12 Photographs

Burn Away Our Memories

"If you're going to withdraw all that money we're going to need you to hold on a moment and sign a special release and also a secondary form of ID?" The clerk at the bank said as he peered at her curiously.

"Yeah I'll sign whatever you need let's just make this quick" She said quietly as she reached in her bag and pulled out her passport as her second form of ID.

"Just sign here" The man said pointing to the dotted line at the bottom of the page, "And I'll be right out with your money. The amount you're taking out is quite large we'll be giving it out in large bills”

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she nodded her agreement to the man as he stood up and went to the vault, "I'm running late today" She said quietly as she scribbled on her signature.

"Of all days..." Myungsoo said trailing off and she didn't miss the annoyance in his tone, "Today's important"

"I know. I'll be there in an hour?" She asked quietly, placing her pen down and staring in the direction the man gone, "I just woke up"

"... Alright I'm going to push the meeting an hour. Also, you're losing an hour's pay today" He said jokingly as he hung up and she grimaced because she couldn’t' laugh at his jokes. It was his fault that every time he spoke all she could do was think about Jong In.

"Miss we've got the full amount in here. Since the amount is so large we're going to be sending an out to your car" The man said as he placed a suitcase in front of her and opened the money ready for her to count.

"Thank you, is that it? I've got to get going now"

"Yes, that's it. Also you're aware that savings account is down to the minimal amount at the moment?"

"Yes I am. Thank you for your concern. Have a nice day" She said, grabbing the suitcase before the bank clerk got the nerve to ask why she was suddenly emptying her savings account. She could see it in his face, the curiosity was killing him.

As she placed the suitcase in the seat besides her and she drove out to the address Tao had texted her she hummed along to some unknown song on the radio, trying not to think about all the things that could wrong. Instead when she pulled in to the house she supposed she had been at last night, she gripped the suitcase tightly as she walked up to the door. It swung open almost instantly and she knew someone had been keeping an eye out for her since before she had pulled in. She greeted a few of them briefly before she followed Tao to what she supposed was Wu Fan's office.

He looked up and raised an eyebrow as his eyes landed on the suitcase in her hands.

"Did he contact you with an amount?" She asked quietly and he nodded sitting back as he spun a pen in his fingers.

"The personal fee isn't any extreme amount. The surgery though... that's going to be roughly $300,000 since we're paying for it ourselves"

"I've got roughly a third. I emptied my accounts. It’s all I could get" She said as she walked up to him and placed the suitcase on his desk.

"Handing free money to a criminal... isn't that a bit naive?" He asked as he opened it and ran a hand across the stack of bills.

"Tao wouldn't let you take the money and not help Jong In. I'm not giving you the money because I trust you. I trust Tao" Min Ah said with a smirk as his eyes sparked with ire and she chuckled, "Don't be so naive" She added quietly, satisfied with the way he slammed the suitcase shut.

"We'll make one last minute sell and we'll have more than enough for this" He said and she tensed up.

"You've got dozens of people looking for you guys. This is dangerous. Isn't there another way to move your... merchandise? To get the money?"

"No, besides they're all still clueless anyways. We'll handle it" He said seriously and she frowned.

Pulling out her phone she placed it in front of him, "I want a phone number I can reach you at. Don't worry this is just because of Jong In I'll delete it as soon as all of this passes"

He stared at her a few moments longer and glanced at Tao who nodded and he reached for the phone. He went to the contacts and his eyes lingered for a second too long on the name at the top of the list. He shot her a critical glance and he knew she knew why as her gaze went to the wall.


"Finally!" Myungsoo said with a grin as Min ah walked in and she tried to smile.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for being late" She said joining her team as they filed into the conference room.

They joked about it lightly as one by one they walked in and she jumped in surprise as Myungsoo came up behind her and grasped her arms tightly, "You're going to love this" He whispered in her ear and the shudder than ran down her back wasn't one of delight as he guided her in.

It really couldn’t have gone much worse as she stared at the wall that used to be full of meaningless information and jumbled photos of EXO. Instead lined up across the top were twelve headshots each labeled, with short blurbs of information, and in the center was Wu Fan's photograph. She felt her stomach roll over as she felt Myungsoo move her up to the wall and she stared with her jaw slack.

"H-How did you get all this?" She whispered, a sharp and shrill fear settling deep inside of her. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her as her eyes ran over everything. It was impossible... this was impossible.

"No wonder you're our boss!" Voices chimed excitedly around her as the rest of them huddled around the wall and she felt the room closing in on her. Congratulatory pats on the backs were given out as they all took in the information and she hoped she could hide the horror in her.

"Park Min Guk..." She said softly, no one listened, "Park Min Guk" She said a bit louder and this time Myungsoo turned to her, "I've got a lead on him too. He should be our priority" She said, turning her back to the wall.

"We can take care of both in the meanwhile do you see the huge lead we've just got? Trust me, from now on there won’t' be any more failed missions. Once we've got this Kris guy arrested" He said with a feral grin, "The rest will fall like flies"

"Min Guk's wife. She's alive" Min Ah blurted out and Myungsoo's eyes widened.


"She's alive. I did some hunting down and found her" Min ah said calmly, giving one last look at the row of photographs before she went for the door, "I know we have a meeting, but… I'm going to talk to her before someone else gets to her" She mumbled, turning around and walking out. She took a deep breath as she went for her bag on her desk and tried to think straight.

"Min Ah, what's wrong?" Myungsoo asked quietly as he went after her.

"I... nothing's wrong I'm worried that someone is going to get to Park Min Guk's wife before I can talk to her. She can help us put him away. He's more vicious than EXO put together, he should be our priority both him and his son... they're monsters" She said quietly as she pulled out her keys.

"Are you mad because you're focused on Park Min Guk and we're only moving forward with EXO's case?" He asked her, brows furrowed as he studied her carefully.

"I'm not— It's something like that, but how did you even get all this information? What if you're wrong?" She asked and she quickly noted the way his shoulders straightened out and the knowing look in his eyes.

"I've got my sources. What's on that wall is 100% right" He said confidently, "But you’ve got a point about Park Min Guk so we’ll go interview that woman together alright?"

"...Sources? What does that mean?"

"It means you don’t have to worry about it" He said, his voice final as he put on a sudden smile and pulled her along, "Let's go close your case Min Ah. Then you can put all your attention on EXO"

She freed her arm and stepped away, "I have to go to the bathroom. Wait for me by the car?"

He laughed as if she had said something cute and took the keys from her hand. His fingers touched hers gently and she could only stare at the bruised knuckles on his hand. She rushed into the bathroom and locked it behind her, checking each and every stall right afterwards. She stood in front of a mirror and tried to calm her eyes, her posture. She couldn’t give herself away now. Instead she pulled out her phone and dialed the newest contact on her list. It rang seven times before disconnecting. She tried again, this time more insistently as she wondered if Myungsoo was getting suspicious of her.


As they pulled up to the house she starred and wondered what kind of woman had ever loved a man like Park Min Guk? The house itself was plain. Cream walls, single flowers lining the window sills, no clear markers. It looked so normal. So when they walked up to the house she was almost too nervous as she raised her hand and knocked on the door three times. As she waited for a response, Min Ah was hyper aware of Myungsoo's presences behind her, just a breath too close, and she thought about Jong In. The door pulled open a woman stepped out. She looked younger than her age, but that only went so far. Her eyes were tired and fearful. Her shoulders were hunched slightly forward, as if she had spent her whole life huddled in the shadows which was correct in a way.

"What do you want?" She asked in soft voice.

"Do you know a man name Park Min Guk?" Myungsoo asked straight away and even if the woman didn't say a word, the way her eyes widened with a straight shot of fear and panic made her answer clear. She took two quick steps backward and was about to shut the door, but Min Ah was faster as she stuck out her palm and held the open door in place.

"We're the police. You don't need to be afraid" Min Ah said kindly as she reached and pulled out her badge and ID, "We just want to talk"

"Please... Please you have to leave!" She whispered nervously as they both stepped in regardless.

"We need your help ma'am. We can keep you safe—"

"You can't!" She cried out angrily, cutting Myungsoo off mid sentence, "Please go!"

"If you would just talk with us or if we could take a statement about some of Mr. Park's past that would be all we need. We wouldn't need you to say a word to him in person" Min Ah said.

"Get out! Please! He's going to kill me if he finds me!" She screeched, this time reaching for Min Ah's arms and digging her nails into her arm as she tried to drag her back to the door.

"I just need a few answers!" Min Ah gasped as Myungsoo reached over and grasped the woman's wrist so tightly she winced and let go.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that again" He said quietly and the woman went still.

"I c-can't help you"

"Not even for the son you cruelly abandoned? Not even for the son that you left to become a killer like his father?" Myungsoo shot back, judgment dripping from his words.

"Stop" Min Ah whispered as she pulled Myungsoo back and she stared at the sudden onslaught of emotion that had seemed to come over the woman.

"Please go!" She cried out, a few tears sliding down her face and Min Ah bit her words back.

"This is my card" She said as she handed her the small paper, "IF you change your mind or need any help. Don't hesitate to call. We're going to leave now, but at whatever time feel free to call"

"She's never going to call. She's too afraid" Myungsoo said as they stepped out.

"I know. We're going to need to keep coming back. Eventually, we're going to get him" She said quietly.


Min Ah glanced at her phone as she typed up some meaningless words on her screen. The keys clacked loudly beneath her fingertips as she waited for the screen to light up with a call. Why wasn't he returning her calls? Why when it was so important? She bit the inside of her lip and she saved her work and glanced outside. The sun was starting to go down and Min Ah knew she would have to go see him in person. She glanced at the clock and wondered how fast she could get out of here and how long it would take her to get to Jong In. She wondered if he was hanging on... at the very least she took the sign that she hadn't received any frantic phone callas as a good sign.

Her eyes flickered to the clock once more and she looked around quietly. Everyone was focused on their own work and Myungsoo was locked away in his office. She grabbed her things quietly and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Hoya asked.

"I'm not feeling too well. I'm going home a bit early. When Myungsoo comes out just tell him I'll make up the hours tomorrow alright?" Min ah answered with a small smile at the concern that crossed his face.

"Alright... but feel better soon ok? We've got a lot of work to do now that we actually have leads!" He replied with a grin and her smile faltered.

She went down to her car and sat in it as she tried Wu Fan's phone another few times. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to not freak out even as everything was crumbling around her. She frowned as she reached for her car phone charger only to remember she had left it upstairs. With a sigh she headed back up. She was almost to the glass doors when the loud commotion inside made her stop short. Purely on instinct she halted and took a step back. She heard the clatter and movement of bodies and quickly ran backwards around the opposite way from when she had come back up. She held her breath and wondered why she hiding in her own workplace as their footsteps ran out in a hurry.

"... she went home already?" Myungsoo's voice asked as they all headed for the elevator.

"She was feeling sick" Hoya answered and she heard the ping of the elevator.

"Alright then let's not bother her tonight. We've got a solid lead, they don't know we're coming, let's have a surprise for when she comes in tomorrow" Myungsoo said and she strained to hear the rest as the elevator doors shut on their echoes of agreement.

They don't know we're coming...

Min Ah blinked in surprise as she waited a few moments before slipping back into their conference room. The sun was almost gone, but it gave her enough light to not have to flick on the obnoxiously bright fluorescent ones on the ceiling. She went to the center of the table, ignoring the twelve photographs staring out at her from the wall. There were stacks of papers scattered messily, they had left in a hurry. She moved a few folders out of place only to find a map with an area circled underneath the pile of papers. She wrote down the address and kept looking. A few more sheets of papers had a list of... fire arms. Types, price, sizes, and amounts. She glanced back at the back and suddenly recognized the location. She groaned as she turned and ran down to her car, pulling out her phone and dialing the number once more.

As she broke out into the parking garage and ran to her car she finally heard the other line pick up.

"What? I'm busy—"

"Let me guess, you're selling something? Is it fire arms?" She asked as she slammed her car door shut and the car.

"How do you know that?"

"They're coming for you guys. They already left I'd say 15 minutes ago. Get out of there"

She heard a loud yell from the other side of the line, "Got it" He said simply as the line went dead.

Min Ah swore as she raced out to where they were. This was ironic, they were by the docks once again... just like the time where they had caught Jong In. They already knew the area well while Wu Fan probably had no clue. She ran a red light as she drove over there. If Myungsoo caught her she'd just say she wanted to catch up to them. She just needed to make sure they weren't caught though. There was no concrete plan in her head, she just knew she had to be there.


Figured if I was going to update I might as well do it twice :)

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!