
 It was almost night time at the moment and Taemin was walking around the dark alleys. Trying to search for someone. Someone who owed him from when he was undercover as the young drug dealer. He knew the tall,bulky man would be somewhere here at the time. Selling his merchandise.

He walked from alley to alley, in his leather jacket and black t-shirt . It was something he used to wear while there. Trying to not attract any attention which was easy to begin with since mostly people there, didn’t care.

Finally, he found the man. The person who could give him the information he desperately needed. The man was leaning against the slightly damp alley wall. Waiting for customers.

“Leo.” Taemin called out his name. The man instantly recognized his voice. How could he not? Taemin bailed him out when he was in jail. Leo was arrested and Taemin needed a way into the dark world. That deal worked both ways.

Stickers?” Leo called out the name he used from when he was undercover. No one here used their real name. Mostly just odd nicknames.

“Its good to see you still remembering me.”

“Why are you here? Come.” he took Taemin’s hand and lead him to the hidden part of the road.

“I need your help.” Taemin said.

“You really pissed off Hector when you left.”

“I pissed off a lot of people here. So can you help me or not?”

“With what?”

“Someone leaked my whereabouts to Hector and his gang.”

“You want to know who?”


“I-I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Taemin glared at the man who was no more than 3 years older than him.

“He’ll kill me.If he won’t, then Hector would if he knew I talked to you.”

“You owe me.”


“I bailed you out of jail once, I can put you back in.” Taemin threaten. Jail wasn’t a place Leo wanted to go back to. The place was torturous and evil.

“You didn’t hear this from me.” Leo leaned in and whispered into Taemin’s ear.

“It was Hugo.” Taemin’s eyes widened when he heard the name.

Hugo was one of the undercover agents that worked with him. His real name was Jason. Why would Hugo leak information about him when he should be covering Taemin’s track when he left Italy. Hugo was still undercover if Taemin recalled correctly . Keeping tabs on the mafia.




As the night progressed, a man was walking into his apartment. The place was a dump but at least he had somewhere to stay. Its not like he had any other choice. It was his job to stay in character.

Opening the door to his apartment, everything went blank.

A few minutes later, the man opened his eyes. He was still in his apartment but he was tied down to a chair. No one had the skills to knock him out. He was a freaking spy. A well-trained one. Unless

“Hi.” Taemin said to Hugo. Smiling like an angel. He looked like he just met his long lost friend.

“You-“ Hugo didn’t dare to continue his words. Taemin was someone you do not mess with. Ever. Despite how fragile looking and innocent looking Taemin was, he was a pure- evil- trained- to- torture- lunatic.

“Who told you to expose my whereabouts?” Taemin asked. Still smiling.

Hugo kept his mouth shut.

“Or was it you who wanted to hurt me?” Taemin approached him.

“I didn’t want to do it.” Hugo said. Terrified by the mere thought of what Taemin could do to him.

“What made you do it?” Taemin asked again. Smiling and talking with a tone so sugar sweet. You would think Taemin was talking to a five-year old.

“I’m not suppose to tell.” Hugo looked somewhere else.

“If you don’t tell.”

“If I don’t tell?” Hugo realised it was a mistake to ask. It very huge mistake.

“If you don’t tell then, I’ll tear off your skin off your bones . I’ll then use your skin and tie it around your head to suffocate you but you won’t die just yet. It would take hours for that to happen. Hours and hours of pain and you wouldn’t be able to scream . While you suffocate and bleed endlessly, I’ll just watch you die slowly. You know how patient I am. Right before the angel picks you up, I‘ll then cut you to piece before setting you on fire. Your ashes will be thrown into the drain where you will be forgotten because who would remember someone so insignificant or I could shave your head, cut off your ears. Disfigure your face. Castrate you.Gosh there are so many fun things I could do to you. So I’ll ask you again, who made you tell Hector ?” Taemin said. Tone still sugar-sweet. Face still smiling.

“Please. Please don’t do this to me.” the man pleaded.

“Do you know what you did to me? I was finally having a normal life of my own and you caused the only person who ever loved me to get shot. You’re lucky I didn’t do anything more than tie you to this chair.” This is mainly why Taemin didn’t have chairs in his house. He didn’t want to get tied to one if something like this ever happened to him. Well, its not like anyone dared to this to him.

“I’m sor-sorry.” Hugo stuttered.

“Do I need to ask you again or should I begin cutting your skin?” Taemin asked. Taking a knife from the kitchen table. Playing with it sharp edge with the tip of his fingers.

“No. It-it was your section leader.”

“The agency did this?”



“I don’t know. Please,please let me go. I just followed orders from them.” the 20 year-old started crying.

“When did you get the orders?”

“Two months ago.” Two months ago was when Taemin quit the agency. And listening to that statement, Taemin realised he had left Minho alone to leave Italy. that. Taemin knew he screwed up.



 Minho finally reached home after the flight. He realised that it wouldn’t be much use for him to stay in Italy if Taemin didn’t want him there. So he followed orders. He went home despite feeling an ache in his heart for leaving Taemin alone. What if someone hurt Taemin?

Minho was walking out of the airport, searching for a cab when a black Sedan stopped in front of him.

Minho got abducted.

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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee