Just Another Fight

Burn Away Our Memories

Water slapped against her cheek and she tried not to think about it rushing inside of her, filling her lungs to the brims and suffocating her on the spot. She took a shuddering breath looked up at Wu Fan. She relaxed a bit, choosing to see worry in his eyes even though it was probably the panic from the situation that was making her see things. Regardless, she fought to stay in control of the situation at hand. She silently prayed for a chance to make it out without being caught.

“Are you alright?” He murmured quietly and Min Ah nodded, noting that his lips were turning a faint shade of blue. She wanted to say something when he placed his ice cold hand over . His eyes wide with warning.

“Do you think he’s still here?” Said a voice not too far off and they both went still.

“I think we lost him, the rest were probably long ago. Let’s just be thankful we caught some of them or imagine the crap we’d get when we all got back!”

Min Ah felt her head nod absentmindedly as for a second she related to them before she realized that she was losing her grip on everything that made her part of their team. The all too familiar feeling of shame bubbled up, but with dismay she found that it was becoming easier and easier to push it aside each time. Without having to look up at him she knew the reason why it was becoming easier to excuse her betrayal and no matter how she spun it, it was a selfish reason. A cool hand gently touched the back of her neck and she snapped out of it, looking at him in surprise. He wasn’t staring at her though. Instead he seemed intensely focused on hearing for more voices and trying to see if there were any more of them around. It took him a few moments to notice her and he removed his hand instantly. She studied him quietly, had he not realized what he was doing?

Finally after what seemed like an eternity everything around them fell back into silence. They both listened to the sounds of the water and after making sure it was only the water that they heard Wu Fan finally looked over the edge.

“I’m going to push you up first” He said, moving in the water as she clutched onto his arms, her legs kicking fiercely underneath her.

“O-ok” She stuttered as she turned to face the wall and reached up, grasping the edge with her hands.

He took a deep breath as he grabbed her waist and pushed her up, going underwater for a second until he felt her weight escape him. He surfaced again and looked up to find her peering over the edge above him and stretching her shaking arm for him to take. He hesitated for a fraction of a second before grabbing her arm and pulling himself up. They were both soaking wet, hair sticking to their faces and she was shuddering as she laid back onto the wonderfully firm and dry land that she swore to never leave again.

“We need to go. There’s no telling if they’re going to come back” He said, sitting up and ignoring the fierce cold that penetrated all the way down to his bones. Of all nights, it had to be a windy one he noted in annoyance.

“I… thought I was going to die” She said, gasping for the breath she was so afraid she was going to lose, “I thought you were going to die” She whispered to herself.

He reached for her, but hesitated at the last second. His hand was only an inch away and yet he stopped himself. She had her head turned so she didn’t see him pull back regretfully. Instead he stood up looked away. The frown on his face only showed what he was trying to pretend wasn’t happening. His control was slipping he realized as he stared at his hand. The more she stuck around, the more she proved to him how sincere she was in her feelings… he shook his head. The cold temperature must be getting to him.

“They might come back. We need to go” He said sharply.

Min Ah turned to him and kept quiet. In the water, she had trusted him because something in her told her he would keep her safe. Even as her fear ran rampant inside of her he had kept her alive and yet now she expected nothing from him yet there was still a trickle of disappointment in her.

“You’re right” She said keeping her thoughts to herself, “My car isn’t parked too far away, let’s just try to stay out of view while we can”

He didn’t say anything as she led the way. He followed a step behind and she refused to look behind her. She hated the heavy feeling of her wet clothes as she tried not to drag her feet. As another gust of wind froze her all over she wondered if his lips were even bluer than they were before. Was he just as cold as she was? As they approached her car, only passing one horrified looking person on the street, she recalled the little things. The hand on the back of her neck, the look of worry he had worn, the way he took care of her despite it all. When they got to her car she stole a quick glance at him before reaching underneath her car for the keys she had taped there.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“I had the foresight to hide my keys here” Min Ah replied as she unstuck them and unlocked the doors, “Unfortunately, I didn’t have the foresight to leave my phone which is soaking wet in my pocket” She said with a shrug as they got into the car.

Her hands fumbled clumsily to insert the key into the ignition, when she heard the soft and muffled noise come from him. She stared at him in surprise only to see the back of his head as he stared out his window. She blinked quietly and wondered if he had just almost laughed. Taking a grip on the steering wheel she smiled to herself as she pulled out into the street. The drive was silent as they both waited impatiently for the air coming from the car to heat up. It took the car a second, but she sighed in relief as a blast of hot air finally came rushing out at them.

“Ah—“ She said, suddenly realizing something.


“We’re getting my car wet” She said.

He shrugged.

“No, don’t be grateful or anything” She muttered to herself, his aloof attitude striking a cord.

“Grateful for what? For having to drag you with me tonight?” He snapped, keeping his eyes straight ahead, “You know if you had just backed off like I keep telling you to do, you wouldn’t even in this mess!”

She rolled her eyes and ignored him as she the radio.

“Are you ignoring me?” Wu Fan said, his voice bordering on anger as he shut off the music.

“Why are you so angry all the time?!” She nearly yelled as they came to a sharp stop, “Would it kill you to just be thankful once?! To admit that you’d be walking dripping wet if I hadn’t been there?”

“I would have made it out with having to jump in a ing river. And don’t try to change the subject we’re talking about you here” He said through gritted teeth, clutching onto his anger because it was the only thing keeping him in check tonight.

“I already know what you’re going to say though. Blah blah you should’ve never stuck around. Blah blah if you weren’t so stupid, so annoying, so pathetic then I wouldn’t be having to drag you around as my burden and whatnot” She said, meaning for her words to be strong, but her own voice betraying her as it softened towards the end, “So I get it ok?”

Wu Fan looked at her as she fell quiet and stared firmly at the road. His own anger not enough to make him keep going. He knew she hadn’t meant for her words to falter. If she was going to pretend that she didn’t care then there was no room for that. He could have said a million things right then. Really. He could have. They went past his head and all of them could have made her feel better. He could have comforted her, told her how brave she was or…. well, there were just many things to say, but like usual he pushed them away. Looking at her though, she really was stupid. She was soaking wet for who? Him? Why did she even bother caring about him after all the things he’s said? He looked away from her and wondered why it was so hard for her to leave him because she certainly would not be the first one.

“Before your boyfriend came we made the sale. Tao was able to get the money out with him for Jong In” He said after a long pause.

“That’s great” She said, truly happy, but not quite able to show it.

“I’ll pay for the water damage” He said suddenly as she pulled in front of her apartment and looked at him.


“What are we doing here?” He asked suddenly.

“We should get some towels. It’s a longer drive to where you are and I wouldn’t mind changing to be honest. Plus, you need to call Tao and make sure your place is safe right now. They might be staying somewhere else” She explained calmly as she shut off the engine, “I think I might have a shirt you can wear too” She finished absentmindedly as she unbuckled herself and opened her door.

“I don’t think his shirts will fit me” Wu Fan snapped as he let the seatbelt snap back with a loud clang and slammed the door shut loudly.

Min Ah stared in surprise before hurrying out after him.

“They’re not— I mean I guess… whatever listen it’s from a long time ago” She said as they went up the elevator, “I’ve used them to sleep in forever so they technically have nothing to do with him anymore”

“I don’t need an explanation”

“Then stop complaining” She snapped as the elevator doors slid open and she went to her door.

She left it open for him as she walked in frustrated with herself and the way she was acting. The further she walked into her house, the angrier she got. She wrenched open her closet door and pulled out a handful of towels and walked back into her living room where he watched her with that stoic face he put on for her. She paused before she threw the towels at his face.

“Dry off” She said through gritted teeth as she turned and slamming the door shut, she locked herself in her room.

She got undressed as her anger began to get tinted with other emotions and she realized she preferred the anger. It was just that he was such an to her all the ing time! She threw her wet clothes aside angrily and she rubbed the dry towel roughly on her skin. Her eyes stung and she pressed the towel to them so firmly it seemed like they were going burst open. She wasn’t going to cry. This wasn’t her. She had never been like that so why now?! Why did his words have affect her like that? She must be insane she told herself as she glanced at the mirror hanging in her room. She pulled on a loose pair of pajama pants and a sweatshirt. She walked past her mirror and cringed slightly. Well, who the was she even trying to impress she told herself and she ran fingers through her hair and tied it up in a loose bun.

She was just going to give him a ride to wherever he had to go. Jong In was going to be alright and she was going to move on. She reached in the back of drawer and pulled out the biggest shirt in the back. Holding it tightly she walked out of her room and back to her living room. She paused for a second as she saw his and blinked away the surprised before he turned around.

“I got you a shirt” She said calmly, throwing it to him as he turned and caught it only to raise an eyebrow at her new outfit.

“You look… comfortable” He said, one end of his lips going up a millimeter in mockery.

“I am. Thanks for pointing it out” She said dryly.

“I’m probably not making things easier for you being half in your living room” He said with a nod to himself and she gave him a long look. Confident that she didn’t show anything as her eyes roamed over his chest.

“I’ve seen better” She said with a shrug, “And for someone who hates me so much you sure are talkative tonight”

He pulled on the shirt, a look of disgust crossing his face at the shirt before walking up to her and putting the towels in her arms, “Don’t make things up for your own sake. We both know that between you and me, it’s not exactly you who’s setting the boundaries. Don’t forget” He said. Instantly wishing Tao was around to give him a swift kick to shut up, “Now, can I use your house phone?”

“Knock yourself out” She said gripping the towels angrily and going to throw them in the hamper. She stopped herself from walking back out too soon. Instead she closed her eyes and took five measured breaths in and out. She needed to calm down, anger only proved him right. She walked back out as he spoke hurriedly into the phone.

As she walked up to him the left over anger dissipated as soon as she laid eyes on his face. He was worried. She waited expectantly until he suddenly flashed annoyed eyes to her and handed the phone to her. She frowned and grabbed it curiously.


"Can he stay there tonight?" Tao's nervous voice came from the other side.

"What? Why? No!" She asked, slightly horrified at the mere idea of it.

"Please, we don't know what those people know and getting all of us caught right now would be disastrous. We're not going back to the place we're staying at until tomorrow. Right now the rest of us are at this crappy motel"

"I can take him to where you are" She said quickly.

"And if by chance someone spots him walking in or even you? Please just tonight. I’m…. worried. The timing on this was too perfect and lately too it’s all too… it’s just strange and I’d just be a lot calmer if he was with you while I try to figure out a plan”

“Isn’t he supposed to be planning these things out? I mean, he can’t really help from here” Min Ah said looking at Wu Fan as he rolled his eyes at her.

“He’s stubborn and right now coming here with you might not be the best idea. As his friend, right now is not the time for him to show up agitated and with strange suspicions. He needs to cool off. I'll go get him tomorrow and he's not very happy about this so just put him in your bathtub with a pillow or something" Tao said urgently and Min Ah sighed only deciding to agree because she was impressed with the way Tao was stepping up.

"... Fine. But please get him as soon as possible" She hissed quietly into the phone. Tao said a speedy string of thank you’s before hanging up.

"He said to let you sleep in the bathtub" She said as she sat back on the couch and watched him as his jaw clenched and unclenched, “What’s wrong? Too uncomfortable?” She asked with a smug smile.

She watched as he grabbed the phone from her and dialed a string of numbers once more and waited as the call went to voicemail. With a frown he called once more as he glanced back at Min Ah. Tao overestimated his self-control and if something happened the full weight of this would fall onto him Wu Fan decided angrily. Of all days though, why tonight though? His resolve had been weak lately, he was allowing himself to see the sincerity behind her actions and it sure as hell wasn’t helping him stay away from her.


HAPPY NEW YEARS! :) I hope everyone had fun celebrations and hopefully the new year is going to be a better year for everyone!

Thanks for reading!

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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!