
 You know one of those songs where you just can’t stop listening to. One of those songs that can make you cry endlessly. One of those songs that instantly reminds you of that certain someone. One of those songs that makes you feel you’re in your own world, undisturbed. One of those songs you can’t help but listen in awe. One of those songs that you can’t help but keep pressing the replay button. One of those songs that you know won’t disappear overnight but will play itself throughout centuries.

In those three minutes and fifty-seven seconds, that’s what Minho and Key felt.

“Wow.” was the only thing Key could’ve said.

Minho just kept quiet and let the music repeat itself. There was no voice in it. Only sounds playing. Music. Guitars. Pianos. Flute. Drums. Every single instrument they could think of and yet they couldn’t distinguish which is which. Everything sounded one and everything.



“Where did you guys go?” Onew and Jonghyun asked when Key and Minho stepped into the doorstep of their threshold. Minho just walked straight into his room,leaving Key to explain.

“We went to Taemin’s apartment. The guy Minho had been seeing.”


“He moved. Just completely disappeared.” Key sat on the couch next to Onew.

“That explains the mooning look on Minho’s face.”

“He didn’t leave anything?”

“He left Minho a song.”

“What song?”

“The most amazing song you’ll ever hear.” Key said in awe.

“Come on. It can’t be that good. ” Jonghyun was rather proud of his own skills.

“The song. I don’t know what I felt when I heard it because I felt everything.” Sadness. Joy. Depressed. Overjoyed. Confused. Love.

“Can we hear it?” Onew asked. Curious because it wasn’t everyday that Key praised other people’s songs.

“He left the CD in the player in his car.”

“You think he’ll get mad if we break into his car?” Minho took care of his car like it was his prized treasure.

“I don’t think he’s in the mood to yell.”




“That was-“ Jonghyun wiping a tear at the edge of his eye.

“I told you so.”

“That boy must be a musical genius.” Onew said.

“I can’t even comprehend what I just heard.” Jonghyun commenting.

“But the thing is. Why did he leave Minho this?” Key asked,despite knowing he wouldn’t get the answer.

Why did he leave Minho in the first place?



 For the next few days, the song kept being replayed in the dorm. Mostly by Jonghyun since he wanted to figure out notes did the boy use. What kind of instruments did he use. And he couldn’t get anything out of it because every time he played the song, he would completely forget about what he wanted to do and listen,lose himself in the music completely.

That is until Minho snapped the CD into two.

“Why did you do  that for? Its your CD. Why break it?” Jonghyun horrified when Minho destroyed the masterpiece.

 “What’s the point of me keeping something I never had?”



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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee