Chapter 18

Finding My Sweet Prince


The late bell rang, announcing the end of lunch period and start of class.


Eli worriedly looked at the two empty seats where Donghae and Nari would be sitting at by now.


Yesung caught her staring at the seats and gave her a reassuring smile, saying, "Don't worry about them. They probably just got lost or something. This is a big school, you know."


She smiled back at him.


'Wow, her smile is so cute,' thought Yesung.


Eli felt someone staring at her. She turned to the side to see Yesung still looking at her.


"Is there something on my face?" she asked.


"Uh- no," replied Yesung and hurriedly looked away.




When Donghae got to the nurse's office, nobody was in there. He laid Nari on the school bed and sat down in the chair next to it.


He sighed and waited for the nurse to come.


He glanced at the fainted Nari and thought, 'Her face is so beautiful...'


Donghae slowly reached over to touch her face when suddenly, the door to the nurse's office opened.


He quickly retrieved his hand back and looked at who entered.


The nurse came in and noticed Donghae and Nari.


She walked over and asked, "Did something happen?"


"Nari just suddenly fainted," replied Donghae.


The nurse checked on Nari, "She'll be fine. She just doesn't get much sleep. When she wakes up, feed her warm food."


"Neh, Kamsa habnida (Yes, Thank you)," replied Donghae and bowed as the nurse walked out of her office again.


He sat back down in the chair and slowly fell asleep.




Nari tiredly opened her eyes.


The first thing she saw was a white ceiling. Then she turned her head to the side and saw a sleeping Donghae's head resting on the edge of the bed.


'Where am I?' she thought and slowly sat up. Her head was throbbing and she groaned.




Donghae quickly woke up after hearing a groan and looked up at the now awake Nari.


"You awake now?" he asked.


"Yeah..." replied Nari, rubbing her forehead.


Donghae stared at her, then suddenly grabbed Nari's wrist, dragging her out of the nurse's office.


"Where are you taking me?!" asked Nari as she struggled to get out of his grip.


He didn't say anything and just kept dragging her, not letting her go.


Donghae finally let her go when they arrived at their destination.


Donghae and Nari were sitting inside the Noodles Restaurant right outside of the school gates.


"You know we're skipping school, right?" asked Nari coldly.


Donghae nodded his head carelessly.


Nari stood up.


"I don't know about you, but I can't afford to be skipping."


Just before she could walk away, Donghae grabbed her wrist again.


"Eat some noodles, and then leave."


That left Nari no choice but to sit back down and stay.


"Ajumma! One bowl of warm noodles, please!" he ordered.


"Neh~! (Yes)" came back the answer.


Soon, a hot, steaming bowl of noodles was placed on top of the table where Donghae and Nari were sitting at.


Donghae pushed the bowl in front of Nari and commanded, "Eat."


Nari glared at him and shook her head no.


Donghae took a hold of his chopsticks and grabbed some noodles from the bowl.


He held it in front of Nari's face, "Open your mouth."


Right when she was about to say no, he stuffed the noodles into .


Nari was obligated to chew and her eyes grew wide as she did.


"This is actually pretty good!" she exclaimed, surprised.


Donghae laughed at her reaction.


"Omo! The Cold Prince actually laughed!" she teased and ate some more noodles.


Donghae just stared at her face as she ate.


'How can somebody look so cute when they're just eating noodles?' he thought.


Nari looked up to see Donghae staring at her and asked, "You want some?"


She grabbed some noodles with her chopstick and held it in front of Donghae's face.


"No, thanks." he replied.


"I know you want some! Say ah~" she urged.


Donghae sighed defeatedly and opened his mouth. Nari placed the noodles in it and he ate it.


"Aw~! What a cute couple!" said a woman sitting at another table.


Both Nari and Donghae blushed when they heard that.


After they finished eating, Donghae paid the bill and the two headed back towards school.

It's HaeRi (Donghae + Nari)'s first unofficial date~!! ;DD
did u guys enjoy~? hahaa xDD
comments, comments, comments!
P o s t e d : 10. 09. 12
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Chapter 34: Hello! It's me again! Your story's really fantastic. I love it. Here I am again requesting for a sequel. Plsssss~ Fighting authornim!
Chapter 34: Awwww! So lovely. Sequel please?!
Chapter 34: Hahaha so cute . Goodjob
Chapter 34: Nice!!! i'm searching for donghae's fanfic in aff. and this is the first^^ kyaaa~~~ sweet prince donghae^.^
m0zarts0nata-- #5
Love the story! <3 ^_^
MissSG #7
YAY finally you have updated! ^^ Nice~ ^^
apology accepted xD the story is great, it's sad that it has to end. I want more DonghaexNari moments D: