[not a chapter] Know our Hanji Angels

[LONG HIATUS] ✎Highschool Battle✎


Author's: Hi ! ^^ Since you might be confused of our girls I will make this "getting to know the angels" chapter for you all ! :) I wish for you to find them all interesting and... tell me who is your favorite girl in the end, kay? Let's get started! >.<


President: Han Maelin


Born: December 14, 1989 || Current age: 18 (supposed we're not in year 2012/2013, okay?) || Height: 165 cm.

Han Maelin is a very competitive girl. She always does everything at her best and always wishes for the best outcome. Being 2nd in class is already a fail for her, but because she is bestfriends with the top notcher so she has accepted the fact that she's academically in 2nd place.

Everybody in Hanji Highschool will agree that Maelin is the best President that can handle the students well. She can easily be approached by anyone and she will always have the solution for every situation. She is fun to be with but she's different when it comes to leadership. Maelin is known to be strict and meticulous when it comes to every decision she'll make for the school.

And being the leader... is one thing Maelin strongly believes she should be placed first, but that all fell down when the recent ranking came out and she was... on the 2nd spot. Imagine how angry she is on the person who placed first?



Vice President: Sung Jana


Born: February 16, 1990 || Current Age: 18 || Height: 165 cm

Sung Jana is referred to as the girl with the powerful voice. She sings very well and can reach the high notes super smoothly. A lot of Entertainment industries are eyeing on her but she declined all the offers because she wants to be internationally known in the future. She is the current president of the Arts and Music Club. She knows how to act, to dance, and to sing. She's a multi-performer in all. 

With this beautiful and talented girl over her, one cannot simply deny the fact that she's every guy's fantasy - even older men actually. But she just simply hates the presence of men. This is because her father left them when she was just 8 and she saw how her mother suffered while the man went to another women and built another family. It all got worst when her friend when she was just 13 got by her guy friend. Some rumors were saying that if she had not left earlier then it was her that could be .

That is why men irritate her to the fullest - and so she hates them so much. "Men are worthless. Women can live in this world without them."


Peace Officer: Baek Sujin


Born: January 24, 1991|| Age: 17 || Height: 167 cm

Baek Sujin is the girl with a bright smile. Her smile and soft voice can really create peace however situation it calls. For her, beauty can never be measured unless someone knows how to smile. It's the makeup that is permanent... and someone who always wears a smile can be the most beautiful person in the world. She can go out with just clip on her hair, a fine drawn line on her eyes, a simple shirt and short, and a smile. 

She's secretly in love with someone and none of her friends don't know who it is. On her wallet is his picture that she looks at everytime she goes to bed at night. It doesn't matter if they end up together. Sujin is not asking for anything in return of her feelings - and she swears on the sun and the moon that the person will never find out her feelings.


Academic Moderator: Hanako Miki


Born: December 21, 1989 || Age: 18 || Height: 169 cm

The girl whose location are either the office, the library, or the classroom. Hanako Miki is half Japanese who lived in Japan until she was 14. She went to Korea with her family when they decided to migrate there instead of staying in Japan. She is currently in Hanji High for the last year of her highschool.

Miki is the smartest girl in her batch. There is a big chance that she will graduate as the class first Honor soon. She studies her lessons very seriously and takes education as something that is very important to her. She aces all the subject especially Math and Science. She can speak English very well, too. Aside from studying, Miki also likes to eat. So if you dont find her in any of the three that was mentioned in above. For sure she's in the cafetiria.. 


Student Representative: Lee Jaerin


Born: August 16, 1992 || Age: 16 || Height: 166 cm

The youngest in the five. Lee Jaerin is a very bubbly girl with a super bright personality. She can turn a dull day into a great one just by saying something weird and funny that can send anyone into laugh. She loves doing random things - during the most random times.. and what's cute about her is that... she can make a good work when you thought she was just slacking off. She's a very carefree person.

For her, everything can be positive if only one believes that there is really something positive. She wants to make friends to everyone and thought that it will be so cool if her friends can hang out with her other friends as well. She has an elder brother studying in Seongdashin Highschool, a school located exactly opposite Hanji. They are very close as a siblings and she knows all the things about him. She wants to hook her oppa to someone as soon as possible.



- I hope you have clearer idea now on who's who and how to differentiate one from the others. Do you like them so far? Tell me what you think!! :))

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH. All I can say is that, just when the story gets more interesting then, when I click next its suprised me that I want to die on the spot! Why author-nim! Why you put on hiatus in such a very good story.. Huhuhuhu! Didn't you know, I'm enjoying reading your story, its because its involve the whike gang. And you put it on hiatus just when Jjong and Jana getting serious to each other.

I'm broken right now.
i really miss this story very much
jinkismine #3
Chapter 22: I miss them~~ >.<
jinkismine #4
Chapter 17: i missed JinMae soooo baadddd!!! ㅠㅅㅠ
writerofthistory #5
Chapter 23: Author Nim please dont give up ! Its a really good fic ! :) i will support your new fic too but i really hope you dont give up on this fic :) gomawo for updating :)
ChocoPandaa #6
Chapter 23: Ahhh >< Don't you have any notes on what this story would turn out to be or anything(Well if you aren't a planner, then I guess not..)? :O But anyway, I'm so happy you're back now!! :D It's saddening this will be on a long hiatus, but it's all good since there's gonna be another story up hehe..
We'll always be supporting you ^^
Chapter 23: D;
I'm glad you're coming back, but the story may not. ;(
But it's okay. We'll always support you :)