
Burn Away Our Memories

“Now I know you know these girls. We all know you know these girls. The question here is why did you kill them?” Myungsoo asked, holding up one of the more gruesome of the crime scenes.

“I never killed anyone!” The man yelled.

“Jin Ho, should I explain something to you?” Myungsoo asked, sitting back in his chair with an arrogant stance, “You buy and sell women and girls in and out of our country and so far 4 of the 6 girls in these photographs have been confirmed to be working for you before they got murdered. As far as the law sees, you bought them, you used them, you killed them” He explained simply.

“I said I never killed any of those !” He screamed angrily and Myungsoo’s eyes grew cold.

“? You took them from poor families and abused them. They were girls when they were taken!” Myungsoo yelled.

“Who the hell cares about them? Now let me go because you have no proof!”

“We have proof that you owned them. You were the one setting up transactions between the girls and the men they had to service so don’t you doubt for one ing second that if we can’t find the real culprit that you won’t go away for these crimes. You know how this works. Anything goes when it comes to catching a piece of like you and evidence pops up all the time” He hissed.

"I want a lawyer" The man snapped and Myungsoo eyed the ugly welt on his forehead from the car ride Min Ah had so graciously given him. He wished he could place a few more of those on him.

"Fine" He said suddenly as he firmly grabbed the photographs scattered on the table and shoved them back into the file folder he had grabbed, "But you get a lawyer and we're done talking. As soon as I call some public defender we'll formally press charges and arrest you and it's off to jail for you"

The man shot him a glare of disgust and kept his mouth shut. Myungsoo scoffed as he turned for the door. When his hand reached for the doorknob the man finally found his voice once more. Myungsoo smirked and turned around.

“…I sold them alright?! Some guy bought them at different times, but I didn’t know that he killed them!”


“I don’t know!”

“Well, that’s too ing bad. He’ll be grateful that you’ll be locked up instead of him so I hope it was worth it” Myungsoo snapped.

“I don’t know names… but I  know he wanted another girl. Soon” He said with a frown as if weighing out the price of his freedom for being a snitch. Apparently, freedom was worth it.

“You’re smarter than you look Jin Ho! Now, we can work something out” Myungsoo said with a predatory smile and the man in front of him gained an uncertain look in his eyes.

"How does he do that?"  Sunggyu asked in awe from the other side of the one way mirror.

"It's the eyes" Hoya said quietly, watching as their team leader got the information that they had all tried so hard for.

"No, it's the voice and his stature" Min Ah cut in, as impressed as the rest of them, "Look at him, we can play tough, but Myungsoo has that look that say he's not messing around. I'd hate to be on the other side of that table" She said with a shiver.

They fell silent as their suspect described, after demanding an assurance that he wouldn't be charged for murder, the way in which he contacted this man. There was a disposable phone and he would send a message as soon as another woman was ready for pick up. He had sold dozens of them and only 6 of them were found dead, but as soon as Myungsoo demanded more answers it was clear that past the contact and the drop off, the man knew nothing else. After taking down a few more details and as much information as he could, Myungsoo closed the notebook and walked out. Ignoring the questions from the man he left locked up in that chair.

"Think we've got enough to bait this guy?" Myungsoo asked, waving the notebook he had as he walked in to the other side where they were all waiting.

"Oh we've got more than enough. When do you want to do this?" Sunggyu asked.

"He mentioned exchanges always took place on Saturdays and he would send different men to pass the girls on and take the money" Myungsoo pointed out.

"So why don't you go in as our delivery guy and as for the girl well, that only really leaves Min Ah right?" Hoya suggested and she raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I get the joy of playing hooker? Again? You guys said next time we'd get someone from the homicide squad!" She protested.

"They're inept half the time. Plus they're nosy, this is our case and I've got the feeling we're onto something big" Myungsoo said an gleam of excitement in his eyes and Min Ah rolled her eyes, "Hoya take lead on this one, plan everything out and come to me with a final plan. We'll go this Saturday night is that enough time?"

"Definitely" He answered confidently and with a nod Myungsoo started to leave before a thought dawned on him.

"Min Ah, draw the arrest papers for Park Jin Ho" He said.

"I thought we weren't going to arrest him?"

"I said he wouldn't be charged for murder. Draw up arrest charges for kidnapping and trafficking. There's no way I'm letting that piece of scum out of here scot free"

"Got it" Min Ah said with a grin as she followed behind him.

As soon as the door shut Sunggyu gave Hoya a knowing look.

"Ok, I'm kind of willing to believe you now" He commented.

"I'm telling you in the tape they were flirting pretty hard. It's a wonder you never noticed! At the very least, it's obvious he likes her a little!" Hoya said with a laugh.

"You wouldn't have known anything if it wasn't for the fact that Min Ah was still wearing the surveillance equipment after arresting that guy and if Woohyun hadn't forgotten to turn off the recordings when we arrived so don't even start!"

"I still knew before you"

"Shut up man. I still don't think we should interfere. He's our boss. Our very scary, very angry boss"

"We're nudging. Besides don't you think he'll get friendlier if he has a girlfriend?"

"No. I don't think anything would make Kim Myungsoo less scary"

"Whatever. If we can get Min Ah and him together we're set because Min Ah wouldn't let him nag us and what guy wants to piss off his girlfriend?!" Hoya said with a proud nod at his plan, "I'm telling you, nothing can go wrong"


"I look like a " Min Ah said with a deep frown as they got ready to go.

"Mission accomplished" Woohyun teased and she shot him a glare.

"You mention this night ever again and I'm breaking your leg ok?" She snapped and Woohyun laughed as if she wasn't serious.

There was an old car for Myungsoo and her and the rest of them would be paired up and surrounding the area. She made a face as she thought about the heavy makeup she wore and the severe lack of cloth that the clothes she wore had. She'd probably be wearing less if she hadn't been complaining the entire time too.

"Are we ready to go?" Myungsoo asked firmly and when his team responded with a firm yes they each set out to the cars they were taking there.

Min Ah followed Myungsoo to the old and battered black car that belonged to the man they had arrested. She glanced back to catch Woohyun giving her a thumbs up and she sighed. He seemed so excited about a simple mission. They neared the car and as she pulled open the door the smell of cigarettes, liquor and.... something musty hit her full force. She stopped in her tracks and looked at Myungsoo over the top of the car as he too looked at the car with disgust. He muttered something about the pig who drove this pile of and climbed in. Min Ah on the other hand hesitated before going in and shutting the car door firmly. She had to try it twice thought because on the first try the door didn't quite shut.

Myungsoo didn't say a word nor looked at her as they drove over there. She on the other hand looked over at his outfit in amusement. Never in her life did she think she'd see him wearing such.... plain clothes. If she didn't know this was a mission she might have bought the whole, errand boy bit from the look of his ratty jeans and the plain white t-shirt he wore, with just the right amount of faded stains to match. His hair was messy in a just out of bed style and she fought not to laugh, he looked ridiculous. This was the guy that everyone was so terrified of?

"I wouldn't look so amused if I were you" He snapped suddenly as he gave her a once over and smirked.

"Oh shut up" She said with a twitch of her lips as the obnoxiously loud car they drove came to a halt in the empty lot off the highway.

He shut off the car, including the lights and they sat in silence as they waited. Jin Ho had explained how soon the man would approach them in his own car.

"Tomorrow" Myungsoo began awkwardly, "I've got a thing for my family. Like a benefit I guess. You should come"

"Wow, hooker boots really do get you more dates" She joked and he sighed in annoyance.

"I mean it"

"I know, but that sounds like a date and friends don't really do that"

"My parents will be there, you think they'd like it if I brought you as a date? I meant it as a guest so I'm not just sitting there being introduced to any and every girl that has a little pedigree by my mother" He shot back.

"Ouch, no don't mind me. I like being told I'm not suitable" She said with a frown and she heard him sigh once again, "I know you're serious ok? I just don't think it's a good idea"

"Why? We're just friends" He said and she heard the tone in his voice, daring her to say otherwise.

"Yes we are. Alright I'll come with, but if I get nasty looks from your mother or if I even think I'm pissing off the big guy then I getting the hell out of there"

"The big guy?"

"You know, the  big guy, the super boss, your daddy" She said rolling her head to look at him and her playfulness faded at the look of severity that shrouded Myungsoo's face.

Even in the darkness she could see that she had taken her jokes just a bit too far.

"I'm working on that" Myungsoo said in a low tone, "Do you think all this is for nothing? That man can't be the boss forever and I'm going to close enough high profile cases to make sure no one doubts that the reason I'll take over after he's done if because I'm capable... not just because he's my 'daddy'" He said a hint of bitterness underneath and she gave him a pitying look.

All of this, his attitude, his drive, all just to be recognized as an individual. Not just the boss' son, but someone worthy of what was coming his way. Well, that and he was also naturally a jerk, but it was easier to feel bad for him when she ignored that part.

"I think you'll do fine. You're good at what you do and if anyone says otherwise I'll shut them up for you" She said protectively, she had heard those nasty rumors that made their rounds.

The ones that said that the only reason Myungsoo was their team leader was because of his father. That the only reason he closed cases so fast or that he even got the big cases was all because of his dad and that infuriated her on more than one occasion. It was bull that they were demeaning all of his accomplishments to something irrelevant. She could see why he worked so hard.

She made a sound of surprise as she felt his hand land on top of head and she stared at him with wide eyes as he ruffled her hair staring away from her.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked in surprise.

"...Your hair.... is not messy enough. You're a hooker, I doubt you're supposed to be so properly groomed" He added on and he quickly crossed on friendly pat on the head as friend like behavior he could engage in. It was way too weird.

She snorted in disbelief as she pushed his hand away. She was about to say something else when a large car pulled up. It lights briefly blinding them before they went dark. Doors slammed and two men came out. One was dressed in a black suit and the other was dressed more casually yet he was clearly the boss. The suit was just muscle.

"Your gun is loaded?" She whispered as she popped another button on her blouse open and he nodded.

They stepped out and she hated how unstable the freaking heels she wore were. She could walk fine, but if she had to fight... then there might be trouble. Still, she pasted as smile on her face as she walked over to Myungsoo and she didn't let herself show the surprise she felt when he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her over to him as they approached the two men. His bare hand the bare skin in the gap between her shirt and mini skirt and she forced herself to remember this was all an act.

"You're new"

"Not really. I'm supposed to get money before I hand her over. I've used her quite a bit lately so she's pretty good if you want to throw in something extra" Myungsoo said with a shrug and he kept his hand on her waist.

"You're obnoxious do you know that kid? Get the money" The man ordered the suit as he stepped into the light.

Min Ah felt fear wash over her as she quickly adverted her gaze downwards.

"Aw the is shy" He sneered and she gripped the edge of Myungsoo's shirt tightly behind his back.

She couldn't be here. Her pulse raced as her mind tried to think of a way out.

She could feel Myungsoo tense up besides her and she knew he was wondering what on earth was wrong. The man returned with a briefcase and handed it obediently to his boss.

"If your boss was better at business I might have thrown a little something extra in, she looks barely used. I'll gladly put some miles on her" He said crudely and Min Ah felt nausea wash over her.

But it wasn't his words that made her sick, as disgusting as they were. It was the fear of being recognized that ran wildly in her mind. She slowly raised her eyes to him, only reaching up waist level as she stared at the man's hands. She looked for signs of the finger that Wu Fan had broken that night and found it when she spotted the finger that had healed slightly crooked. If this man was here... then where was his father she thought suddenly. Still in China? Or was he back in Korea now?

"Send her over first" The man ordered and she gasped at the harsh shove that Myungsoo gave her. She stumbled forwards unsteadily, just like they had practiced and she stared up at the arrogant man.

Relief uncertainly acme over her as he made no signs of recognition. That night at the club she had just been a part of the background really she reminded herself. Her composure slowly returned as the man gripped her forearm painfully and pulled her over to him. He leaned in and took a whiff of her as he buried his disgusting face in the crook of her neck.

"We're gonna have so much fun" He promised in a whispered and she kept quiet.

He made a small notion with his left hand and she pushed back, from the corner of her eyes she saw the man in the suit make a subtle movement towards his waist and she clenched her teeth. Did they always have to cheat?

"Gun!" She yelled, twisting free from the man's hold as sirens lit up around them and the rest of them pulled in with screeches of tires.

She heard a gunshot behind her and as a pathetic look of fear crossed the guy's face she gave him a punch in the stomach and knew now why this had gotten his kicked so fast in the club. He was nothing without his bodyguard. She was faster than him as she grabbed the gun from his waist and had it aimed at his face in a matter of seconds.

"I'm having fun now are you?" She asked in a mocking tone as he gave a look of nothing but pure hatred and disdain. If he had the chance, he would have killed her.

She remembered the image of the girl back in China. The one that had been killed to send Wu Fan that message and she felt bile rise up in the back of . This man had done that and she was willing to bet that he had been the one who killed those girls in the morgue too. He was a monster.

Woohyun came up behind him and wrenched his arms back and he forced that guy down on his knees on the ground while Min Ah kept her gun on him. They didn't know what this guy was capable of and she couldn't even tell them.... that this guy was a disgusting murderer and his father was even worse. She gave a gasp of surprise as Myungsoo placed a hand on the gun she had pointed and lowered her arms down. Dongwoo came up to them, plastic bag open as she forced her fingers to relax and she dropped the gun into the bag.

"What happened?" Myungsoo asked quietly as Min Ah watched them drag the now silent man and finally noticed the body of the bodyguard on the ground and covered in blood.

"Nothing" She answered and even to her own ears her answer sounded weak, "We were set up you know. They tried to kill you instantly"

"I know. We're gonna have to revisit mister Jin Ho and we'll have to see what we get from his new cellmate" Myungsoo said calmly as he looked back at the guy Woohyun and Dongwoo were dragging to the back of a squad car.

Min Ah nodded and suddenly recalled something else. Woohyun... what would he do when he found out that the guy he was pulling away was the son of the man she had supposedly been after in China? She felt a headache come over her and she swayed slightly. Why couldn't the past stay in the past. Why did every single freaking thing she had done in China have to worm its way back into her life? She felt a firm grip on her arm steady her and she looked up at Myungsoo.

"Those heels are too high for you huh?" He said, his mood good like it always was after they had pulled off something without a hitch. She glanced at the man on the ground and corrected herself, almost without a hitch.

"I guess they are"


It's pretty late but I'm really happy I finished this chapter tonight. I only have like a month of summer left to write without school stress and stuff T__T

Thanks for reading!

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!