
[LONG HIATUS] ✎Highschool Battle✎


These are the people we can approach for sponsorship.” Jonghyun introduced as he showed a paper towards Jana and tried to read it one by one.

I know. I know how to read.” She said interrupting him immediately.

Good. I thought you don't know how.” He mocked and then proceeded to telling her other information that she needed to know. “In order to arrange meetings we need to present the letters. You can copy the letter itself and just edit the information for Hanji's.”

I know. It's not like I'm writing in Seongdaeshin's behalf.” She said again and rolled her eyes.

Good. I thought you would want to write for Seongdaeshin coz you look like a guy on first glance.” Jonghyun said and Jana looked at him with great disbelief and irritation. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled sarcastically. “Not my fault.” He said. “And uhmm... of course you will need to know the whole plan first before writing a proposal letter for them.. and that you need to get from your president.” He said.

Sure sure.” Jana nodded.

Are you listening to me?” Jonghyun asked irritatingly at her. “Do you remember all the things I have said until now?” He looked at her and their eyes met. Jana raised an eyebrow and nodded.

That's the list of the people I need to approach and all I need to do is edit this and that for Hanji and I will write the proposal after knowing the whole plan courteousy of my dear president.” She said tilting her head left and right as if she's talking to a child. “Did I get all right, sire?

Jonghyun chuckled and nodded. “Yes, very good, my student.” He said and flashed her his to-die-for smile.

Oh please, stop doing that to me!” She snapped and the the other people inside the room looked at the both of them. “It won't work, mister.” She said.

You really hate guys, huh?” Jonghyun looked at her as if he's examining her. “Too bad... guys would sure come after you if you would just love the attention.” He praised.

POOR YOU.” She uttered full of conviction. “Neither of you would get to have this one wonderful person.” She said and chuckled to herself. Jonghyun shook his head.

That's sad...” Jonghyun smiled. “How lucky a guy could be if he could get you.” He said and looked at him with his calm, sweet, communicating eyes. “I mean... you're beautiful... and I think you have a very mysterious personality... you know, someone that you want to know more.” He uttered.

Oh.” Jana looked at him – trying to figure out if what he was saying were all true. Is this person for real?

Girls these days...” He shook his head and acted as if he was very pityful. “They treat relationship as a game. Nobody's serious. I think that is why I have never been into a serious relationship... because girls...” He looked at her and she was was looking back – suddenly early listening. “Oh I'm sorry... I think I'm talking too much.” He said.

No- it's okay... girls... you're saying they are?” Jana's voice are suddenly calm and endearing. Jonghyun looked at her for a very long while … and then he burst out laughing. Jana frowned and stared at him.

Oh... HAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait. Wait. Wait. Look at your face!!!!” Jonghyun laughed so hard and he tried to calm himself down. “Oh my... N-no.. it's okay...” Jonghyun immitated Jana and laughed again.

I hate you. I seriously hate you.” She whispered and clutched her fist tightly. “If we're not in school, I might've punched you in the face.” She said seriously.

Jonghyun stopped laughing and just grinned. “You can't. Coz one day you'll realize you're falling for me.”

I will never.” Jana uttered. “Now that I know how you play, you tricky bastard. I will never believe a thing you'll say.” She added to which Jonghyun shrugged.

Jana was really pissed off with Jonghyun. She doesn't like his presence at all except of course that she needs to keep up with him because they were the one who need help and not these guys.

Calm, Sung Jana. Calm yourself. You don't want to be the cause of another chaos. She said and composed herself as she tried to feel unaffected.

She almost wanted to jump in joy when Jinki announced that they should leave already.

We're going to have some meetings like this, but we decided to end this for today.” Jinki stood up from Maelin's seat. “Let's go.” He told the guys.

Good! Good! I like it!” Jonghyun clapped himself and excitedly stood up. “Let's see each other around, Jana-ssi..Oh.” He took his phone out. “I need to get your number so I can call you anytime.” He asked.

No, thank you. We don't need to communicate outside work.” Jana resisted and walked towards the other girls.

We are really glad for your presence here today. Thank you very much. Please have your way carefully.” Maelin said and the girls bowed together in respect.

It's our pleasure helping the girls of Hanji University.” Jinki along with the other four members bowed in respect as well. “We will see each other again soon... oh.. and just tell Jaerin if you need anything. We'll sure catch up.” He said and smiled.

I'll just walk them to the gate.” Jaerin said and the five others left with her.

HA! Finally!” Jana shouted and threw herself on her chair. “I can breathe.” She said.

Sung Jana...” That familiar call from Maelin automatically made Jana sit properly. It was obviously not the Maelin friend she knew. She looked up at her and saw Maelin crossing her arms with an eyebrow up looking at her.

Oh..” She said and bitted her lower lip. “I'm really sorry about that. I just couldn't control it. He has this super pissing personality that I super hate. I don't know. He irritates me so much.” She explained.

And you follow Lee Jinki's order more than I.” Maelin uttered.

Jana looked up. She was at lost. “What?” She asked but then remembered the thing a while ago when Jinki asked her to stop arguing with Jonghyun. To be honest... one of the reason why she decided not to hit Jonghyun when he joked around was because she had in mind what Jinki said before. “Oh... that.”

Am I not a good leader? You seem to follow him more than I.”

Hey, Maelin, don't be jealous.” Jana laughed and stood up. Maelin suddenly pouted and showed a disappointed reaction. Jana knew then that her friend just need to be comforted. She knew her friend has this obsession over leadership. Because Jinki is helping Maelin then it might appear that Jinki is superior over her, which Jana knew won't please Maelin at all. Maelin hates is when someone around her age just orders her around.

To be honest?” Sujin interrupted them. “Jinki-sunbae gives off this kind of aura to me.” She uttered. “You know.. he's very.. uhm, leader like.”

That's because you like him.” Maelin uttered and pouted. She remembered their conversation that night when Jana and Maelin thought the guy on her wallet was Jinki.

She's right.” Miki suddenly spoke as well. “Jinki is very … dependable? Is that the right thing to describe him? I mean... whatever he says, you know it is the right thing to do. And he seems to be very knowledgeable at everything. When you look at him, you know everything can just be put into their proper places.” She explained. Maelin frowned again.

I saw you looking at him for approval.” Jana teased.

I did not.” Maelin rolled her eyes.

You must admit it. Jinki looks at you as if he's saying Don't worry, I got your back so everything would be so fine. He's like so confident that we can make it. You can't see no worries on his face.”

Aren't we the same?” Maelin asked.

You have your own charm as a leader, Maelin, believe me. We won't be following you if you don't... but that Jinki..” She narrowed her eyes and looked at the door where the guys went out few minutes ago. “When he speaks and looks at you he's like casting some spell on you..” She said.

Wow.” Maelin shook her head and looked at her friend. “That was the first time you actually praised a guy. You like him?”

He's okay. I think he's nice.” Jana nodded. “If he can control those four other guys who are very hard headed and naughty then... he's great enough.” She shrugged. “Oh, why am I even talking about a guy. Let's forget about it.” She said and returned to her table.

How about Kim Jonghyun? Do you think he's nice?”

Can you not mention his name again!?” Jana expressed.



*** *** ***

10:30 pm

[Mojo] Goodnight... >.<

[Bubbles] night.

[Mojo] Oh. You're still awake. I'm happy.

[Bubbles] You said goodnight, I replied. You're not supposed to reply anymore.

[Mojo] I was secretly hoping you're still awake. You replied. I decided not to sleep yet.

[Bubbles] I'm sleeping.

[Mojo] How's school? Anything good happened?

[Bubbles] What's so good about being in trouble?

[Mojo] Oh. :\ you were in trouble. Are you alright now? I feel sorry for you. :'(

[Bubbles] Can I ask you something?

[Mojo] You're already asking. Keke. ^^

[Bubbles] Pabo

[Mojo] Go ahead, sweetie. :))

[Bubbles] What else do guys know aside of breaking girls' heart?

[Mojo] That was a hit :O Why? Did a guy hurt you?? >.< You're heartbroken? Who?!

[Bubbles] Not me. Others.

[Mojo] We don't break girls heart. It's their decision to be broken.

[Bubbles] If you really love someone, you will never hurt them.

[Mojo] Love is something deep. Dating someone doesn't mean you're already in love with her. It just means, I think I'm ready and I think I have the chance to fall for this girl. That's what girls don't understand. If someone ask them for a date, that means the guy wants to try his feelings out... and see if it can go deeper.

[Bubbles] I was touched by your long reply and willingness to explain.

[Bubbles] I think you're guilty.

[Mojo] That because girls always assume... when guys haven't even said they love the girl. Yes, we are probably attracted... but Love... girls, please, never underestimate it.

[Bubbles] I got your point. Thanks.

[Mojo] So... can we start dating?

[Bubbles] No

[Mojo] We don't need to love each other in order to date. You're safe.

[Bubbles] People date only when they are interested to try developing some relationship. I don't have anything to develop with you.

[Mojo] wow. :) Nice answer. You're hard to tame, you know?

[Bubbles] I know...

[Mojo] Lucky that guy.

[Bubbles] Stop doing that tactics to me. You'll feed my ego something like anyone who I will fall in love with is surely lucky. Not falling. Sorry.

[Mojo] I quit. Kekekekekekeke

[Bubbles] GOOD.

[Mojo] But I won't quit on texting you. You seem so adorable... and I think you're funny in person.

[Bubbles] You read people well.

[Mojo] Can I call you? Just hearing your voice... :)

[Bubbles] I'm sleepy. Can I sleep? Now this is a real goodnight.

[Mojo] Promise me I can call you tomorrow.

[Mojo] Hey...

[Mojo] Bubbleeeeesssssssss. >:D

[Mojo] I won't stop till you answer.

[Mojo] Should I just call you now.

[Bubbles] Fine. Tomorrow.

[Mojo] Got it. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Dream of me. :) <3

From time to time we will have Mojo and Bubbles' conversation.

Please bear with the names. I didn't know what came to me that I put those names.

I'm not even a fan of The Powerpuff Girls. LOL

It's up to you to think if Mojo here is being real or not. :D

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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH. All I can say is that, just when the story gets more interesting then, when I click next its suprised me that I want to die on the spot! Why author-nim! Why you put on hiatus in such a very good story.. Huhuhuhu! Didn't you know, I'm enjoying reading your story, its because its involve the whike gang. And you put it on hiatus just when Jjong and Jana getting serious to each other.

I'm broken right now.
i really miss this story very much
jinkismine #3
Chapter 22: I miss them~~ >.<
jinkismine #4
Chapter 17: i missed JinMae soooo baadddd!!! ㅠㅅㅠ
writerofthistory #5
Chapter 23: Author Nim please dont give up ! Its a really good fic ! :) i will support your new fic too but i really hope you dont give up on this fic :) gomawo for updating :)
ChocoPandaa #6
Chapter 23: Ahhh >< Don't you have any notes on what this story would turn out to be or anything(Well if you aren't a planner, then I guess not..)? :O But anyway, I'm so happy you're back now!! :D It's saddening this will be on a long hiatus, but it's all good since there's gonna be another story up hehe..
We'll always be supporting you ^^
Chapter 23: D;
I'm glad you're coming back, but the story may not. ;(
But it's okay. We'll always support you :)