
 How to be an ordinary human:

6.Not killing people when you’re angry


 “Are you sure you would okay?” Minho asked for the hundredth time to Taemin. This would be the first time in a such a long time that Minho would be gone. His manager had signed Minho up for an upcoming new action movie. Said that it would expand Minho’s talent and fame and whatnots. Minho couldn’t care less if it was just some overrated schedule in America but he had always like acting. Ever since he was a kid, he had always wanted to be one of the guys with big guns on the screen,looking big and strong. However right now, Minho would have to leave for two weeks since the first part of his shooting would be held in the California while the rest of the shootings would be held in Korea. He begged Taemin to go with him but the boy wouldn’t bulge. Taemin said that Minho had to focus if he wanted the movie to be a success and him being there would make Minho not focus.

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Minho asked again.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Taemin honestly felt like he wanted to punch Minho’s face if he ever asked again.

“You’re okay with me leaving later this afternoon?” Minho raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. I’m okay.”

“You won’t feel sad that I’m leaving you for two entire very long weeks?” Minho placed the mug he had on his hand on the table.

“I would feel sad of course and miss you like hell bu-“

“Then I’m not going. If you’re going to feel sad and miss me like hell, I’m not going. Screw the movie. I don’t care.” Minho said seriously.

“Let me continue. I know this is important to you and you have always wanted to act. So, I’ll live for two weeks.” Taemin took Minho’s hand.

“But you’ll feel sad.” Minho looked at Taemin sadly.

“Fine, I won’t feel sad. I won’t miss you. In fact I’ll go get another guy to satisfy my needs for the next two weeks.” Taemin said.

“You won’t seriously do that would you?” Minho asked. Because honestly Taemin wouldn’t go find for another guy would he? He wouldn’t right?

“I would if you don’t stop worrying like this. Come on. I’m a tough guy, I can take two weeks without my boyfriend.” Taemin replied.


“Yes. Besides my needs some rest.”



 An hour later Minho left the apartment, leaving Taemin in the space alone.

The first day without Minho felt a bit too long. Usually he would be there and talk for hours and Taemin would listen.

The second day was manageable since Minho instructed for Onew to take Taemin out. Go to the park. Have a meal. Play one of Minho’s video games at the Vesper residence.

The first week ended without a hitch. Taemin started to really miss Minho, even though his affectionate needs were taken care of when Minho calls him every night. Taemin hated that he now felt depended on Minho. It was never like this for him. Taemin never felt the need to have someone in his arms so badly like this before. It made him more human but still he didn’t like it too much.

The eighth day was when Taemin debated whether or not he should go visit Minho.

The nineth day was when he decided not to go. Seriously, this was not him. Taemin does not need someone this badly. He has been living alone for the last few years, why couldn’t he freaking stand two short weeks?

Finally came the day when Minho would finally fly back home. Taemin felt irrationally happy. He never felt like this before. Being so happy just by the thought of seeing someone again but he couldn’t help himself not to feel this way.


Taemin waited in his apartment since Minho said he would come as soon as his flight landed. Insisting that Taemin should just wait at home. For the first time ever in Taemin’s life, he felt the need to look good . For the first time ever, Taemin looked at the mirror for hundreds of times just to make sure his face looked perfect. He changed his shirt and pants for more than ten times because it just didn’t look good enough. He almost debated whether or not he should just strip because Minho would honestly like that more.

Then suddenly the door bell rang. Taemin almost jumped. Running towards the door and opening it almost instantly.

The big smile on his face faded. It wasn’t Minho. It was one of the two people in his life that he never ever wanted to meet again.


He was standing at the door.Taemin was too speechless to say anything. And when he did find his voice again, Kai already entered the apartment.

“Leave.” Taemin said. Having a strained edge in his voice.

“Not until you listen to me.” Kai looked at the boy.

“Say it and leave.”

“Listen,I tried to save you. I tried to come back for you.”

“You didn’t try hard enough.” Taemin said bitterly.

“And I’m sorry for that. I di-“

“Do you know what they did to me when you ran away? What you did to me when you left?” Taemin cut him off.

“You’re hurt. I know that and I don’t know how many times I have to apologize till you can forgive me.”

“I don’t need your apology. Now leave, my boyfriend is going to be here soon and I don’t need you to ruin everything.” Taemin said. Walking towards the door only to be held back by the grip Kai had on his wrist.

“He’s not going to stay. You know that right? When he finds out how damaged you are, he’s going to leave you.”

“Minho loves me. He knows how damaged I am and he’s trying his best to accept everything about me. Now ing leave.” Taemin looked bitterly at Kai.

“What if he’s tired of trying? Come with me before he hurts you.” the grip on Taemin’s wrist was getting too strong.

“What kind of sick logic do you have that you honestly think that I’m going to leave Minho and come with you?” Taemin questioned.

“You’ve always loved me. Not that bastard who’s pretending to accept who you are.”

“I don’t love you.”

“You don’t think I know? That you always sneakily kiss my lips when we go to sleep at night?”

“I was 12 and stupid. So leave. Now.”

“No. Not until you forgive me. Not until you realize that Minho is just going to hurt you in the end.I'm the only one who can really accept who you really are.”

“If you don’t leave right now, I’m afraid bad things are going happen.”

“You’re going to kill me? Fine. Do that and when he sees what you’ve done. What you’re going to do again and again, he’ll get sick of it and leave you. Then you'll realize that you should've just come with me.”

“Please leave.” Taemin begged. His brain was getting cloudy and his animalistic insticts were coming back. the back of his sanity.

“No.” and then Taemin snapped. Pushing Kai violently against the wall.

“Leave. Please.” Taemin begged the boy again before he does anything stupid. Taemin couldn’t stop himself for hurting this boy.

“I don’t want to. Not without you. If you’re not going to accept me then I might as well die in your hands.”

And that was the final straw. Taemin’s hands were working its ways. Hitting every nerve. Bruising every inch of Kai’s body. God, he was so ing angry at Kai. So ing mad that Kai left him years ago and never came back. So mad that Kai would think he would choose him over the love of his life. So angry that Kai came back when he finally felt human. So ing mad that Kai is even here, taunting him to kill. He felt so mad at this ing boy who ruined his self-control.

Drops of blood started to drip and Kai wasn’t resisting. He wasn’t fighting back.

Taemin knew a few more . A few more jabs and Kai would be a goner. Taemin knew that perfectly but he couldn’t stop himself from trying to take this bastard’s life. His body was moving by itself. Not in sync with his mind that begging for him to stop.


“Taemin.” suddenly that perfect voice was heard at the door. He ran towards the two of them and held Taemin. Pulling him away from Kai and his bloody shirt.

“He-“ Taemin’s voice broke.

“Leave.” Minho said sternly to the injured Kai.

“Why are you wasting your time with an animal like him?” Kai snickered. His legs almost failing to hold him up. Minho let go of his grip on Taemin and dragged Kai out of the apartment without uttering a word. Not caring the least bit of the gruesome state Kai was it. He closed the door and locked it.

Taemin started to cry. It broke Minho’s heart to see his love in such a state. Bloody knuckles covering his small reddening face. Tears coming out of his eyes. Minho carried Taemin off the floor and to the bathroom.

Taking off Taemin’s blood-stained shirt. He opened the tap and started to wash off Taemin’s hands and other parts of his body that was tainted with red. Taemin’s eyes were still watering like raindrops. After washing, Minho dried Taemin up with a towel and carried his small figure to his room. Laying him on the mattress and covering him up with a blanket.

“I’m going to clean up the mess outside. Okay baby?’ Minho Taemin’s cheeks and walked out of the room.




Half an hour later, Minho came back. Joining him under the covers.

“I’m so jet-lagged.” Minho stretched his arms before wrapping it around Taemin. Taemin turned around to face Minho. His eyes still watering.

“Why are you still crying?” Minho asked. Wiping away the tears.

“Why are you being so nice to me? Kai was right. I am an animal.”

“You do make a very y bunny.”

“Minho. Stop it. Stop pretending that this is all okay. That what I am is normal. You can leave me now and I won’t blame you for it. I promise I won’t. So run the hell away fr-from this thing I am.”

“I’m not pretending that this is all okay.”

“You are. I almost beat Kai up to death and you’re not reacting the way you should.”

“How should have I reacted?”

“You could’ve call the cops and let them keep me in a cage.” Like all animals.

“I don’t think that would make me a very good boyfriend.”

“I don’t get it. You know how crazy and messed-up I am. I almost killed him.”

Almost but didn’t.”

“But I could’ve.”

“Didn’t I promise you that I wouldn’t let you do anything you would regret?”

“You did.”

“I don’t intend on breaking that promise.”

“I’m allowing you to break that promise. Pleave leave me before you start to regret all of this.”

“Its not that I don’t want to leave, I can’t leave.”

“Why can’t you?”

“You have my heart and I can’t leave without it.”


Minho pulled Taemin closer to his body. Savouring every thud of Taemin’s heartbeat because Taemin's heart was equally his too.

“Do you want to give me back my heart?” Minho asked the boy. Taemin hesitated to answer. He wanted Minho but he didn’t want Minho to wake up one day and regret everything. So he kept quiet. Listening to Minho breathing. Smelling Minho’s musky scent. Feeling safe and warm in his arms. Should he be this selfish?



“I’m not giving it back.”

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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee