Like Old Times

Burn Away Our Memories


"COME ON RUN FASTER!" Myungsoo screamed through the pouring rain.

Min Ah bit her lip to keep the sarcastic remark from escaping her lips as she pushed forward through the obstacle course which she always managed to finish just a few seconds below what was needed to pass. Even as she stumbled to the ground she picked herself up and ran toward the finish where he stood. Her vision was blurred from the rain and her muscles begged for a break, but she wouldn't give up. With a last burst of energy she pushed forward and finally reached him.

A loud clap of thunder echoed as she watched his finger stop the timer. For a second, time stood still as she waited breathlessly for his announcement on her timing. He didn't say a word, his face didn't even change and she wondered if she had failed again. Suddenly a smirk broke out across his face and he looked at her as he showed her the fastest time she had done it so far.

Min Ah screamed in happiness as she jumped up and down finally turning and wrapping her arms around Myungsoo excitedly. He tensed up, more out of surprise than anything else, but as her laughter filled with joy echoed around him he relaxed and decided it wouldn't be too bad to wrap his arms around her in return.

The feeling of him returning the embrace brought her back down from the sudden excitement and she realized what she had done. She looked up nervously at him and even though he had no smile on his face, his eyes were shone warmly through the rain.

At that moment Myungsoo's beauty overwhelmed her and she wondered if it wouldn't be alright to forget for a moment about the person she had been searching for so desperately.



“What are we doing today?” Min Ah asked as she walked into the office with two hot coffees in hand. She smiled brightly at the faces of her tired team members and like usual, went over to Myungsoo and handed him the coffee he took every morning.

His eyes closed for a moment of bliss as the bitter taste with a hint of caramel swirled in his mouth and the warmth spread in his chest as he drank another large gulp. He opened his eyes again to find Min Ah staring at him with a smile on her face as she took a drink from her own cup and went to her desk. He subtly cleared his throat and looked away as she placed her backpack down and took a seat.

“I want to take the gang violence case!” Hoya chimed in loudly.

“No there’s a chain of money laundering deals that we’ve finally got a trace on, I want in on that” Woohyun yelled, waving around a folder filled with information.

“We’re actually doing none of that, I’ve got word that there’s a new gang making headway. They’re relatively small time for now, but they’ve carved out a place for themselves in Seoul and I head they’re looking to make new contacts in China” Myungsoo announced.

“A bunch of newbies?! Can’t we just wait until they’re taken out by rivals?” Min Ah complained as she turned her chair to face the rest of the group.

“That’s what’s catching our attention, either these guys are incredibly ruthless or they’re smart. Either way, they’ve been around for a while and they haven’t been taken out yet” He explained.

“What do we know?” Dongwoo asked, sitting forward and listening attentively.

“Nothing. That’s our problem. No names, no criminal records, nothing” Myungsoo said in frustration, “There’s a huge deal going down apparently involving them. If we can make a bust then we’d have the first lead”

“Do we at least know what they go by?” She asked.


“Hm… What an interesting choice of name” She joked as Woohyun laughed and they turned back to their work.

“Finish up the paperwork, we’ll be out early tonight and tomorrow we work out the details to that trade off!” He yelled as the normal chatter resumed around the large room.

Min Ah stared at her paperwork. Forms after forms seemed to multiply before her eyes. Though she kept filling some out, the pile never seemed to decrease! It was all part of the job; she reminded herself as she picked up her pen again and resumed cataloging various pieces of evidence. Matching images to forms and describing them down to the last detail was the most boring aspect of the job.

Woohyun slid his chair across the room and grinned as it bumped against Min Ah’s desk and made her jump. He rested an elbow across her papers and rested his head on his palm.

“Ready for your blind date tonight?” He said.

“I don’t want to go!” She whispered tiredly, putting her pen down at glancing at Myungsoo’s empty office.

“Well you can’t back out now, I’m telling you I found you the perfect man. He’s a doctor, you literally can’t land anyone better than that. He’s kind and all that” He said proudly with a wave of his hand.

“Who’s kind?” Myungsoo asked from behind them, Min Ah froze and wished he had stayed gone for just a few seconds longer. Or at least that Woohyun would stop talking!

She gave Woohyun a clear look to be quiet, but apparently, be quiet meant blab everything you know.

“I found her a date boss! He’s perfect too, I’m telling you Min Ah is going to end up owing me big time when she meets him tonight” He said happily as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back.

Min Ah nervously glanced up at Myungsoo who seemed to go still for a fraction of a second. He glanced back at her as if getting confirmation and the way she immediately looked away was enough for him. With a firm grip, he spun Woohyun around and pushed him back towards his desk.

“We’re getting paid to work, not to be matchmakers” He snapped as he walked past them and went into his office, slamming the door shut immediately.

“Boy, what the hell happened when I went to get some water?!” Hoya asked with wide eyes as he walked back in.

“We were slacking” Woohyun whispered, bent over his paperwork and resumed his work.

Myungsoo stared at his papers and frowned. He turned to his computer and began inputting names, running known aliases, known acquaintances, and recorded arrests. He reached for the remains of his coffee, drank it down, and threw it into the trash. Unable to resists it any longer he finally turned around and looked at his team through the windows of his office. They were all absorbed in the own work and his eyes lingered on Min Ah. She reached for a few more papers and he saw her drum her fingers on the edge of her desk, she must be frustrated.

Out of nowhere, she looked up to his office. Myungsoo made no move to turn away and they made eye contact. She stared at him for a second longer and broke the eye contact. She shuffled around her desk and pretended to be interested on more paperwork even though she could feel his stare on her shoulders and she could have died to know what was going through his mind.


On those rare days when they were getting out on time with no overtime, it almost felt like a classroom. Only instead of bored students, there were bored adults just waiting for the time when they could go home and relax. Finally the clock struck 5 and they all breathed a sigh of relief.  

“Should we go drinking?” Woohyun said excitedly.

“Let’s all go!” Dongwoo called out, grabbing his things.

“Except Min Ah! She’s got a date to keep!” Woohyun announced.

“Are you planning on announcing it to the entire department?!” She finally snapped and she slung her backpack on her back and put away papers.

“Ooh our little Min Ah is growing up” Dongwoo said with a smirk on his face.

“Hey boss! Want to come drinking with us?” Woohyun called breaking up the conversation as they all looked up at their boss, who was throwing on a black coat and stepping out of his office.

“No thanks” He said simply and they shrugged.

Like usual they all made their way down to the parking garage together. There were no special cases, no special projects, everyone got to go home and relax today. Hoya pushed as he was the first to break from the group and jogged to his car.

“Are we meeting at the usual place?!” He called turning behind.

“Yeah!” Sungyeol answered as he too hurried to his car.

“” Came the low voice of their boss, “Min Ah follow me for a second” He said as he looked for something in his suitcase.

She stumbled as she was forced to stop in her tracks. She closed her eyes and gripped the strap of her backpack tightly.

“Boss come on she has a date” Woohyun said pleadingly, “You’re not going to make her late are you?”

“I don’t care about her dating life and more importantly, the job always comes first” He said in a bored tone, “But… I won’t make her late. I just misplaced a paper and need to get some information from her” He finished calmly and Woohyun grinned.

“Alright I’ll see you guys!” He called as he too went to his car.

Myungsoo looked at Min Ah who stared back like a deer caught in headlights. She attempted a small smile and when he raised his eyebrow she settled for a blank look. He nodded in the direction of his car and she followed along a few paces behind. Why of all days did he have to misplace something today? Wasn’t it awkward enough with him knowing she had a date? One by one she counted as the rest of her team members drove out. Woohyun was the last one out and he waved bye, Min Ah waved back regretfully, wishing she could be one of them just calmly driving out of there.

“So, what did you misplace?” She asked as she pulled off the strap of her backpack so it hung on one shoulder.

“Just some information on the latest case, I need a few addresses from you” He said calmly as they neared his car.

“Oh, yeah I’ve got those” Min Ah said quickly, so he hadn’t been lying? He really did have a reason for calling her over she discovered. She shook any other doubts from her mind and opened her backpack as she walked, rifling through case files. The faster they finished the faster she could leave.

“That date, do you know the guy you’re going out with? I mean, now might not be the best time to try to start lasting relationships” He said suddenly as he took his briefcase and placed it on the hood of his car. Pulling out a blank sheet of paper and pen as if he had just said commented on the weather.

“I’ll be fine. It’s been too long anyways” Min Ah answered quietly, “Uh, which addresses did you need?”

“Just the ones of the complainant and his family members”

Min Ah read them out as Myungsoo dutifully wrote them out one by one. She stayed a few steps behind, her mind wandering off as she read them out. Why did he even have to say anything? She breathed out in relief as she finished reading out the last address and shoved the file back in her backpack. She waited as he put the paper in his pocket and closed his briefcase.

“I’ll get going now. See you tomorrow” She said as she spared him a small smile.

“Do you want a ride?” He asked suddenly.

“Uh… no thanks? I mean, my car is here anyways so that wouldn’t make any sense” She said with a small laugh.

He gave her a long stare as he considered all options and results. When it came down to it, he would do what he wanted anyways. He reached for her arm and pulled her over to him. She yelped as she stumbled into his arms and he boxed her into his car.

“What the hell are you doing?!” She hissed in surprise, her eyes darting around to see if there was anyone one there.

“You’re going on dates now?” He said allowing some of his outrage to drip into his words.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she registered the jealousy in his tone.

“You said you wouldn’t date a coworker!” Min Ah accused angrily as she remembered that night so long ago, “I have every right to date who I want!”

“I don’t want to date” He replied with a shrug as he grabbed her and led her to the passenger's seat of his car.

Her eyes widened as he reached for the car door, pushed her in and slammed it shut. By the time she got her senses back and reached for the door he had already gotten behind the driver's side and locked the doors so that they sat silently in the dark car with tinted windows.

“Let me out, I have a date to get ready for!” She insisted as she reached for the keys in his hand.

“You said you didn’t want to date anyone because it would get in the way of your career. You said you wouldn't ever date anyone because there was someone you had to find!” He said in a low tone as he pulled the keys out of her reach and sat stubbornly in the seat, a frown on his face.

He grabbed her backpack and threw it to the back of the car as she suddenly looked into his eyes, trying to come up with something to say. Because he was right, she had said that, they had both made excuses to forget all about that night and they were alright with that. At least, she had been.

“What are you doing?” She asked as she stopped fighting him and sank down into the front seat.

“I have no clue” He responded honestly as he tilted his head back onto the cold leather and stared up at the empty car roof, “I just don’t  want you to go on that date”

She turned her head slightly and stared at him. He looked especially handsome in the low light of the parking garage.

"Are you jealous Myungsoo?" She asked quietly.

"...I guess. I might be" He said and suddenly sat forward and started the engine of the car.

"Come on, what are you doing now?" She asked as he pulled the seatbelt across and fastened it tight.

"I'm trying to decide how long I have to keep you out until you absolutely can't show up for that date" He said calmly.

"You can't just sabotage every date I go on"

"Yes I can" He said arrogantly.

"This is kidnapping" She shot back quickly, a small smile spreading on her face.

"Not if my victim wants to come with me" He corrected and she shook her head as she settled in for the ride.


This was kind of a long chapter sry ^^ I just lost track of time and I really should be sleeping now so I got too lazy to split it up into two chapters XD Anywas thanks for reading and subscribing!

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!