Chapter 24

Finding My Sweet Prince


"You awake?" asked Donghae as he entered the room rubbing his wet hair with a towel and closed the door.


He had just taken a shower and was only wearing a pair of jeans with no top.


Nari stared at his muscular body then looked away, blushing.


"Y-yeah..." she stuttered.


Donghae walked over to a closet in the corner of the room and pulled out a clean, short sleeved t-shirt.


He put it on, saying, "Sorry about that."


"No, it's fine. Um... where am I?" asked Nari.


"In my room. You fainted again." replied Donghae.


"Oh... Wow, your room has a calming effect."


"Yeah, I really like this shade of blue because of that." he agreed.


"Hey, who's this?" asked Nari as she picked up a framed photo by the bedside.


Donghae quickly snatched it away from her and replied, "It's nobody."


"Oh, really?" said Nari and tried to get it back but kept missing.


She advanced towards him but tripped and they both fell on the bed.


Nari was on top of him and they both just stared at each other when the door opened again.


"Young Master - Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt but Old Master is calling for you." said the maid who came in and quickly looked away when she saw their position.


Nari quickly got off of Donghae and said, "You should go."


Donghae reluctantly sat up on his bed and replied, "But I can't just leave you here alone."


"I'll be fine."


"Okay... but don't ever leave this room or explore the house." he commanded her sternly and walked out of the room with the maid.


Nari pouted.


'Why not?' she thought and slowly opened the door to see if Donghae was gone.


He was.


Nari quietly stepped out of the room and closed the door.


When she turned around, she gasped.


The house was HUGE and she could see all the floors from the indoor balcony.


Nari was on the fourth floor and decided to explore.


She went down to the third floor on the elevator, carefully avoiding the many maids running around and saw that the floor was all pink.


A grand door, just like Donghae's room's door, stood at a corner and Nari carefully opened it.


The room was a big bedroom painted in pink with many stuffed animals and Sanrio things.


'Omo! This must be Tiff's room... and floor! Wow!' she thought and smiled.


The next step was the second floor.


Every floor was spacious and beautifully decorated but this floor also had a kitchen... a very big kitchen.


The smell of dinner getting ready caught Nari's nose and she quickly peeked in.


Chefs and maids were rushing around everywhere.


'Wow, very hectic.' noted Nari and continued down the hallway.


She was passing by a room when she heard voices coming from it.


She wanted to know who else lived in this house and put her ear by the door to hear better.


"How could you skip again?! I thought the last time would be your last but I guess not! You are the school director's son and soon-to-be director of it! Behave yourself!" shouted an angry voice.


'That sounds like the school director's voice.' thought Nari.


"I heard that you were skipping with a girl student. Is she influencing you?! I will go find her and get rid of her if I have to!" continued the voice.


Nari froze.

Wowww xDD
i received so many comments while gone for some time! xD lol
i'm so glad i have so many readers reading my fanfic and commenting!! *woot woot*! hahaa
that just made my dayy~ x3
i've been so busy last week... and this week will be too T___T
i'm running for Senior Board Secretary and the voting day is thursday!!
Also, i made it into Top 25 for Homecoming Queen!! :DD
Hopefully, I'll get into Top 12!! ><
Plus i have soo much schoolwork and SAT studying... *sighhh*
but here's an update!! ;]
i hope this will satisfy u guys~ kkkk
Lisa1134 : haha ur totally right about that! >< i updated! xD
LeslyeAkira : no it's fine! :] i'm just glad u did comment later though kkkk :DD how was ur test?? i wish i knew how donghae smelled like... *dreamy sighh*
RaspberryTaffy : kkkkk xD i wanna know donghae's cologne!! >:DD oh n thanx~ <3 haha
DuBunny : LOL y thank u ;] thanx 4 commenting 2~!
Litche : hahaha! well here's the next chappie u wanted!! xD
P o s t e d : 10. 09. 26
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Chapter 34: Hello! It's me again! Your story's really fantastic. I love it. Here I am again requesting for a sequel. Plsssss~ Fighting authornim!
Chapter 34: Awwww! So lovely. Sequel please?!
Chapter 34: Hahaha so cute . Goodjob
Chapter 34: Nice!!! i'm searching for donghae's fanfic in aff. and this is the first^^ kyaaa~~~ sweet prince donghae^.^
m0zarts0nata-- #5
Love the story! <3 ^_^
MissSG #7
YAY finally you have updated! ^^ Nice~ ^^
apology accepted xD the story is great, it's sad that it has to end. I want more DonghaexNari moments D: