Yet So Far (pt. 2)

Burn Away Our Memories

Park Min Jun was waiting in the interrogating room. His hands were handcuffed to the table and he stared ahead with an arrogant expression. Everything about his posture gave off an air of outrageous self confidence and disdain for others. Min Ah stood on the other side of the mirror staring at him with the others.

"Are you ready?" Dongwoo asked.

"Yup" She said simply as she grabbed her folder from the table and with a smile she stepped out of their observation room and followed Myungsoo to the door only a few feet away.

"Good luck" He said simply and she reached for the door before stopping.

"Hey, after this um... I wanted to ask you something" She said quietly.

"What is it?"

"Now is not really the time. Let's talk after work today? If you're free?" She asked, god, when was the last time she had even asked someone out on a date? Why was she so awkward at it? It's not like she hadn't done this before...

"Yeah I'm free" He said with a smile and she nodded nervously before walking into the interrogation room. She walked in calmly and didn't bother when the man simply ignored her presence.

"Min Jun right? My name is agent Han. I'm going to be talking to you this morning" She said politely and smirked as he refused to acknowledge her.

She paused for a second, waiting to see if he would budge and when he didn't she figured she might as well get to it. Opening her folder she slowly pulled out 6 photographs. One by one she placed them side by side across the cold metal table. Photographs of dead girls crossed the length of it, blood splattered, cuts everywhere, limbs turned in impossible angles. Instead of looking at the rather horrific photographs though, she studied him subtly. She noticed the way his fingers suddenly twitched, the way his eyes flickered from one photograph to another. In his eyes... there was a gleam of something sick and twisted that made her want to make him suffer in the same way these girls had suffered.

Min Ah swallowed her disgust though and kept herself calm as she pulled out the chair for herself and seated herself. She watched him for a few more minutes, letting him admire his own handiwork before he finally raised his eyes to hers. Goosebumps crawled down her back but she merely interlaced her hands and stared right back.

"Horrible thing that's happened to these girls right?" She asked and his stare turned into one of amusement as he held her gaze.

"Absolutely terrible" He said slowly, taking a deliberate breath and giving the photographs another once over.

"See, you look like a nice enough guy—"

"Do I?"

"Yes" Min Ah said with a false smile, "You seem to come from a wealthy background too so there must be some misunderstanding here right? I get the hookers, sometimes a guy needs some fun right? So what we want to know I where you sent these girls after you were done with them. You know so we can figure out who really hurt them afterwards" She said  keeping the smile on her face.

"I've never seen any of these women before" He said with a sudden grin and her smile faltered.

"But you see, we have a witness that says you did. That says that in fact, you bought these girls. So it's really in your best interest to tell us where they went after you were done with them"

"I don't think you do"

"But I'm sure we do"

"Witnesses... they're often confused. I'm willing to bet, that if you question your witness again... he'll tell you the truth. He probably made it all up to get you guys off his back" He said, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper.

"Why blame you?"

"Jealousy? Blackmail? It's a scary world out there"

The next hour was filled with silent answers and cunning questions. Through it all, she watched him as his eyes kept returning to the photographs, devouring every detail, every single drop of blood on those photographs. He wasn't as much of a complete idiot as she had hoped and... she was still too new at this she realized dejectedly. Three quick taps echoed from the mirror behind her and Min Jun laughed. The sound condescending and mocking.

"Are they telling you you've failed. That's it isn't it? You're done get out of there?" He asked, amusement glittering in his eyes, "After you leave, I want my phone call" He said with a grin and she stared at him silently.

"You know, I don't think you need to be shackled like this" She said as she reached for the keys at her waist and ignored the fact that he had been right and that had been her cue to go, "The handcuffing to the table is a bit too much" She continued as she unlocked the chain connecting his handcuff to the table so that his hands were still cuffed together, but he was free to move them around.

He nodded, no longer paying attention to her as his hands went to the photograph to the far right. His eyes sparkled excitedly as his hand trembled slightly as he placed two fingers on the edge and he slid the photograph right in front of him. She kept the smirk off her face as she noted which victim was on the photograph and made a mental note to pay special attention to her death. Something about her was more special than the rest. Of all 6 photographs, his eyes had lingered the longest on her, he had instantly gone for her. As another three taps echoed from the mirror she set her jaw and decided she needed to make good on what she said.

"What happened to your finger?" She asked, leaning back on her chair.

"My finger?"

"The bent one, the one that looks wrong" She replied with a smile and his sneer made her chuckle.

"Small accident"

"Must've been a hell of an accident"

"It was taken care of" He replied calmly and she felt a chill run through her. Taken care of?

"Still, it must've hurt. The person that did that must've really kicked your huh" She said with a smirk as she pulled away the photograph on the far left and slid it back into her folder, "That's why I freed you from the table, I don't think we need those kind of precautions with someone that got his kicked so shamefully. I mean the finger proves it"

"I said it was an accident" He snapped, cutting her a glare as she put away the second and third photographs.

"Was it? Anyways, quite honestly, still living with daddy you couldn't have been able to do things like that right?" She asked motioning to the photographs and taking away the fourth one.

"You've got nothing on me so you think pissing me off a little will make me confess to something I didn't do?" He hissed, "Too bad getting pissed isn't a felony" He snapped as she took away the fifth one, this time deliberately slowly making sure to let him have one last look.

She shrugged and placed a single finger on the last photograph, the one he had a hand firmly on. He scoffed, but didn't move his hand. She rose from her chair and leaned in.

"You know they're laughing back there right?" She hissed, "That's why they let the new girl come in to question you. You think if they really thought you had the balls for this they'd let me have the first go? I've only been working here for like one weeks, that's how insignificant you are" She said quietly, throwing in a few lies to drive the point home.

The man turned a scathing glare onto her, something so filled with hatred and destruction that she went still for a second.

"Shut up " He hissed and she smirked.

"You say that now but if any of those guys took the time to stop laughing at your pathetic self and came out here you'd probably piss yourself in fear right? We see guys like you all the time really so no need to feel ashamed. I bet the guy who messed up your finger... you must hate him right?" She mocked, "What was it? I bet he was taller, probably better looking, or what? Was it that all the girls were staring at him instead? Don't tell me even with all your money you couldn't even get a girl?"

She suddenly gave the photograph and pull and yanked it from his grip.

"See?" She asked, holding it up, "I bet the guys are cracking up right now. I don't know why I always get stuck interrogating the losers" She added.

Hands slammed on the table angrily and she felt a sudden grip on her hair and her head being slammed violently onto he metal table. Bells rang in her ears and a wide aching pain rippled through her temple as she heard the door of the investigation room being slammed open and yells come in. She felt the hand holding her face onto the table being violently pulled back, his fingers curled in a last attempt to cause pain and scratched the top of her neck by her ear. The guy struggled against the two men that held him back and he looked at her with a satisfied gaze.

It faltered though, as Myungsoo pulled her back and she faced Min Jun with a small laugh.

"Assault on an officer. That's a felony and we've got proof" She said with a smirk as she pointed to her face right before Myungsoo dragged her out of the room.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!" He screamed.

"Buying us time. We've got a case for assault if nothing else and we've got rock solid proof. He'll probably get out of this, but I've bought a few days at least and the guarantee that his daddy is going to be making an appearance" She said proudly.

"Idiot, you had to get hurt for that?!"

"I want this guy in jail Myungsoo. I want his father to rot besides him too. You saw him right? You saw the look in the creep's face with the photographs? With the sixth girl. There's more to this that we're not seeing and we need all the time we can get" She whispered finally allowing some of the fear that she had hidden away to show. That guy's gaze.... it was murderous... it was all wrong.

They waited hours after the phone call had been made. Min Ah had filed the charges and she had an ice pack on the side of her face when an older man and a guy in suit walked in. She stayed back as Myungsoo went to greet them, she didn't even need the look Myungsoo shot her to know it was them. With no more stalling, they demanded a private meeting with Min Jun and not even ten minutes had passed before they were all locked away in there.

"That man was the guy from China right?" Woohyun asked quietly as he took a seat besides her and they stared intently at the door.

She only nodded and he fell into silence as a full hour passed before Myungsoo, the lawyer and Park Min Guk all stepped out.

"I hope I could be of some help. My son is impulsive, but hopefully after what we've told you, you can see this wasn't him" Min Guk said with a plastic smile as he glanced over at her briefly before exchanging a few more polite words and parting.

"What did he say?" Min Ah asked instantly walking over to Myungsoo.

"He said, that in the event his son somehow got involved in all of this, those murders are the works of some bad people he's met" Myungsoo explained and she couldn't read if he was buying that or not.

"That's a lie. You saw him! That bastard in there is a murderer!" Min Ah said forcefully.

"We've got to check out every lead we have" He said almost apologetically and she grit her teeth.

"What lead?"

"He said there's some men, they've come over from China and they're looking to expand business. He said they might have hypothetically been having his son run dealings for them like for the girls. He gave us a location in exchange for almost nothing. Just special consideration in his son's case"

"Why would he do that?! It's a trap!" Min Ah yelled taking a step forward only to be held back by Woohyun.

"He said all the proof we'd need would probably be with them and that he wouldn't ask for anything because he's sure we'd find the truth on our own"

"Yeah, the truth he wants us to find! He probably just paid a couple of goons to take the fall for his son1 Don't tell me you're falling for this!?" She snapped.

"You are not a judge. We're on a huge case and we don't have the luxury of turning down leads such as this. We'll still maintain our original theory, but we've got to see this location, we've got to see what this guy's father says he has" He explained and Min Ah shook her head.

"I'm coming with"

"I don't think that's a good idea this could be dangerous—"

"I'm on this case too. I interrogated our lead suspect, you can't just keep me from going. I can take care of myself. Let's what kind of proof this guy has bought for his dear son" Min Ah said bitterly, staring at Myungsoo angrily.

"We're not letting him go Min Ah, but you know we've got to see every angle. You know that"

"I know the man we've got sitting in that is a psychopath. But if you want to waste time chasing after so called mystery men that have come from China then fine. We can do that, but it won't help" She said.

Myungsoo motioned for Woohyun to go and when he had left he grabbed Min Ah's arm.

"Let's go have that talk you wanted I think—"

"No. Never mind. I'm not in the mood to have a talk with you honestly. I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow"  She said quietly, "Sorry"


Technically, I'm gonna go ahead and feel proud that I updated three times lol sort of anyways :D

Thanks for reading! ^^

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!