Promises and Loyalty

Burn Away Our Memories

In a room on the very end of the upstairs hallway a phone rang out loudly. It rang with no end in sight. If there was a pause it didn't last long because it would resume it's annoying chore only seconds later and repeat the cycle over and over again. That man, or most likely someone he had ordered to, kept calling and there seemed to be no end in sight. Kris had no intent to get rid of the phone just yet, there was the only link to someone that they needed to keep in their eyes on. It would be dangerous to ignore his existence.

"Why can't we silence it?" Min Ah hissed pressing a hand against her ear and gritting her teeth.

"Kris wants to hear when he calls" Jong in answered simply even though the bottom of his eye twitched in annoyance as the phone began yet another cycle, "Maybe he's just trying to drive you out of here. If that's the case do me a favor and please go away"

"Shut up" She snapped, kicking him swiftly underneath the table as Tao walked in with a worried look in his eyes.

"Has anybody seen Sehun?" He asked, his voice tight with something neither of the two could put their fingers on.

"No" Jong In answered as he slowly placed both hands on the table, "Why?"

"I'm going to talk to Kris" He said, for the first time not playing around, but simply walking away.

Jong In stood up, a frown on his face and Min Ah followed suit. He went upstairs towards where Tao had gone and this time he didn't bother with trying to keep Min Ah downstairs. The phone rang again somewhere down the hallway and Jong In and Min Ah both stopped outside of Kris' office as they heard something crash to the ground. The door was shut firmly and they both stayed outside of it as Kris yelled something.  The yelling quickly quieted down and they could both feel the atmosphere of the room even from outside the door. It was a steel cold resolution that settled around them.

The door swung open angrily and Kris stood there, murder in his eyes as he looked past them towards the room that had the phone. Tao reached out fiercely and held him back.

"Stop it we need to think about this!" He yelled and Min Ah stared in surprise at the force behind the younger one's words.

"I'm done playing these little games" Kris growled as he tried to break free while Jong In subtly took a step to the right and blocked his path.

"What's wrong?"

"They have Sehun" Kris said, fixing a livid glare onto him, "Tell me I shouldn't answer that bastard's call this second"

"We need to be smart about this! This man is like nothing we've ever messed with! If he really has Sehun then we need to regroup. We can't give him the upper hand" Jong In said calmly suppressing the worry he felt for his friend.

"You can either let me go on your own or I'll kick your on my way to the phone Zitao" He said turning to Tao, using his real name with nothing but venom dripping from every syllable.

"Kris is right" Min Ah found herself saying and all three men paused to look at her, finally remembering or noticing that she had been there the whole time, "If he took someone then you don't have time. That man is angry and only wants to cause trouble. Unless you want to see him end up like the girl in the photograph I think he should answer the phone"

Tao hesitated and in that second in which his muscles relaxed slightly, Kris broke free. He placed a hand on Jong In's shoulder and shoved him to the side as the phone rang out once more. His steps took on a quick intensity as they reached a run for the phone before it finished ringing. He was running to catch a murderer's call and he would make him pay for all this he thought silently as he picked up the phone and pressed the bright green button eagerly lighting up.

"What do you want?" He asked, making a motion with his head telling Tao and Jong In to step into the room along with him.

Kris listened as someone shuffled around on the other line. Clothes rustled in the background and steps echoed as whoever answered the phone ran to hand the phone over. He waited impatiently for the to answer the phone when he spotted Min Ah paused outside of the door frame. Jong In was trying to get her inside, but she shook her head and Kris knew that it was because of what he had told her that night while she thought he was drunk. He had noticed the change in her almost immediately and the glares from Tao didn't help in the least as he watched her avoid him awkwardly and saw the time that he had been wishing to fly past... well it went by faster than he expected.

She was about to leave when a loud snap caught both her attention and Jong In's. Kris' face showed nothing as he locked eyes with her and motioned for her to come in with two fingers. She blinked in surprise, why was he letting her come in? Wasn't his whole point to keep her away? She knew after all.... she knew the real reason why he didn't want her around she thought bitterly as she let herself be pulled into the room and heard Jong In shut the door quietly behind them.

"Did you finally notice which one was missing?" An arrogant voice said from the other side.

"What do you want?"

"I already told you. I'm not a man that likes to repeat himself" He answered in a bored voice as he quietly picked at a spot on his pants.

"For one kid you want me to give up everything I've worked for? I don't think so" Kris replied quickly.

There was a small chuckle on the other side and Kris held his breath as he heard that man stand up. He took a few steps and he heard a door creak open. He could only hear, but instantly he felt dread settle deep into his chest. He heard the jingle of chains and a quiet whimper from the other line. The whimpering turned into sobs as the phone rustled closer to the source of the sound. Kris tensed as he heard something being murmured in the background.

"H-HELP ME!" A hoarse voice screamed, fear coated the voice so that it became shrill and high pitched. Despite the distortions Kris felt his stomach sink, it was Sehun.

"Still nothing? Hey kid, your dear boss over here says you’re not worth anything!" The man yelled calling Kris out on his bluff and Kris swore he would kill him in that moment. No more silly vengeance, he would kill that man with his own hands he decided.

"Let's meet. We can discuss what I 'm willing to give in"

"It's not really your choice, but I'll play along. I'll send you the date and place"

"Bring Sehun otherwise all deals are off the table. You should know why I can't trust you so I won't do anything until I verify Sehun is alive" Kris insisted.

He heard a harsh laugh on the other side before the phone line went dead. It wasn't even a few seconds longer when the phone chimed loudly with a new message. The bastard had the message drafted already. He knew he was going to pick up eventually.

“Can you go take a look at this place before tomorrow night?” Kris said quietly as he handed the phone over to Jong In.

“Yeah, I’ll bring Lay with me” He replied. There was no particular tone in his voice and yet his words still came out sounding somber.

“What are you going to do?” Tao asked.

“I don’t know” Kris snapped.

They fell silent and Min Ah studied him carefully. He was still, but she could almost see the gears turning in his mind. His fists were balled up and he looked ready to beat the crap out of someone. He glared at the phone in Jong In’s hands and took a deep breath.

“I’m not giving anything to that man. We have to get Sehun out of there as soon as we can”

“We don’t even know where to look. We have to go meet that man tomorrow and by that time the only thing we’re gonna be doing is walking into a trap” Jong In said.

“That’s not entirely true…” Tao began and everyone turned to him, “We have a place. It’s more like one of those rundown buildings no one bothers with. Some of the guys we saw at the club that night with that kid keep going in and out of there. We weren’t sure yet so we didn’t say anything but… they might be keeping Sehun there”

“We’ll go tonight” Kris said.

“Tonight? Are you crazy? Do you even have a plan?” Min Ah asked finally cutting in. What on earth did they think they were doing?

“He’s going to kill Sehun you know that as well as I do. Stay out of this Min Ah” Kris said quite seriously. There was no anger in his tone or stubbornness, just finality. Nothing she was going to say would change his mind, “Get everyone downstairs tonight’s the only chance we have since the meeting he set up is tomorrow”

“I don't think—“ Tao began nervously, seeing the flaws with their rushed  decision. The possibilities that they might end up making all of this worse for both Sehun and themselves were nearly at 100%.

"We're going to get him tonight. Both of you get everyone downstairs. I'll prepare what we need" Kris said.

Tao and Jong In exchanged a nervous glance before backing out and heading to do what they were told. Common sense and a sense of loyalty wrestled within them. Sehun was for lack of a better term the new kid. They remembered the night Kris himself had brought him in. He was an awkward kid who had stepped inside this house covered in shades of ugly purples and greens. He used to jump at the most quite of noises and though no one talked about it, they all heard him cry the entire first week he came while he locked himself in his room.

Only Kris knew what had happened to him and he wasn't telling anyone. He never spoke about the life Sehun had left behind. The life filled with pointless beatings from a father who saw nothing past the glass liquor bottle or the night when the young boy finally snapped and used said liquor bottle to put an end to his torment. It was by chance that Kris had been there. It was by chance that he saw the terrified boy holding the broken and bloody bottle and he took him away.

He didn't save him to let him die like this. He had made a promise.

“I’m coming with you” Min Ah said as soon as Jong In and Tao had stepped out of the room.

Her voice broke him from the memory replaying in his mind.

“No you’re not” He said simply as he walked over to his desk and took out a gun.

He loaded it and raised his eyes to her daring her to say something. There was a loud click that echoed around them as he slid everything in placed and held it loosely in his hands.

"I won't sugar coat this for you. We're going in to get Sehun out and I will kill anyone standing in my way and if I can, I'll find the bastard that took him in the first place and kill him myself. Do you understand? No matter how you look at it everyone going in there is coming out a murderer. You're a cop. Can you break the law like that?" He asked.

She kept her gaze on him as the harsh reality of his words sunk in. She would. She would go in and come out a murderer to keep them safe. She fought the disappointment blossoming inside her, she had made a vow when she joined the police force, but this was a monster they were dealing with. If she went in with Myungsoo and the others and someone got killed they wouldn't care because he's a criminal. In that sense it was ok... so why not here? She thought, coming up with any excuse to justify her choices.

At that moment she thought about Myungsoo for the first time in a long time and she let out a breath. How quickly she had forgotten about someone who took care of her. She glanced at Kris who was beginning to move past her, how quickly had her priorities become skewed.

“No matter what you say you don’t have the experience to do this. What? You know how to kill people or beat people that’s fine, but have you ever conducted a raid on a building. There are procedures in place with the police because they work. You run in there with guns waving you’re gonna get everyone killed”

“I don’t need your help” Kris emphasized stopping besides her and being careful to not look at her.

He realize that he couldn't take her seriously as a cop because when he looked at her she was still just the stubborn girl from all those years ago. This girl could fight? This girl could handle a gun? She could kill people now? No, his mind refused to see it. Instead all it were the possibilities of her getting hurt. He’d rather see her leave, he’d rather never see her again instead of seeing her dead.

“You do. I’m not budging on this. You need someone with experience with this type of stuff” She shot back quickly.

"If you're here the main focus will be to keep you safe" He confessed and noticing his slip of the tongue added, "Jong In and Tao will mess up only worrying about you"

"So we'll go in separately. I can take care of myself, but you guys need someone like me right now"

"If you go, can you promise them that you'll come out safe? That no matter what you won't be hurt? Because that's the only way they'll agree to let you go and I don't want to waste time yelling at them to focus" Kris insisted, they did need her help. She had always been the smart one anyways, but before he allowed her to come with he had to hear her say it.

He had to hear her say she would stay safe.

"Fine I'll tell them I promise to stay safe alright? Just accept my help" She said softly.

It was incredible to her that just because he had someone else she no longer counted as someone that he would care about. Min Ah bit her lip to keep  a barrage of questions that she had no right to ask from coming out. She wanted to know how late she had been. When had he met this girl? When did his love for her finally disappear?

“…. Fine, just do me a favor and don’t get anyone killed or that will be your responsibility" He said finally giving in.


I'm working on the second update. It's halfway done, but it'll be up in a few hours :)

EXO IS BACK THOUGH!!! I actually ended up liking Wolf. It was a complete improvement over the leaked version that caused me to weep and laugh at the same time, but yeah the MV was amazing and their album!  OMG I ordered it! I'm broke but I ordered it anyways! :DDDD Whyyy why are they so perfect especially so close to school being over. I still have my finals coming up~ I'm still hoping for that drama MV to come out!

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!