kind of soft emotions. And we'll see here in this story if he can open up more. ^^ Here in this chapter Tao sees those emotions in Donghae's eyes. And yes, those clothes from Namjoo are the first things he's recieved from anyone. Lets see what kind of 'hell' they put him through xD


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Chapter 113: Ahh, I finally caught up! I'm glad Donghae and Victoria called a truce, as I was getting annoyed about how stubborn they were LOL. Keep up the great work! I look forward to your next update!
Chapter 112: Omg you're finally back! Hello!! I didn't believe it when it said this story was updated. Please update again soon, maybe with Lay as well! Thank youuuuuu:3
somethingfromyworld #3
Chapter 111: More more more!!! I just spend the entire day reading ur fanfic. Literally binge read it. OMG im totally for krisjoo ahhhhhh!!! Update pls authornim. ;-)
I really cant wait to read the outcome of this and thank you for updating ;__;<3
Glad to see you're updating again! Welcome back to the story author-nim! Fighting and keep updating please! :)
Idk but you make me really ship Suho and Namjoo LOL, first Kai and Namjoo and now this? Hopefully a story with them two HAHAHAHA. thank you for the Namjoo stories! :) fighting!
DaniKato #6
Chapter 109: Oh my god!
I am so happy that you updated the fanfic!!
Hope to see more moments of the girls together!
Keep up the awesome work!
plopzo #7
Chapter 108: I still feel bad for Chorong. Hanging on someone she can't even tell is interested in her. Oh that must hurt. Read this chapter a couple of days ago and forgot to comment. Also, Victoria seems more and more excited whenever Donghae is involve.
DaniKato #8
Chapter 108: Oh no Lay and Chorong cant stay like this, they are supposed to trust each other (my LayRong feels ;-;)
Author nim Fighting!
Chapter 108: Is it weird that i'm really starting to ship Namjoo and Suho..? Lol.. but anyways, surprised you've been keeping up with this story lately (though its been two chapters) either way, keep up the work. fighting!
DaniKato #10
Chapter 107: Why do I think Chorong is gonna discover teams Donghae secret? I am glad she had this talk with Namjoo
Thanks for updating