
 How to be an ordinary human:

7. Double dates with your boyfriend’s friends


 Ever since Jonghyun and Key got back together, they still haven’t told anyone about their relationship. Point being with the whole Taemin-Minho situation and the fact that they were just to busy releasing another successful album, they somehow forgot to tell anyone.


It was Saturday night. Vesper(minus Onew who was on schedule) and Taemin went out to this newly opened restaurant. Key insisted that he wanted to go the sushi place since there were not many to begin with in their area. Jonghyun, of course complied while Minho just wanted to go with the reluctant Taemin. Ever since the whole incident with Kai, their relationship become stronger if that were possible but Taemin became more reserved than usual. Maybe a night out with all of them would give Taemin a little thumb’s up.

Of course, when Vesper eats at place, they practically book the entire venue. Key doesn’t  like people staring at him while he was eating and having some privacy wasn’t so bad. Especially since Minho couldn’t take his eyes,hands off of Taemin.


“What do you guys want to order?” Jonghyun asked. Looking at the menu.

“Anything is fine really.” Taemin answered.

“How about I order the big platter? It has everything in it.” Jonghyun suggested.

“I want sashimi.” Key said to Jonghyun.

“There’s sashimi in the big platter too.”

“I want my own sashimi.” Key said cutely to Jonghyun. Not that he has too. Jonghyun would never say no to Key.

“Okay.” Jonghyun ordered since he was the one who would be paying for their meal that night. He lost a round of FIFA to Minho.

Minho didn’t really care. He wasn’t that hungry to begin with. He was content by just holding Taemin’s hand under the table and eating meant he had to let go of his baby’s hand. With the shorter hair, Taemin looked younger that he already does. More like a little boy with dreams than the y spy with a vendetta. Though he loved both looks, Taemin looking like this,made his heart flutter a little bit more. The pure innocence radiated from Taemin’s face.

“Tae.” Minho called Taemin. He turned and Minho pecked his lips softly.

“We’re in public.” Taemin hissed though he enjoyed the stolen kiss.

“I know.” Minho grinned before capturing those plump lips again. Kissing him a little longer.

“Guys,stop being so lovey-dovey.” Jonghyun groaned.

“Just because you guys aren’t being lovey dovey with other, doesn’t mean Minho can’t do the same with me.” Taemin replied. He liked the attention Minho showered on him.

“Why would we be lovey-dovey with each other?” Key asked. His face reddening.

“Aren’t you guys dating?” Taemin asked. Taemin thought everyone knew.

“You guys are dating?” Minho shocked by the sudden revelation.

“Yeah.” Jonghyun admitted.

“I thought we were hiding it pretty well. How did you find out Taemin? When did you find out?” Key looked at Taemin. Honestly being curious. They were keeping it under the wraps for such a long time and since when did Taemin find out?

“I’m used to be a spy remember? I notice things. Besides you idiots had me change my sheets when I got back from Italy.” Taemin said grudgingly.

“It could’ve been someone else.” Jonghyun defended. Although the blush on both their faces made it obvious.

“Who?” Taemin asked mockingly . Minho was still trying to comprehend the whole your-best-friends-are-dating-each-other thing.

“Onew.” Key answered without thinking.

“He’s still a .” Taemin replied.

“How do you know that Taemin?” Minho asked because how the hell does Taemin know that?

“I just know things okay.”

“Okay, fine. It was us that tainted your sheets.”

“You guys owe me 20 bucks from the dry cleaning.” Taemin said to them. Then the food came and they started eating.

“I can’t even imagine. How do you guys even kiss each other?” Minho suddenly said. He couldn’t believe that-, Okay. It wasn’t bad,it was just too weird,too sudden.They have been friends with each other for almost 7 years. Heck, they even jumped into pools before.

“Like this.” Jonghyun took Key’s face and kissed him.

“And this.” Key returning the kiss.

“Yah, stop it.” Minho looked away.

“Now you know how we feel when you  faces with Taemin.”



 The next day. It was the second Sunday of the month which meant Minho would go and visit his dad. Minho used to an orphan but his parents adopted him when he was 3 years old. Minho was loved and he equally loved his parents too. They raised him like he was their own real son. Minho couldn’t find better parents even if he wanted to. He was internally indebted by this two wonderful,loving people. His mom died a few years ago and his dad hasn’t even found someone to fill up the hole in his heart. Reason being because he didn’t want to hurt Minho by finding someone so soon and of course he loved his wife too much to find another.However, today was the day his dad told him, he had found a replacement for his mom. Minho was estatic. His dad doesn’t deserve to be alone anymore.

Minho couldn’t wait to see who it was. The woman that managed to capture his dad’s heart. The woman worthy  for him to call a mom.

Minho rang the bell to the house. They would be having lunch together as his dad said over the phone. A lovely meal would be cooked by the lovely would be Mrs. Choi.Seconds later, Minho could hear footsteps and the door was opened. His dad was smiling at him. Delighted to see his only son.


“Dad.” Minho gave his dad a big hug. Then someone approached them. His dad broke the hug and held the waist of the woman that stole his heart away.

“This is Noriko.”

Minho recognised her.

. It was Taemin’s mom.

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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee