A Step Closer

Burn Away Our Memories


“Why didn’t you get the yellow flowers?” Jong In asked as he got to the back of the building where Wu Fan and Tao were waiting.

“She doesn’t like yellow” Wu Fan said as he placed a single candle on the small cupcake they had stolen from dinner the night before.

“Yes she does” The younger one said as he stomped up with a frown on his face.

“Don’t be stubborn. You’re just a little kid” He shot back though he wasn’t much older.

“Oh I knew it!” They heard an excited voice squeal behind them.

“You let her follow you!” Tao yelled.

“What are you doing here?!” Jong In asked in shock.

Min Ah ignored the question as she ran up to them. Her eyes sparkling in happiness as she stared at the small cupcake with the single candle on top. She glanced at Wu Fan, who looked away shyly, his cheeks reddening as she grinned in happiness.



Min Ah walked silently behind Myungsoo. Woohyun had gone ahead and now they were left in an uncomfortable silence as they headed to the hospital room Jong In was supposed to be in. She stared at the back of Myungsoo’s shoes as they got closer and closer wondering if he was still there when Woohyun ran out, nervous and wide eyed.

“He’s not there anymore! They said he checked out this morning!” He said in a panic.

Their footsteps came to a halt and they both stopped. She raised her gaze, partly relieved Jong In was gone and partly nervous as she watched the muscles in Myungsoo’s back tense and his back straighten out.

“I thought he wasn’t allowed to be released for another week” He said in a low and emotionless tone.

Fear ran down Woohyun’s spine as he looked past him to meet Min Ah’s apologetic gaze.

“H-he wasn’t. He shouldn’t have been!” He stuttered, unsure of what to do.

Myungsoo opened his mouth to say something and closed it immediately. There was a flood of anger and rage coursing through him, but he decided to stay quiet just this once. Because he knew not all of it was simple rage at Woohyun’s incompetence, part of it was also because of her. Being so uncomfortable around her was strange and foreign to him and it annoyed him to no end. It had been a few days already, she should have taken back what she said.

But she hadn’t and that put him on edge. So with a clenched jaw to keep anything else from escaping his lips he turned around and walked away, making sure to avoid her eyes. Woohyun stepped forward, ready to go after his boss and explain that it wasn’t his fault when Min Ah stepped in his way.

“He’s furious, if he didn’t even yell at us then you know it’s serious. Just let him blow some steam off. We lost a big lead today” She explained, feeling guilty despite her relief.

“I swear the doctor told me another week” Wohyun began again and she nodded.

“It’s not your fault” She said, knowing it was really all her.

“I should have stayed…. Damn it alright I’m going back maybe there’s something to tell us where he’s going” He said, more to himself than to her as he turned and left.

Min Ah sighed and ran a hand through her hair tiredly as she turned and faced the direction Myungsoo had gone. She looked down and bit her lip, part of her wanted to go after and talk to him, but he probably didn’t want to see her either. Besides, having to lie to his face… she was too much of a coward for that she thought as she decided to go home and wait for Jong In to contact her.


Maybe he had run away.

The thought had crossed her mind a million times as she glanced at her clock and paced around her living room. It was nearing midnight and there was still no word from Jong In. He should have been here by now. She made sure he had her address so where was he? Would he really leave without even letting her know he wasn’t coming? She was about to lose hope when her doorbell went off. She ran to the door and pulled it open, smiling brightly when she saw Jong In standing there.

“I came to say thanks” He said after a moment hesitation.

She stepped to the side and motioned for him to come in. He looked away and wearily walked in. Min Ah tried to think of what to say, she had so many questions, but she had no idea where to begin and she didn’t want to get pushy.

“What are you going to do now?” She asked cautiously as she walked casually and got him a warm cup of coffee.

“…Nothing really. I’m probably going back to China” He said awkwardly, aware of the fact that despite everything, she still worked for the police.

“I… want to come with you” She blurted out as she placed the steaming cup in front of him.

Jong In froze and looked up at her.

“Absolutely not” He snapped, looking down and glaring at the dark liquid in the cup.

“Why not?” She asked with a frown.

“He doesn’t want to see you Min Ah” Jong In said bluntly, her sudden silence making him pity her, “He’s been bitter all this time that you never came back like you promised”

“I couldn’t! The people who adopted me took me overseas! I couldn’t leave them after all they did for me!” She explained, her fists clenching at her sides.

“He wouldn’t care about that. The damage’s been done” He said with a shrug and took a large gulp of the coffee.

“I have to see him Jong In… I’ve been looking for you guys for so long. Let me explain it to him in person” She whispered.

“Stop it. I came to thank you, but that’s it. I can’t do anything more. Especially if it means telling someone who works for the police where we stay. Are you crazy?” He said seriously as he stood up and faced her stubbornly.

“Fine” She said firmly, the mist in her eyes betraying her feelings as she looked away, “I got you a new passport, it’s fake, but it’s made by the best in the country. You can leave with that” She said as she headed to her room.

“You don’t really expect me to believe you’re giving up just like that, do you?”

“I get it Jong In and you’re right about something. I can’t give up my life here for someone who hates me and won’t forgive me. It’s enough to know you guys are alive” She said quietly.

“Why are you doing all this?” He asked.

“I would fight this more, but every second longer you’re here you’re in danger of being caught. You need to get out so this is the only way” She said.

Jong In held her gaze searching for any lies and relaxed when he couldn’t detect any. He nodded in agreement at her choice. It was definitely better this way. As much as he had been initially glad to see her, she brought back too many memories with her. He was slightly ashamed that he was relieved to be able to walk away. He had just finished reflecting over that thought when there was a loud pounding on the door. He froze as he heard a clatter and saw Min Ah run out of her room, her eyes wide as they both stilled and another pound made them jump.

She ran forward and grabbed Jong In’s shoes and grabbed him tightly by the arm as she shoved him into her bedroom.

“Don’t you dare come out or say one word” She snapped.

“Who the hell is here this late?!” He hissed.

“Not one word!” She hissed back, knowing full well who it was at the door.

With a groan she went to her door and pulled it open. Mysungsoo stood leaning against the door frame, eyes semi closed and arms slumped at his side. Min Ah stood nervously as she tried to think about things that she could say to get him out of here. He stumbled forward, losing his balance for a moment as he crashed into her, his chin digging into the crook of her neck as he pushed himself upright. She placed her hands on his chest, trying to steady him as the strong smell of liquor poured off of him. She shut the door with her foot and helped him over to the couch.

“Let…go of…. me” Myungsoo muttered as he angrily ripped his arm form her hold and fell to the ground a few feet away from the couch.

“What are you doing here? Tell me you didn’t drive” She said worriedly as she bent down and reached for him.

“What do you care?” He mumbled tilting his head back and struggling to get up.

Min Ah sighed as she pushed away his hands and reached for him anyways, finally managing to get him into a standing position. He turned suddenly and wrapped his arms around her. She tensed as he squeezed her tightly, burying his face in her hair.

“Why are you doing this to me……?” He whispered.

“Get off Myungsoo” She said evenly, refusing to feel sorry for him while he was drunk. He knew she hated it when he was like this.

“Are you bored with me?” He asked, his face void of any emotions for a second before he stepped back and collapsed onto the couch, “I just can’t understand why all of the sudden you seem to hate me”

“I’m calling you a cab” She said, suddenly very aware of who was standing only a few feet away behind a thin wooden door.

“Now you won’t even talk to me about it?! What is wrong with you Min Ah? Ever since we got back from our last mission you’ve been distant towards me! And I… Don’t want a cab!” He yelled angrily as his frustration reached it breaking point and he swung his arm out, hitting the coffee cup sitting on the table and sending it flying to the side.

It crashed loudly against the walls and glass bits sprayed out. Min Ah hissed in pain as one flew by and scratched her leg. She winced as she looked down and a few droplets of blood started to fall from it.

Jong In jumped in place once he heard the crash. He was nervous as he placed his hand on the doorknob and hesitated. What if someone was attacking her though? The thought of her getting hurt was too nagging so he settled for at least opening the door an inch and peeking out.

“You’re bleeding” Myungsoo said as he pushed himself up and went over to her.

“Stop it you’re gonna step on glass!” She screamed once she saw him move.

“I’m sorry” He said as he kept going and she quickly picked up a shard of glass on the ground and placed it on the edge of the table, “I didn’t mean it” He whispered as he walked up to her and crouched down, carefully grabbing the napkin on the edge of the table and dabbing at the small cut on her leg.

“I’m fine” She said quietly as she placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him away.

Myungsoo frowned and stood up. He faced her only a few inches away and grabbed her chin firmly. A flash of annoyance ran through her and his frown deepened, why had she changed so quickly?

“I just want to know why” He whispered.

She looked away for a second before looking back at him. What could she say? That she had found the one person she had truly loved all this time? That she cared about him, but not in the same way? Even to her, it sounded all too cruel.

“Please go home” She said quietly.

Jong In watched in shock as the man who had put him in the hospital walked over to Min Ah. A trickle of automatic fear ran down his spine as he recalled that day. He frowned as he saw him whisper something to her and her face changed from annoyed to a more gentle expression. His mind pieced things together when he saw that man lean forward after she said something and kiss her. They had that type of relationship then… Jong In noted with a sick feeling in his stomach, at this rate she was better off following him back to China.

He had a bad feeling about that man. He just wasn’t a good man, Jong In knew that at least.

Min Ah froze as his lips touched hers gently before he pulled back and gently pushed a strand of hair away. He looked sad and she felt another stab of guilt course through her.

“Do you need me to call you a cab?” She said lamely as she stepped back and pretended he hadn’t just kissed her.

“No” He said, his voice strained with unsaid words as he turned and went to her door.

She followed behind him and froze as he paused. He didn’t say anything for a second before nodding to himself and walking out the door without another word to her. She picked up the rest of the glass pieces and put them in the trash before heading to her room.

“Who was that?” Jong In asked as she walked in, his expression serious.

“A confused friend” She said quietly as she walked over to the envelope she had thrown on her bed when Myungsoo had interrupted them, “There’s a boat ticket to China in there along with your new identity. It should be enough to get you on the boat and out of here. Board around three minutes before the final call. It’s one of the most crowded trips so you’ll get in quick and when it’s all packed. It might be a hassle, but you won’t get caught” She explained quickly as she placed the envelope in his hands.

“Is he your boyfriend?” He asked, not letting the subject go.

“Not anymore. Anyways, you should probably wait a few more minutes before leaving. There’s money in the envelope and the boat doesn’t leave for another two days so rent a small hotel room and stay there”

“You broke up with him, but he’s still coming here like that?”

“It’s complicated and you’re leaving so it’s really none of your business” She snapped, a hint of bitterness threading its way out.

“You’re right” He agreed as he watched her take a seat and stare at the coffee stain on the ground.

She had been told twice now that the person she was searching for wouldn’t want to see her and yet she refused to give up. Was this all stupid? But she knew she couldn’t leave things like this. Not when she was so close. She snuck a glance at Jong In who was looking through the paperwork she had handed to him. She had already turned in her petition for a 2 week vacation and her suitcase was packed in the back of her closet.

She had already known Jong In would disagree to her coming along, so if following him was her only option that’s what she would do.


Hi again! Sorry for taking so long to finally get an update out! But it's here at least :)

Thanks for reading! ^^

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Wow! Thanks for all the comments guys!!! I'm really glad to read that you guys are enjoying the new chapters! :D


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LittleAsianNinja #1
Chapter 42: This was so amazing! I really hope Luhan doesn't shot himself and I really hope that Myungsoo realizes that he's being an obsessive monster. I'm so happy that Kris finally told her he loves her!!!
I hope Luhan doesn't kill himself though. & Seriously Myungsoo shot Kris!!! He needs to know that after that I don't think she is going to forgive him that easily. He needa to give up on he too because this is kinda turning into an obsession or being very possesive (but it can go either way) that he can't control.
pinkgirl #3
Chapter 42: OMG! I can't believe Myungsoo shot WuFan after Min Ah asked him not to! I'm so happy that WuFan has finally told Min Ah that he loved her! I'm so happy that it was WuFan that saved Min Ah! I really hope that he's able to start a new life and maybe just maybe he can finally have a new life with Min Ah again <3. I hope that the two of them are able to be happy and together!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 42: oh god... Myungsoo StOP you're turning into a psycho... You can't guilt trip someone into loving you and being with you -_-
yunjae_OTP #6
Chapter 40: I'm assuming that the girl that was tortured and killed before min Jun started on minah was Luhans girlfriend.... It seems likely but... Eh
Chapter 40: WHAT OMG LUHAN I CANT </3
unicornwhisperer #8
phoenix24 #9
Chapter 38: OMG Finally UPDATE!! Have been waiting for this so long T_T
Thank you so much just read through 3 chapter in a go ..
Chapter 34: I swear if it's Luhan I'm just gonna be disappointed!