
 Despite being horribly tired from his tight schedule that day, Minho couldn’t get his mind off the sad boy he met two days ago and sleep. Even when he was already on his soft bed and Jonghyun finally stopped knocking on the drums.

Taemin. What an odd name. He tossed and turned and kept thinking. Why would the boy think he wouldn’t come back? He hardly knew Minho so why make such an accusation?

And his apartment was another thing Minho couldn’t get out of his mind. The worn-out red couch. The mattress without even a frame. The kitchen barely having any food. Maybe that’s why Taemin was so thin. Minho was depressed just thinking about the boy. He looked so young and yet so lifeless.


Waking up the next morning, with his head pounding so hard because the lack of sleep. Despite the bed persuading him to stay,Minho wanted to go back to the apartment. It wasn’t a usually thing that Minho would wake so early, being the heavy sleeper in the dorm. Especially on a Sunday since that’s their day off.

“You’re up early.” Key noted while eating his cereal.

“I have to get somewhere.” Minho answered, taking a carton of milk out of the fridge. Drinking it straight from the carton.

“Yah, don’t drink it straight out of the carton. You’ll get your froggy germs all over it.” Key was the homemaker of their band.

Yes,about the band. Its called Vesper. Vesper consisted of four very dreamy boys, namely Jonghyun as the drumist/vocalist/songwriter/sound pollution. Onew as the lead singer/pianist/clumsy legs. Key as the vocalist/guitarist/clean freak. While Minho was the rapper/sub-vocalist/guitarist/game addict. Since their group was consisted of four very handsome boys and their music is really,really good given that Jonghyun wrote most of their songs and they make their own music,Vesper became a world-wide hit the moment they debuted 3 years ago. Winning almost every single award when they release a song. However for the past few months, they haven’t released a single song. Why? Jonghyun was having a major writer’s block.

Back to the story.

Minho drove his car to Taemin’s building. Remembering the lack of food in the boy’s house, Minho made a stop at a grocery shop and bought a few(more like 5 big bags) of grocery for the boy. Minho still couldn’t comprehend why he would do such a thing for someone he barely knows.Maybe it was a brotherly instinct or something that made him want to help the boy.

Minho knocked the door when he arrived at the boy’s house. After hearing footsteps and shuffling in the apartment, the door was finally opened. Taemin just looked,stared at him with big eyes without saying a word.

“Can I come in?” Minho asked after what it seemed like hours of awkward silence. Taemin moved to side to allow Minho to enter with his grocery bags.

“This are for you.” Minho said. Placing the bags on the kitchen counter.

“I don’t think all of this would fit the fridge.” Taemin said. Again Minho heard the lifelessness in his voice.

“Then should I get you a new fridge too?” Minho asked. He was being serious. Taemin did have a very small fridge.

“I don’t need a new one.” Taking the food and drinks and ice-cream out the bags.

“The least you could say is thank you for the guy who bought you groceries.” Minho said. Looking at the boy’s frail fingers holding on the big carton of strawberry ice-cream. Minho was scared it would break from holding on to something heavy. Even though it was as heavy as ice-cream.

“I won’t be able to finish all this.” the boy complained.

“Then should I buy less the next time I visit?”

“I’m surprised you even came today.” despite sounding not surprised at all, given the lifeless voice of his.

“I told you I’d come back.”

“I thought you lied.” Taemin spoke like it was usual thing everyone did. Like breathing or eating.

“Well, I wasn’t.”

“That’s nice.” And for a moment, Minho thought Taemin displayed the tiniest amount of emotion in his eyes.The most he had seen so far.

“So can I come back?”

“Why would you want to come back?” Yes, why would Minho come back?Its not like he doesn’t have any other friends to be with. Games to play with. Girls to flirt with . Other things to do.

Someone has to help you finish all the food.”

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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee